Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2041 Grand Meeting

One came to challenge, one challenged, and the other encouraged and sponsored. The matter of the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference was decided at once.

In terms of time, Michelo didn't dare to overestimate it and needed some time to prepare. Therefore, the exchange meeting was scheduled for one week from December 1st to December 7th.

The location was booked at the New Emperor Resort Manor. The reason why we booked it here was because the manor had just been completed and needed a little publicity. It would be perfect for both parties to compete in Feng Shui. By the way, you can also create a feng shui layout for the houses in the manor.

All the reporters here today are very happy. It's rare to see such a big stunt, so this trip was not in vain.

After Michelo left, the reporters immediately returned to the interview car and began to report the interview content to the headquarters as quickly as possible. Within an hour, the matter was reported on the front pages of all major websites.

"Allardyce quits the boxing ring to follow up the report! The royal princess's daughter Elugao became a disciple of Taoist priest Zhang Yu of Wudang Taoist Temple and became Allardyce's junior sister!" "Major discovery! BBC reporter in Sanqing, Lesha Town Guan met Miss Elugao, the daughter of the Royal Princess by chance. It turned out that Miss Elugao followed her to Sanqing Temple to learn Tai Chi!" "What is so magical about Tai Chi that it actually fascinated Miss Elugao, the daughter of the eldest princess!" .

"The Royal Casino donated 20 million pounds to the Sanqing Temple! Even the astrologer Mr. Michelo came to challenge the Sanqing Temple. The East-West astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting is about to take place!" The Fang Xing Feng Shui exchange meeting has begun! The exchange meeting is scheduled for December 1st, and the location is the New Emperor Resort Manor!" "The decisive battle at the New Emperor Resort Manor! The Eastern and Western Astrology Feng Shui exchange meeting is about to start. It is the Eastern astrological Feng Shui master. Or is Western astrology and feng shui better, let’s wait and see!”.

"How magical is Eastern Taoism? Traditional Chinese medicine, fortune telling, Feng Shui. Sanqingguan performed the magic of the town in Laisha Town!" "Some teams asked astrologers for divination, and some teams asked eminent monks to consecrate them! Team Laisha invited The Taoist Temple cheers! Will good luck return? Stay tuned for the next round of the FA Cup, Lesha will face the Gunners Arsenal at home!".

All kinds of news swept across England, then Europe, and even the world.

It can be said that astrology and Feng Shui culture is not only popular in the East, but is actually more popular in the West.

The two exchange meetings on Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui in Zhenhai ended with Zhang Yu winning. But because of Zongzong, there was no big publicity.

This time in England, even before the exchange meeting started, it was already abuzz with the media!

Rome, Italy.

The holy place of astrologers - Klingsburg.

In a spacious and simple room, the great astrologer Pisano was sitting cross-legged. He was wearing a white robe, with a black gemstone necklace hanging around his neck. His pale hair was tied up with a hairband. He looked like a saint. By.

On both sides of his hands, six men in black robes sat. The first one on the left was Zhang Yu's former opponent Dhruv. The first one on the right is Pisano's second disciple, Dhruv's second junior brother Inzaghi. Under Inzaghi's command, the person sitting was also an acquaintance of Zhang Yu, that was Paris.

These six people are the six major disciples of Pisano. The third disciple is named Padoin, the fifth disciple is named Desilio, and the sixth disciple is named Montolivo.

People like Martial and Jack Liu have no right to sit here.

In front of Pisano, there was a stack of newspapers, which was about the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference.

He picked up the newspaper and said calmly: "You should already know about the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting held at the New Emperor Resort Manor."

After speaking, he threw the newspaper in front of him.

"I know." "I know." "I know." Dhruv and Paris all nodded.

"In the past, we went to Zhenhai to hold two exchange conferences on Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui, but the results were unsuccessful and we did not open up the Eastern market at all. Now, the man named Zhang Yu has actually reached out to England. What do you want? I know that if this exchange of Eastern and Western astrology and feng shui allows him to win, the tentacles of Eastern Taoist astrology and feng shui are likely to reach out. By then, our business will be difficult to do." Pisano said solemnly. said.

"Teacher! That Zhang Yu is really hateful! I think otherwise, since they said it was an Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting, they certainly can't say that only Michelo and Zhang Yu are competing. Other European astrologers can also participate! I want to go to England to participate in this astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting, and I will definitely win this time! Let him know how powerful our Western astrology is!" Dhruv said immediately.

No, as soon as his voice settled, Inzaghi, who was sitting opposite him, said coldly: "Senior, last time in Zhenhai, you lost to that Zhang Yu, and even the teacher's crystal ball was destroyed. . I think it’s better for you not to go this time and let me take action.”

"Inzaghi! What do you mean?" Dhruv immediately became angry.

"It's not interesting. Senior, you are proficient in magic. In terms of astrology and Feng Shui, you are not particularly good at this exchange meeting of Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui in England. It is of great importance. It seems to be held in England, but in fact it is about Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui. A collision, we must not lose. Not only that, we must win, and win with glory!" Inzaghi said sternly.

"Senior Inzaghi is right," Montolivo, who was sitting under Paris, said in a sinister tone: "Senior Dhruv, what you are good at is magic, astrology and feng shui, which is not your strong point. You can't afford to lose this time. , so I think senior Inzaghi should be allowed to take action."

"I just relied too much on the crystal ball last time. What if..." Dhruv became a little anxious when he saw the second child and the sixth child accusing him of not being good at astrology and feng shui. But just as he said this, he suddenly noticed that a cold gaze swept across his face.

He immediately discovered that the teacher Pisano was looking at him coldly.

Dhruv immediately realized that this crystal ball was the teacher's magic weapon, and it was extremely valuable, but it was destroyed in the end. Because of this, the teacher was very angry and angry. If you say this now, aren't you telling the teacher that your crystal ball is not good, but if you don't use it, you will win. Isn't this equivalent to slapping the teacher in the face?

He shut his mouth and didn't dare to say anything more. But it was not difficult for him to find that a trace of pride flashed on Inzaghi's face.

We are all from the same school, and we had a good relationship in the past. The reason why Inzaghi would cause trouble was because of Pisano's favoritism towards Dhruv. Inzaghi has always believed that his talent is higher than that of Dhruv, but he just started late, and Dhruv is his disciple. When the teacher attended some important occasions, he always took Dhruv with him and regarded Dhruv as his successor.

You must know that whether you are in the East or the West, in addition to relying on your true skills, everyone cannot do without magic weapons. The bonus of the magic weapon can sometimes turn an ordinary master into a top master.

Pisano has a lot of magic weapons, and Dhruv, as his successor, has the best magic weapons. Once the teacher passes away, all the magical artifacts will have to be passed on to Dhruv.

This made Inzaghi very unbalanced.

Just like the last time Dhruv went to Zhenhai to hold an exchange meeting on Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui, it stands to reason that this job would not require the help of his great disciple. However, on the one hand, Pisano hoped not to travel, and on the other hand, he hoped that Dhruv would make a big contribution, so that when he takes over, it would be a natural progression.

Unexpectedly, Dhruv not only lost, but also destroyed the crystal ball. When Dhruv came back, Pisano was very angry. Although he didn't blame him much, Dhruv's status in the teacher's mind had been compromised.

Inzaghi had no hope at all, but because of this incident, he suddenly found a glimmer of hope.

Currently, Zhang Yu and Michelo are holding an exchange meeting on Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui in England, and the teacher is obviously going to send someone there. Inzaghi knows that his opportunity has come, so he must not miss it. For this opportunity, he did not hesitate to challenge Dhruv publicly at this moment.

Among the six disciples, Montolivo and Inzaghi had the best relationship. He also believed that this should be Inzaghi's opportunity. It would be impossible for him to become the successor of his teacher and become a great astrologer. But if he takes sides now and stands on Inzaghi's side, once Inzaghi really inherits the position of teacher, he will definitely benefit a lot.

And supporting Dhruv seems to be of no use. After all, Dhruv has no shortage of supporters around him.

"Inzaghi, this guy named Zhang Yu is not easy to deal with. Are you sure?" Pisano looked at Inzaghi.

"Teacher, please don't worry. I am absolutely sure that I will win!" Inzaghi said with certainty.

Pisano nodded slightly and said: "Well, I'll leave this matter to you. Mr. Witte from Valentino has always liked to study astrology and feng shui. He called me an hour ago and said he wanted to sponsor me. We will also contact Casino Royale for this astrology and feng shui exchange meeting. We hope to make this exchange event more grand and have more astrologers present. He will come over later and I will introduce him to you. Note Stay, don’t lose!”

"Yes, teacher! Don't worry, my disciple will never lose!" Inzaghi nodded solemnly.

He felt proud that he finally had a chance to stand out.

In fact, Inzaghi has also done a lot of things, and he has also been on his own, and he has done things beautifully. As the second disciple, Pisano could not say that he did not respect him. Compared to other disciples, he was treated much better and received many magic weapons. However, when it comes to the issue of successors, it's different.

Of course, if he didn't have certain strength, Inzaghi would not dare to take the opportunity to challenge Dhruv.

"You stay and the others leave." Pisano said calmly.

Dhruv was unwilling to give in, but the teacher had said so, and he didn't dare to disobey, so he could only say: "Yes, teacher."

He stood up, and the other disciples also stood up and walked outside.

The five people left the room and went downstairs together. Montolivo deliberately walked slowly and was at the back. Having just helped Inzaghi defeat Dhruv, he was somewhat scared and could only hope that Inzaghi would win this time.

Padoin, Desilio, and Paris didn't say anything, just walked quietly, as if they were thinking about something in their hearts.

As Dhruv walked, he looked for opportunities to peek at the faces of his junior brothers and sisters, as if he wanted to know what they were thinking from their faces.

After going downstairs and leaving the castle, they walked together to the courtyard at the back, and then parted ways.

Paris wanted to go back to where she lived, but Dhruv caught up with her.


"Senior, is something wrong?" Paris said carefully.

Dhruv glanced around and saw that everyone else was walking away, so he whispered: "Last time we were working in Zhenhai, we failed. Now, Inzaghi is going to attend the astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting. Yes, what do you think his chances of winning are?"

He deliberately brought up the last time the two of them were together in Zhenhai. He also wanted to tell Paris that we lost hands together and are now tied together.

Dhruv is the successor. Paris usually has to fawn over this senior brother and is a follower of Dhruv. Now when Dhruv said this, he was somewhat unsure of himself.

Of course Paris understood that Dhruv was testing her, and she immediately said: "This Zhang Yu is very cunning, and his cultivation level is not low. I don't think Senior Inzaghi's chances of winning are high."

"I think so too." Dhruv nodded slightly. In his opinion, he had already lost. Even if Inzaghi had a high chance of winning, he did not want Inzaghi to win. Dhruv continued: "Teacher is determined to win this contest, and I also want to fight Zhang Yu again! Paris, what do you think we will do if we go to participate in this astrology and Feng Shui exchange in private?"

"Well." Paris hesitated and said, "The teacher has arranged for Senior Inzaghi to go. Isn't it inappropriate for us to go again?"

"Don't you want to win it back? Your crystal ball was also destroyed in his hands. If you peek into the crystal ball, I have a spare one, so I'll give it to you," Dhruv said calmly.

Peering into a crystal ball is so precious. Paris’s crystal ball was destroyed. When she came back, Pisano didn’t say anything about giving her a new one. Now Dhruv was willing to give her one, which made her extremely excited.

She quickly said: "Thank you, senior. Of course I want to avenge my shame and win back. It's not necessarily inappropriate for us to go this time. If senior Inzaghi loses to Zhang Yu, wouldn't that mean After a complete defeat, if we go privately, after Senior Inzaghi’s defeat, we can take action to defeat Zhang Yu. Firstly, we can make up for our mistakes, and secondly, we can share the teacher’s worries.”

"Yes." Dhruv nodded and said: "Your suggestion is good. I have shown Feng Shui to Mr. Cook of the Love Crazy Group, and I will be responsible for lobbying him to participate and provide sponsorship. Then, we can make things smooth. Participated in this astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting.”

After saying this, Dhruv gritted his teeth.

I don’t know whether it was because he hated Zhang Yu or because he hated Inzaghi. Or maybe he hates them both!

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