Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2043 Dao Tribulation

Zhang Yu returned to Sanqing Temple, first after arriving at Yaowang Hall. The little girl Zhang Yinling was still waiting there. When she saw him coming, she immediately went up to him and said, "It's late at night, what are you doing out there?"

"I have something to do at the moment and I have to go back to my country. You have to go back with me." Zhang Yu said.

You've been out for so long, the little girl should have had enough fun. I have to go back now, for fear that if I leave this girl behind, she might cause some trouble.

Then, Zhang Yinling immediately shook her head, "I won't go back."

"I'm about to leave. If you don't go back, why are you staying?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I" Zhang Yinling hesitated for a moment. She couldn't say that she hadn't had enough fun, but this girl was also smart and immediately came up with an excuse and said: "I have to stay and teach them Tai Chi. Look at them, they haven't learned it yet. .I am gone now, who will teach them?”

"This" Zhang Yu was speechless for a moment, wasn't he? He hadn't fully learned it yet, let alone others.

"Ring ring ring"

At this moment, the mobile phone in Zhang Yinling's pocket rang.

This girl was not wearing a robe and was wearing casual casual clothes at night. She took out her mobile phone and looked at it, and immediately puffed up her cheeks. It can be seen that he is not in a good mood.

But she still answered, "Hey, what's going on?"

"What do you think?" A middle-aged man's voice sounded on the phone.

"Dad!" Zhang Yinling exclaimed, and then stammered: "You, why did you use my senior brother's phone? Where is my senior brother?"

"Your senior brother is next to me." That's right. The person on the other end of the phone was Zhang Yinling's father, Zhang Zhenren. He said in a deep voice, "You have a lot of fun going to England."

"It's okay. It's okay." Zhang Yinling's smile was now uglier than her cry.

She was wondering why her father suddenly called her on her senior brother's cell phone. Did senior brother go back to Tianshi Mansion to file a complaint?

The little girl was scared and resentful in her heart, "Li Ruxuan, Li Ruxuan, you are so despicable."

"I'm in Wudang Taoist Temple now, and you girl is getting more and more courageous," Zhang Zhenren said in a deep voice again.

"Why did you go to Wudang Taoist Temple?" Zhang Yinling said nervously.

"It's not that there is too much commotion in England. I heard that Zhang Yu and the astrologers in England are planning to hold an exchange meeting on Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui. Your grandfather immediately arranged for me to go to Wudang Taoist Temple to understand the specific situation. I am We set off overnight and arrived at the Taoist temple in the morning." Master Zhang's tone this time was quite calm.

"Hehehehe." Zhang Yinling smiled awkwardly and said: "Um, what's the matter? Are you looking for Zhang Yu? I'll give him the phone number."

"Yes." Zhang Zhenren responded.

Zhang Yinling quickly handed the phone to Zhang Yu and said in a mosquito-like voice: "It belongs to my dad."

Zhang Yu, who was nearby, had already heard that it was Master Zhang who was calling. He said to himself, you girl, just be frightened and act nonsense.

He took the phone and said politely: "Infinite Lord."

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, Fellow Daoist Zhang, my little girl is naughty and has been causing trouble to Fellow Daoist these days." Master Zhang said gently.

"Fellow Taoist is so polite that I am going to England this time. Thanks to the help of my junior sister. Without her help several times, I don't know if I would have been able to resolve a lot of troubles. Because we were in a hurry and had something to hide, please don't take offense, fellow Taoist." "Zhang Yu said respectfully.

Zhang Yinling heard Zhang Yu praising her nearby and immediately raised her pretty face, feeling quite proud.

"I am a girl who always succeeds more than fails. Thank you fellow Taoist for your understanding." Master Zhang was very happy for Zhang Yu's praise of Zhang Yinling, but he definitely did not believe that Zhang Yinling could help Zhang Yu. I thought that Zhang Yu was polite and a father, so he couldn't climb the ladder, especially in front of others, he would definitely say that his daughter was not good.

Moreover, in this phone call, Zhang Zhenren did not mean to launch an attack on the enemy. Although Zhang Yu was a generation younger than him, he was still a mage, and it was impossible for him to teach Zhang Yu the same way he taught his disciples.

He then said gently: "I have now arrived at Wudang Taoist Temple in Guangming Mountain. The main reason is that I heard that fellow Taoists and astrologers in England are going to hold an exchange meeting on Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui in England. The headmaster thought this matter was not trivial, so he asked me to Ask what’s going on.”

"It's like this. I saw here in England that there is also a Taoist inheritance and a Taoist association. Therefore, I recruited disciples here. Foreign devils came to our Zhenhai twice to challenge and organize some Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui exchanges. Yes, we can't always provoke them, let's be passive. I decided to hold an Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting here in England, and let the foreign devils know how powerful our Eastern astrology and Feng Shui are. I won't dare to go too far in the future." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Alas" Master Zhang couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

Zhang Yu was stunned and asked: "Master Zhang, what's wrong? Why are you sighing?"

"You don't know something. During the previous dynasty, the Western powers were eyeing us in the East. They not only wanted to invade our land, they also wanted to invade our culture. At that time, Taoism and Buddhism were the mainstream of culture, and Western sects Even if it can be spread, not many people can believe it. So, the Western powers held an Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting. The two sides agreed that if the East wins, the Western powers will no longer peek at our country. If they win, the Western sects will It can be widely spread in the East, and Eastern Taoists and Buddhists are not allowed to interfere in any way. Within a hundred years, they are not even allowed to wander. In addition, one of the designated representatives from the East must change his profession." Zhang Zhenzhen said seriously. said.

"Is there such a thing? What's the result?" Zhang Yu asked in surprise.

"In the end we lost." Zhang Zhenren said helplessly.

"Are they cheating?" Zhang Yu couldn't believe it.

"Those who can attend are all masters, and cheating will not work. There are also people from our Tianshi Mansion participating, but it is a pity," Zhang Zhenren said with emotion.

Zhang Yu never thought that Western astrologers were very powerful. Even Dhruv, the great disciple of the great astrologer Pisano, just relied on a crystal ball and obviously had no real ability.

"They are really so powerful," Zhang Yu said in disbelief.

"You fought that Dhruv last time, and you know how you won. Although he is a bit opportunistic, I have to say that his layout is indeed clever." Zhang Zhenren said.

"That's true," Zhang Yu admitted. If Master Zhang hadn't secretly helped him, he wouldn't have been able to break Dhruv's formation on his own.

But then, Zhang Yu became curious again and said: "Such a big thing happened back then, why have I never heard of it?"

"If we lose, we can't promote ourselves by saying that we are no match for Western astrologers. In addition, the imperial court was also very dissatisfied with that failure. It would have been nice if the faction had not been wiped out. It can be said that that time Failure is the second catastrophe for our Taoism." Master Zhang said with emotion again.

"What was the second catastrophe?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"The first Taoist calamity was during the Yuan Dynasty. Kublai Khan held a large-scale Buddhist and Taoist conference in Da'an Pavilion in Kaiping Prefecture. The two parties agreed that if the Taoist sect wins, seventeen monks will grow their hair and become Taoists. If The Buddhist sect wins, and seventeen Taoist priests will shave their hair and become monks. Taoism was dominated by the Quanzhen sect at that time, and all the elites of the Quanzhen sect were present, as well as the Sanshan of the Zhengyi sect. But the lineup of the Buddhist sect was obviously far better than our two. They are headed by the Grand Master Namo, and there are also the leader of the Sakya Sect, Pasi Pa, the leader of the Bai Sect, Karma Basi, the Grand Master of Hexi, the Waiwulu Seng, the Grand Master of Dali, the elders of Shaolin Temple, the elders of Mount Wutai, the elders of Yuanfu Temple, etc. More than 300 people participated. In this battle, our Taoism was completely defeated. After the failure, we could only carry out the punishment as promised. Kublai Khan sent an envoy to take Fan Zhiying and 17 other people to Longguang Temple to become monks and burn 45 Taoist classics. There are 237 areas of Buddhist temples in the world occupied by Taoism, and all the lives belong to Buddhism. From then on, in the Yuan Dynasty, Buddhism always had an overwhelming advantage over Taoism, and the last prosperous era of Taoism passed. Even the emperor of the Ming Dynasty believed in Taoism, but It’s hard to reverse the decline.” Zhang Zhenren talked about it with a very sad tone.

Zhang Yu had never heard of these allusions.

But Zhang Yu immediately discovered a problem and couldn't help but said: "Zhenzhen Zhang, why is his lineup so strong? They are both national masters and religious leaders, including Shaolin Temple and Wutai Mountain. Our Taoist manpower is too thin. "Something right"

"The teachings are different." Zhang Zhenren sighed with emotion, and then said: "If we don't talk about this, let's talk about the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference."

"Good fellow Taoist, what do you have to say?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Can it be cancelled?" Zhang Zhenren asked.

"Cancel!" Zhang Yu was shocked and shouted quickly: "Why cancel?"

"Because I, the Taoist family, cannot afford to lose. Every failure is a heavy blow to my Taoist family." Master Zhang said sadly again.

"But... I just made an agreement with the other party during the day today, and now it's spreading like wildfire. If I suddenly cancel it, wouldn't it become a joke?" Zhang Yu said anxiously.

"The two previous exchange meetings on Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui in Zhenhai were just small fights. You only had to face the disciples of the great astrologer Pisano, not all the astrologers in Europe. But what about this time? , the propaganda is so strong, Western astrologers will definitely take notice of it, how can they let you win on their territory. What you represent is Taoism, the astrology and feng shui of the East. Your honor and disgrace are small, but the reputation of Taoism is great. "Master Zhang said earnestly.

"Then, then they will take action upon hearing the news. We Taoists are not saying that I am the only one," Zhang Yu said eagerly.

"My Taoist family has experienced two catastrophes in the past hundreds of years, and we really cannot bear a third failure. You have to understand." Master Zhang said again with great sincerity.

"I don't understand!" Zhang Yu was completely anxious and couldn't help but said loudly: "Why do we have to fight back every time when people come to beat us? They say they are afraid of losing. Why aren't Jack Liu and Dhruv afraid of losing? ? Come here to provoke me again and again!"

"Beware of arrogance and impetuosity. Didn't I say it before? They are just small fish and shrimps, and they can't stand on the stage. But if things get big, you will not only face them, but the teachers behind them. Think about it yourself. Don’t think about forgetting the purpose of our Taoism: to be quiet and inactive,” Master Zhang said gently.

"I'm fine. I'll think about it again." Zhang Yu had now understood. It was obvious that the upper echelons of Taoism were dissatisfied with the Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting he held this time. The reason is also very simple, that is, fear of losing.

In fact, it is not difficult for Zhang Yu to find out that in the previous two exchange meetings between Eastern and Western astrology and feng shui, both Yuan Zhenren and Lu Zhenren did not take action. When dealing with Jack Liu, it might be said that he was concerned about his status, but when dealing with Dhruv, he was clearly afraid of losing.

Although masters like Zhenren Zhang lost at that time, Zhenren Yuan and Zhenren Lu were different from Zhenren Zhang after all. He is the leader of a sect, and if he loses, it will be a big deal.

"Okay, that's all I have to say, please let Yin Ling answer the phone." Zhang Zhenren said gently.

"Okay." Zhang Yu handed the phone to Zhang Yinling.

The little girl quickly said with a smile: "Dad, what's the matter?"

"When will you come back?" Zhang Zhenren said calmly.

"I don't know. I still have something to do here." Zhang Yinling said carefully.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Zhenren asked.

"I didn't tell you that I would go back after a few days when the matter is finished." Zhang Yinling said with a flat mouth.

"Your courage is getting bigger and bigger now!" Zhang Zhenren's voice became darker.

"No way. I really have something to do. I'll go back when I'm done." Zhang Yinling said aggrievedly.

"Give you three days, or I will go to England to pick you up personally!" Zhang Zhenren said seriously.

"Okay" Zhang Yinling said aggrievedly.

Then, the phone on the other end hung up.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, the little girl still kept her mouth flat.

Zhang Yu said from the side: "Come back to China with me."

"I" Zhang Yinling lowered her head and said, "I've had a lot of fun here these days and I really don't want to go back."

"But I have to go home eventually. I can't stay here forever." Zhang Yu said gently.

"Go home. I haven't finished teaching them Tai Chi. Even you haven't learned it yet. If I leave now, it won't be the beginning but the end. I always do things from beginning to end." Zhang Yinling looked at Zhang Yu seriously .

"Why didn't you tell your father that just now?" Zhang Yu smiled.

"I, how dare I." Zhang Yinling flattened her mouth and said, "By the way, what did my dad just say to you?"

"It's nothing." Zhang Yu smiled deliberately and heartily.

"Don't force yourself to smile in front of me. Although I can't hear what my dad said, what on earth can I still hear about what you said? It seems to be about the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference." Zhang Yinling was serious. He looked towards Zhang Yu.

"It's nothing, it's just...forget's better that you don't know..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Zhang Yinling's eyes widened.


Lao Tie had a bit of a cold yesterday, so he fell asleep after taking an intravenous drip. I got up a little late, I'm sorry to my brothers and sisters who are waiting for updates. Lao Tie is currently working hard and will definitely make up for the missing chapters.

Thank you all for your support and concern for Laotie!

Many thanks!

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