Zhang Yu, Zhu Jiuzhen, and Yizhimei ran towards the back of Jinlong, and fierce gunshots were heard in the stone room at the same time.

Among the three, Iljimae was the fastest and took the lead to rush behind the golden dragon. Ji Bing and Hou Xuan were standing there eavesdropping. When they heard the thunder, they were happy and thought that the two sides were taking action. As a result, the two of them realized that something was wrong. When they saw Yizhimei's figure running towards her, Hou Xuan grabbed Yizhimei's clothes with quick hands and eyes. Hou Xuan cursed: "What are you doing here?"

"Run quickly, it's too late if you don't run anymore." Iljimae struggled with his hands and feet, shouting, but he could not escape Hou Xuan's hand.

At this moment, Zhang Yu and Zhu Jiuzhen also rushed over. It was pitch dark after the Golden Dragon, and they could only roughly see each other's shadows. Zhang Yu didn't see Yi Zhimei being caught by Hou Xuan, so he just said: "Run, run."

The Zhu Jiu beside him was really strong, so of course no one could catch him. Zhu Jiu really rushed forward and rushed to the entrance of the cave. No matter how dark it was below, he just stepped in.

Zhu Jiuzhen's legs were too long, and the cave was too dark. He was so anxious that he couldn't choose his way. When he stepped down, there were two steps. When his feet were empty, he fell down with a "plop", "all over."

"Brother!" Zhang Yu shouted, and people rushed in.

The little devils used armor-piercing bullets. How could Zhang Yu dare to delay? It was such a dark place and he had to run. He staggered and almost rolled down like Zhu Jiuzhen.

When Ji Bing and Hou Xuan saw them running away, they immediately realized something was wrong.

"Chug, chug, chug." "chug, chug, chug."

The gunshots were even more intense, and the shouts were getting closer and closer. In the darkness, the sparks burst out, making the Golden Dragon Queen's light flicker.

"What should I do?" Ji Bing shouted anxiously.

While Hou Xuan was thinking about it, Yizhimai, who was caught by him, suddenly jumped forward and took the opportunity to escape from his grasp.

Iljimae got directly into the hole and ran down quickly.

Only then did Hou Xuan react and hurriedly shouted: "Run! Run!"

The two of them didn't care about that, and quickly rushed into the cave entrance and fled downwards.

The two of them entered the hole with their front legs, and the little devil rushed behind the golden dragon with his hind legs.

"Chug tug tug tug.".

First, they fired randomly. When they found out that no one was behind them, they immediately rushed to the entrance of the cave. Four little devils fired downwards with submachine guns.

"Chug, chug, chug." "chug, chug, chug."

The sound of gunfire rang out in the cave, and the sound was extremely clear, which made the people in the cave even more panicked.

The cave was already dark. When Ji Bing and Hou Xuan heard the gunfire, they stumbled and fell down.

"Thump thump thump thump." "Thump thump thump thump."

In fact, Zhang Yu in front was not much better. He was stumbling before, but now he heard the fierce gunshots and a garlic clove rolled down under his feet.

"Everything, everything, everything."

Among the five people, except Yizhimei, all rolled down.

Needless to say, rolling is indeed faster than running. Zhang Yu and Zhu Jiuzhen had magic talismans to protect themselves, but when they rolled out of the cave below, their heads were dizzy.

Zhang Yu thought that although he had encountered danger before, he had never been so embarrassed.

The two of them had just come down, and before they could even take a few breaths, Iljimae followed them down.

"Are you two okay?" After Yizhimei came down, she came to Zhang Yu's side.

"It's okay." Zhang Yu said reluctantly.

Now I feel dizzy and unable to speak.

Within three seconds, another "plop-plop" sound was heard, and two more people rolled down.

These two are naturally Ji Bing and Hou Xuan. The two of them didn't have magic talismans to protect themselves. They rolled down all the way and relied on their bodies to hold on. Since they were both masters, ordinary people would probably have died from the fall.

They were both dizzy from the fall. Ji Bing's forehead was red, her cheekbones were blue, and there was no place on her body that didn't hurt.

"Uh" Ji Bing gritted his teeth and glanced at Zhang Yu next to him.

As soon as she saw Zhang Yu, she felt angry and evil in her heart, and she wanted to tear Zhang Yu apart.

"You bastard! You dare to tease me, I'll kill you!" Ji Bing shouted, raised his hand, and struggled to pounce on Zhang Yu.

But at this moment, there was a sudden "dang-dang-dang" sound, which happened to come from the cave.

"It's a grenade!" Zhu Jiuzhen reacted first, shouted, and immediately rolled to the right.

When Zhang Yu heard this, he used all his strength and rolled sideways.

Ji Bing didn't care about settling the score with Zhang Yu, and rolled hard to the left. Hou Xuan was so fast that his body bounced off the ground, like a toad, and jumped to the right.

Not to mention Yizhimae, who was faster, jumped up and down next to Zhu Jiuzhen, and lay down on the ground.


A violent explosion sounded at the entrance of the cave.

As soon as the voice fell, Zhu Jiuzhen jumped up, grabbed Zhang Yu, and said eagerly: "Brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Zhang Yu gasped.

"Let's go!" Zhu Jiuzhen picked up Zhang Yu and ran to the right.

Iljimae followed, running faster.

Seeing them running to the right, Ji Bing and Hou Xuan wanted to chase them, but the sound of "dang-dang-dang" sounded one after another in the cave.

Immediately afterwards, another explosion sounded, "Boom", "Boom", "Boom".

The two of them couldn't care less about catching Zhang Yu. In panic, they rolled to the left.

There were continuous explosions, and at least twenty grenades were thrown down.

When the explosions stopped, the three Zhang Yus were no longer visible.

Ji Bing and Hou Xuan finally got up from the ground. Ji Bing looked at Hou Xuan and said bitterly: "What the hell, he let this kid get killed! He shouldn't have been let up just now! What should we do now?"

Judging from her tone, she was obviously complaining that Hou Xuan had just been too cautious and let Zhang Yu and the others go up.

"Is it wrong for me to let them go up there? You have to know that those islanders have been waiting up there. If we kill them down below, they will also become targets for the islanders when we go up. Let them be targets, at least Let us know the situation above." Hou Xuan disagreed with Ji Bing's words, but said rather proudly.

"It's as if you knew in advance that there was an ambush from the island nation." Ji Bing curled his lips and said bitterly.

"That's also because I am cautious. Otherwise, we will be in trouble." Hou Xuan said again.

"Okay, I won't argue with you about this. Then tell me, what should we do now?" Ji Bing asked.

"Let's go over there and hide first." Hou Xuan pointed to the left.

"Aren't you going to chase them?" Ji Bing asked in confusion.

"What's the use of chasing them?" Hou Xuan said: "These islanders will definitely come down. Even if we catch up with them and kill them, our vitality will be damaged. Wouldn't it be an advantage for those islanders? What I mean is , let those island countries fight with them first, and we will benefit later."

"This is a good idea. Let's hide for a while, wait until they finish fighting, and then come out to clean up the mess!" After Ji Bing finished speaking, he clenched his fists tightly.

At that moment, the two of them did not follow the same path as Zhang Yu and the others, but ran in the opposite direction.

Besides, in the stone chamber above, Ribian was staring at Yang Huanzhang for interrogation. He didn't care at all about the gunfire.

Hearing that Yang Huanzhang also said that a man and a woman killed the four astrologers, he was a little confused and asked: "You said that a man and a woman killed so many of us, then let me ask you, why are you still alive? ? Those two people don’t know you, so how can they show mercy to you? "

"Yeah, it's not that we were merciful. In fact, we were not all dead. Those two people were very powerful. The air flow they released knocked us unconscious. When we woke up, the Onmyoji and the others were all dead because inside It was all foggy, and those of us who survived couldn't stay there forever, so we were ready to find a way out, but before we went far, we met the man just now. He beat the rest to death, leaving me behind. Yang Huanzhang said slowly.

These words are quite reasonable and more reliable than what Zhang Yu said.

Mr. Hibebe thought for a while and said: "A man and a woman. If these two people took away the treasure here, how could they not come out now?"

Having said this, he stared at Yang Huanzhang again, "Don't lie to me. Otherwise, I will make your life worse than death!"

Yang Huanzhang looked very scared and said tremblingly: "I, how dare I lie to you. Everything I said is true."

While he was talking, a man wearing a suit and holding a submachine gun walked up to Hibe. He whispered in island Mandarin: "Hibe-kun, everyone has run away."

"I heard that the shooting was quite lively. Isn't it possible that no one was killed?" Mr. Hibe said in a deep voice in the island Mandarin.

"The specific situation is unclear, but we found that there were more than three people there." The man in the suit said.

"More than three? How many more are there?" Mr. Hibe asked.

"We can't be sure about this, but we heard a woman's voice." The man in the suit said.

"There really is a woman." Mr. Hibe muttered, seeming to be thinking about what to do.

The man in the suit didn't dare to say anything, he just stood aside and waited.

There are quite a few islanders in the stone room, including more than forty. Most of them were holding guns, and there were ten others wearing black ninja uniforms and red ninja uniforms.

After a while, Mr. Hibe looked at Yang Huanzhang on the ground and said coldly: "There shouldn't be any other way out below, right?"

"It seems not." Yang Huanzhang said truthfully.

"There's no food and water, right?" Mr. Hibe asked again.

"Anyway, not much," Yang Huanzhang said slowly.

"Hehehehe." Mr. Hibe sneered and said: "How long can they hold on without food and water? In this place, there is no mobile phone signal, and there will definitely be no reinforcements coming from them. Let's just wait here. I want to Let’s see how long they can stay here.”

"Hey!" The man in a suit next to him immediately nodded in agreement.

Ajiu also said: "Mr. Hibe is really smart. In this case, the longer the time is delayed, the more disadvantageous it will be to them. When they are hungry and can't bear it anymore, they will come up. At that time, we will wait for work, and we will be more sure to deal with them. !”

Hearing what Mr. Ribian said, Yang Huanzhang secretly frowned. In this case, Zhang Yu and the others would definitely be trapped alive below.

It's impossible to charge up. After all, this cave is for one man and no one can open it. The little devil is holding a submachine gun. No matter how powerful Zhang Yu and the others are, they probably can't stop him.

However, Yang Huanzhang had no other choice. He was also a clay Buddha and could not protect himself when crossing the river.

Mr. Hibe, lowered his head again and looked at the magical weapons scattered on the ground.

He bent down and picked up a long sword, stretched out his hand to flick it, and then said: "This sword is not bad."

As he spoke, he looked at Yang Huanzhang again and asked, "They got these things from below."

"Yes." Yang Huanzhang immediately agreed, and then he added with a thought: "There is an underground palace down there, and there are many antiques in it. But I heard from the person named Zhang that these things are all magic weapons and there is also a Something even weirder."

"Something even weirder," Mr. Hinata became curious, "What is it?"

"There is a book and a pen in the palace, and these two things are still shining with gold. When we went there, although it was obvious that some things had been taken away, these two conspicuous things were still there. . The man named Zhang reached out to take it, but he was shocked. Yes, he was shocked. It seemed that he couldn't take it at all." Yang Huanzhang said.

Most of what he said was true, but a little was false, and it was also based on Zhang Yu's words.

"There is such a thing in this world. It seems that there is indeed a mystery hidden underneath," Mr. Hibe said slowly.

"There's a lot of evil going on down here, can you give me a sip of water?" Yang Huanzhang said in a flattering tone.

"Give him water." Mr. Hinata immediately made a gesture.

A man dressed in the back could not run out immediately. He quickly came in with a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Yang Huanzhang.

Yang Huanzhang took the mineral water, unscrewed it, and drank the whole bottle of water in one gulp, as if he had not drank water for many years.

After drinking, he burped, but looked very satisfied and comfortable.

"You said there is an evil sect down there, what kind of evil sect is it?" Mr. Hibe asked at this moment.

"Down here, it was all foggy at first and you couldn't see anything. Later, the fog disappeared all of a sudden. They said that someone broke the formation mechanism inside, especially the underground palace. It gave people a special feeling. Mysterious. It seems that there are many mechanisms hidden inside. I saw at that time that there were gaps in the walls on both sides, like there were secret doors. At that time, their target was on the treasure. I was also worried that there was any danger inside, so I didn't Tell them, I just want to come out as soon as possible." Yang Huanzhang started to talk nonsense.

The old man didn't give it in vain. He had a clear mind and asked the little devil to guard him here. Regardless of whether Zhang Yu and the others lived or died, he would definitely die too. If these people go down, things may not be right.

Maybe if he fights, he will easily lose his life, but after all, there is a glimmer of hope.

"There are mechanisms down there..." Hinata muttered, then turned around and said to a black-clothed ninja in Japanese: "Abe, come here and see, what's the value of these things?"

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