Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2060 Mechanism Assembly

Nishizawa Kojiro's screams seemed extremely painful and shrill.

The leg bone was kicked violently and broken in an instant, which no one else could bear. However, his screams soon weakened and became hoarse.

The laughter before was already unbearable for him, and since he didn't drink water, no one else could bear it.

Zhang Yu and others naturally had no intention of paying attention to him. Zhang Yu just stared ahead.

After observing the four skeletons in front, it was impossible to determine how long these people had been dead.

But looking around the skeleton, there are several magical weapons lying on each side.

Zhang Yu walked slowly over. Beside the nearest corpse, there were two peach wood swords on the left and right. There are golden dragon patterns on the red peach wood sword, and golden runes on the hilt. This is rare. Most peach wood swords have runes or simple patterns on the sword body, and there is no mention of dragon patterns.

Zhang Yu bent down and picked up the peach wood sword. He could immediately feel that the sword was still filled with rich spiritual energy. Obviously, this peach wood sword is a very powerful magic weapon. Not only that, it should also be a pair.

Taoists use peach wood swords in a wide range of ways. Basically, all Taoists use peach wood swords. But peach wood swords rarely come in pairs, and these two peach wood swords turned out to be a pair.

This time when he went out, he did not bring the Jiuxuan Mirror with him. Zhang Yu could not fully grasp the use of these pair of peach wood swords. In addition, since he was injured, it was inconvenient to test it on the spot, so he had to leave it alone for now.

He then walked towards the next skeleton. This skeleton was a bit more miserable. There were seven poisonous arrows stuck in its body alone, and there were several more around it. At that time, not to mention thousands of arrows piercing the heart, it was estimated that he had received at least a dozen arrows.

Next to the skeleton, there is a mourning stick. Usually, the mourning stick is just hung with some white cloth and nothing else. The so-called mourning stick, also known as the mourning stick, was invented at the time. In fact, it had no special significance. It was just because the filial son was worried that the filial son would be too sad and fall down when sending it.

But on this mourning stick, in addition to the white cloth, there are also several bells tied to it. Zhang Yu picked up the mourning stick and could hear the sound of "ring, ring, ring" from the bell.

Listening to the sound, there was nothing special about it, but Zhang Yu could feel that there was an evil aura on the mourning stick.

It is not difficult to imagine that ordinary people would take this kind of thing. Neither the Buddhists nor the Taoists would use this as a magical weapon. Usually people who use this kind of thing are quite evil.

Not far in front of this skeleton, there was another skeleton lying there. Zhang Yu walked over to check it out. The skeleton is also completely black, and there is a black chain next to it. Next to the chain, there is a black token. The token is black on the outside, with a white circle in the middle, and inside the white circle is a red word "order".

Zhang Yu reached out and picked up the token, and immediately he could feel that there was an evil aura on the token, which was similar to the mourning stick in his hand.

He handed the token to his left hand, held it together, and then picked up the black chain. There is also an evil aura on this chain, giving the impression that these three things are a set.

Although Zhang Yu has never seen such a magical weapon, it is easier for people to think of it. It looks like there are two guys on TV who use this kind of thing. Yes, these two guys are the legendary ones - black and white.

Of course, if there really is something black and white in the underworld, it is impossible to die here. It can be said categorically that these two guys probably liked to play tricks during their lifetimes. But it is not difficult to see from these two evil magic weapons that the two of them are by no means just ordinary people.

Zhu Jiuzhen and the others followed Zhang Yu, not daring to act rashly. Zhang Yu handed these things to Zhu Jiuzhen, and then walked towards the last skeleton.

The skeleton was the closest to the stone wall, and there were many arrows stuck in the skeleton, as many as five. Beside the skeleton, there were several arrows and an iron wheel.

When walking over, Zhang Yu could already see clearly the stone wall in front of him.

There is nothing special about the smooth side of this stone wall, except for the outline of a disk directly opposite the skeleton.

The size of the disk should be at least one square. The disk looks like a gossip, but it doesn't look like it. The most important thing is that the disk seems to be rotating slowly.

Zhang Yu looked at it while walking forward. Soon, he came to the skeleton first, squatted down and looked at it for a few times, but he couldn't see any difference between the skeleton and others. They were all black and died of poisoning. Zhang Yu picked up the iron wheel next to the skeleton. The aura on it was a little different. Although it also had spiritual energy, it carried a vast Buddhist aura, which was similar to the Buddhist magical artifacts Zhang Yu saw in Leiming Temple.

This kind of iron wheel is definitely not a Taoist magic weapon, but probably a Buddhist one. Looking at the patterns on the iron wheel further proved Zhang Yu's guess. The circle around the iron wheel is engraved in Sanskrit.

Zhang Yu couldn't see this, so he handed the iron wheel to Iljimae to hold first, and he followed towards the stone wall.

After taking a few steps to the stone wall, I could see it more clearly this time. That's right, the disc is embedded in the stone wall, and it keeps rotating slowly. On the disk, there are many small balls, almost forty in number. There are slides around each ball, and each one seems to be connected. In the middle of the disk, there is a circular groove. It seems that every small ball can enter this groove.

"This disk is moving. What does it do?" Iljimae couldn't help but ask when she saw the disk.

"This seems to be the mechanism assembly here." Zhang Yu said.

Others may not understand it, but Zhang Yu has already understood it. The small balls on the disk are similar to the simple picture I drew. To be precise, it should be similar to the red dot picture on the suicide note, or even 99% consistent.

Zhang Yu had previously asserted that this place was always rotating. Seeing this disk, he was even more sure.

Zhang Yu had seen similar mechanisms in the labyrinth of Haimen Mountain, but this difficulty seemed too great. He took two more steps forward, getting closer to the disk. He was vaguely sure that in order to break the mechanism, he needed to move a certain small ball here into the groove in the middle.

Zhu Jiuzhen was also beside him. At this moment, he said: "Brother, if I see it right, this is a trap. If you want to leave here, you must break this trap."

"That's right. I think so too." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

After saying that, he subconsciously raised his hand and thought about which ball to move.

However, Zhu Jiuzhen put the magic weapon in his hand on the ground, took a few steps forward, and walked directly to the stone wall.

I saw him putting his ear close to the stone wall, as if listening to something.

Only then did Zhang Yu remember that Zhu Jiu was really the descendant of the mechanism gate. Although it was a formation here, there were also mechanisms.

He wanted to see if Zhu Jiu could really discover anything, so he didn't say anything and just waited quietly.

Zhu Jiu really listened for four or five minutes before he moved his head away from the stone wall and took a step back. He looked at Zhang Yu and said, "Brother, it seems to me that the inside of this wall is probably empty, and there are hidden arrows hidden in it."

"So, the only way to do it is to open the mechanism on the roulette wheel. You can't do it forcefully." Zhang Yu said.

In fact, Zhang Yu could vaguely determine this through the skeletons he had seen before.

Those five skeletons were all pierced to death by random arrows, and the arrows were also poisoned. It can be seen from the magic weapon that these people are not given for free, and they are obviously masters if they can find this place.

"Forcing it will definitely not work. Not only that," Zhu Jiuzhen pointed at the disc and said: "There is also this mechanism, and you must not make a mistake. If I guess correctly, I only have one chance to open the mechanism. Wrong If you do, it will still lead to hidden arrows here."

"One chance." Zhang Yu took a deep breath and subconsciously turned his head to look at the skeleton behind him.

These people are all masters, and they have even been pierced to death by hidden arrows. Although I, the few of them, are close to the gods, they may not be able to block the hidden arrows here, and I am afraid they are not sure.

After all, the hidden arrows here are not ordinary bows and arrows. They are quite poisonous. Maybe they need some formation to activate them.

"Brother, there are a lot of small balls here. And there are slides next to each one, and the paths taken by the slides are also different. There is only one chance, and the probability is less than one percent." Zhu Jiuzhen said with some worry. said.

"I understand, don't worry. If I'm not sure, I won't take action rashly." Zhang Yu said solemnly.

He also understood that the mechanisms here were ultimately different from those in the maze. The traps in the maze, even if you make a mistake, will not trigger any hidden weapons. But here, there is no room for mistakes.

After saying this, Zhang Yu looked at the rotating disk more carefully.

While looking at the disk, he recalled the dots drawn on the suicide note. Zhang Yu can be sure that the entire layout here should be based on the red dots on the suicide note.

Relying on this, you can find the Dongtian Villa; relying on this, you can come here smoothly; relying on this, you can even open the mechanism on the roulette wheel.

But the problem is, there are so many red dots on the suicide note, and there seems to be no special mark on which one can open the mechanism.

There are more than thirty small balls, each of which has several tracks that can move to the groove at the center point. This probability is probably even one in a thousand.

After watching for a while, Zhang Yu had an idea in his mind. Although there were more than thirty small balls, in the final analysis, they had to find them from Gen Wei. There are only four or five small balls in one direction. Once determined, the probability will inevitably increase. In particular, the probability of a small ball on the living door is extremely high, and nine times out of ten it is the location of the trap.

Zhang Yu was very happy to want this place.

There are a total of eight directions on the disk, but there is a slight difficulty. This is that there are no words written on it, and it keeps rotating slowly.

If the roulette wheel is fixed, of course you can tell at a glance which one is Gen and which is Shengmen. However, the roulette wheel keeps moving, God knows which one.

You must know that the points in the directions of the Gate of Life, the Gate of Death, and the Gate of Scenery are actually the same. Now the difficulty has been lowered, but the chance is only one in eight at best.

Zhang Yu raised his hand, undecided in his mind. But soon, his eyes lit up, "Yes."

Although the eight directions are difficult to distinguish on the surface, I have just made a sketch showing the location of the eight doors, and there are other red dots in each direction. Each of these points is different, and you can completely judge which one is the living door through the points.

Zhang Yu's sketch didn't actually contain all the points, but he was able to get here with this picture. It would be much easier to determine the position of Gen on the roulette wheel and the gate of life.

Soon, Zhang Yu found his bearings.

"Here. Yes, this is the Shengmen." Zhang Yu's finger slowly turned to the top ball.

After confirming the location of the ball, Zhang Yu hesitated again.

Because there are several tracks next to the ball, which are enough for the ball to slide into the groove through several routes. Which route is it?

"Which one? Which one will it be?"

Zhang Yu murmured in his heart that these routes were really impossible to determine.

His hand slowly moved to the groove at the center, followed the track on the groove, and slowly moved towards the small ball where the gate of life was, recalling in his mind the route he had taken when he came here.

It’s impossible to say exactly how we got here. It can be said that we went through many twists and turns. After a while, Zhang Yu's head felt a little big.

Zhu Jiuzhen, Yizhimei and Yang Huanzhang didn't make a sound. It was so quiet here that they seemed to be able to hear each other's heartbeats.

Everyone is very nervous, and everyone understands that this final decision is related to everyone's life and death.

But similarly, only Zhang Yu is the most reliable among them. The choice made by Zhang Yu has a higher probability of success.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang"

Zhang Yu could hear his heart beating irregularly and loudly.

"Which one! Which one is it?"

Zhang Yu felt that he was being tortured crazy by these routes, and he didn't want to continue to be tortured like this.

Instead of doing this, it is better to fight.

Zhang Yu glanced at Zhu Jiuzhen, Yizhimei and Yang Huanzhang who were standing on both sides, and said solemnly: "I am not 100% sure about the mechanism. You should retreat now, stay away from here, and then lie down on the ground. I will stay alone. Turn it on here!"

"I won't leave!" Zhu Jiuzhen said directly as soon as Zhang Yu's voice fell.

"Brother, you..." Zhang Yu looked at Zhu Jiuzhen.

Zhu Jiuzhen grinned and said nonchalantly: "We brothers swear to live and die together. If you die, then I will die too. It's no big deal."

Iljimae also said, "I'm not leaving either."

"Why are you?" Zhang Yu looked at Yizhimei again.

"It's not all thanks to you that I can walk here alive. To be honest, if you were to die now, I probably wouldn't be able to survive either. Instead of lingering here and suffering, it's better to have a good time." Iljimae said with a grin.

"That's true. Then I'll be here to accompany you. Anyway, I'm so old. If we die together, I will take advantage." Yang Huanzhang actually laughed too.

"Ha" Zhang Yu felt a warmth in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face. He said carelessly: "Okay, then we will live and die together!"

In fact, everyone also understood that if Zhang Yu really triggered the machine and died, no one would be able to get out and everyone would die. It would be better to have a happy death than to suffer to death.

At this moment, Zhang Yu's hand slowly moved toward the small ball on the door. His finger touched the ball, and he immediately found a route to move to the center point.

But at this moment, his heart trembled suddenly, "That's not right!"

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