The Royal Casino makes a lot of money, but the imperial power has long since declined, and the income from the casino has become the main source of income for the royal family. The luxurious life of the royal family cannot be supported by those two salaries.

In addition to distributing dividends to the royal family members, the money earned from the casino is also needed to do some good deeds occasionally. Likewise, it cannot be said that you have to risk your life every day to win over gamblers, and you have to let your guard down when it’s time to give up.

There is currently a certain amount of funds in the casino's books, but it's just what we lost today. You know, more than 300 million have been invested so far. What time is it? If we lose next, I guess 500 million won’t be able to stop it.

If gamblers exchange all the chips they win for cash, the casino's books will most likely not be enough. After all, casinos are for winning money, not losing money. The money won every month must be distributed according to a certain proportion.

There is no need to lose for three consecutive days. If we lose at this rate until tomorrow morning, we will basically be bankrupt. Isn't it too much to expect those members of the royal family to use the money distributed to them in the past to compensate gamblers? Of course, for the sake of image, he must not default on his debt, but it is inevitable that Kane will be fired.

"Method." There was a look of contemplation on Michelo's face. In fact, in his heart, he was full of doubts. He clearly followed his master's instructions and replaced the three lamps. They were the formation eyes of the formation. As long as they were above If the colored crystal retains its color and the formation is there, nothing will happen and the casino will definitely win money. This situation is completely beyond my understanding.

He didn't know what was going on, but Kane was staring at him. It would be a waste to say that there was nothing he could do.

Naturally, his strength is still far behind that of his master.

Even in this formation, he couldn't put it out.

Michelo had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "There is no way, but it will take some time."

"How long?" Kane asked immediately.

"Three days!" Michelo held out three fingers.

"Three days again." Kane almost spat out a mouthful of blood. He said in a suppressed tone: "Three days is too long. Our casino can't even last three days!"

"This is really not going to work. Your casino should send away the gamblers first and just talk about the interior decoration." Michelo said.

"This" Kane hesitated for a moment, then shook his head like a rattle, "No, no. The gamblers are winning money now. The casino suddenly announced interior renovations and stopped the gamblers from gambling. Then the reputation will suddenly drop. If you don’t smash it and spread the word, you won’t be able to do business in the future.”

"Your casino is too big. There may be something wrong with the Lynx constellation array now. I need to rearrange it. Such a large casino will naturally require a lot of time. So, you think about it yourself." After Michelo finished speaking, he spread the Open your hands and shake your head gently.

"I can't make the decision on this matter." Kane thought for a moment, then took out his cell phone and called Miss Allen.

At the current racecourse, Zhang Yu had already taken off the magic vests from the four legs of the big white horse.

The big white horse seemed to be able to tell that Zhang Yu wanted to leave. It quickly rubbed its head against Zhang Yu's chest, intending to remind Zhang Yu to take it away.

Of course Zhang Yu understood what it meant, but Miss Allen also said before that the horse was not hers. Of course, even if it belongs to her, this horse is probably not cheap, so there is no way she can give it away casually.

He knew in his heart that a good horse was more expensive than a good car. This is not a cow, but a good horse.

Allen is also a person who understands horses. He can tell at a glance that the Zhaoye Jade Lion is as attached to Zhang Yu as the sweaty horse is to her. But Allen couldn't make the decision. He could only say: "Zhang Yu, I can see that this horse regards you as its owner. But this horse belongs to my brothers, the Duke of Cambridge. I can't make the decision. I can't control it." It’s for you.”

Everyone said this, but Zhang Yu couldn't force others to do anything, so he nodded and said, "I know."

The big white horse fought side by side with him, and Zhang Yu couldn't help but have feelings for it. He gently stroked the big white horse's head and said, "White Horse, I'm leaving. Thank you for helping me today."

"Huhu." The big white horse snorted twice and shook his head.

"Ring ring ring"

At this stall, a cell phone ringing sounded nearby.

A bodyguard quickly came to Miss Allen and handed over the mobile phone, "Miss, this is Mr. Kane's number."

Miss Allen took the phone and answered it directly, "Hello, people have arrived. Very good. How is the situation? What, it's not good. I've lost so much for three days. Are you kidding me? I'm still closed for renovations. If I'm closed for renovations now, I guess I don’t have to open the door anymore. I know how to deal with it. I’ll go back later.”

After hanging up the phone, Miss Allen handed the phone to the bodyguard and turned to look at Zhang Yu.

She said gently: "Let's go back now. The casino has suffered heavy losses."

Zhang Yu also understood that he had removed the constellations from the casino, and the luck of the casino was gone. He even sucked the wealth of many people in the casino, causing a great decline in the luck of the casino on the second floor. It seems that maybe only the second floor is affected, but in fact, this is not the case. Things like luck often wax and wane. The heavy damage to the second floor will inevitably affect the other floors, causing the fortunes of everyone on the casino side to weaken.

This is the same as marching and fighting. For example, if A's army surrounds B's army, normally A will definitely win. However, a troop suddenly appeared, attacked behind A, and opened a gap. This troop was still very strong, and by combining internal and external forces, A's momentum was bound to be greatly reduced, and the whole front was defeated.

"Okay." Zhang Yu nodded.

Miss Allen waved her hand and asked the breeder to fetch the horse.

Her horses are easy to talk to. They are usually raised by breeders. Miss Allen comes to visit from time to time, so she is used to being led by the breeders. But the big white horse was different. When he saw someone coming to lead him, he immediately exploded. He turned around and kicked with his legs.

The keeper didn't react in time and was kicked in the chest. He screamed and fell backwards.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu quickly grabbed the reins and shouted: "Don't hurt anyone."

The big white horse listened to him and immediately stabilized. Zhang Yu followed and rushed to the keeper's side to check the situation.

The keeper was kicked hard. Zhang Yu could tell by touching it that one of his bones was broken, but his life was not in danger.

Zhang Yu shouted: "He was kicked and one of his bones was broken."

The keeper was lying on the ground, dying, and Miss Allen rushed over, shouting: "Call the doctor quickly! Call the doctor quickly!"

There is a doctor at the racecourse. After all, there are so many horses here, and the horses are not necessarily honest. They will occasionally kick people, and it is common for horses to fall during competitions. So, there are specialized orthopedic surgeons.

The staff called the doctor when Miss Allen screamed, but when the doctor rushed over, Miss Allen was fine. The staff breathed a sigh of relief but forgot to notify the doctor. The doctor had already arrived. Seeing that he was useful now, he rushed up quickly, checked the situation, and then carried the keeper away.

When Miss Allen saw this situation, she also frowned and had to say: "Zhang Yu, otherwise, you can take it back."

Zhang Yu knew that this was the only way to go. He and Miss Allen rode horses together and rushed to the stables.

But after arriving at the stables, the problem came again. The sweaty horse automatically entered its stable, but the big white horse didn't go in at all. It stayed by Zhang Yu's side and refused to leave.

"What should I do?" Miss Allen said with a frown.

Although she thought about the beauty of the horse, the horse belonged to the Duke of Cambridge. Even if she asked Zhang Yu to take the horse away, the breeder here would probably not agree and would definitely have to call the Duke of Cambridge immediately.

"I'll think of a way." Zhang Yu thought for a moment, patted the horse on the head, and said, "You belong to someone else. I really can't take you away. If I have a chance in the future, I will look at you."

The big white horse shook his head and refused at all.

Allen patted the big white horse's head and said: "This is the first time I have seen such a loyal horse. Horse, otherwise, you can live with my horse first, and I will find a way to follow my brother Let’s discuss it, get you over from him, and then reunite you, what do you think?”

The big white horse lowered his head this time and said nothing.

"This is the only way. You go to live with the red horse first. You two will have a companion. Didn't Allen also say that he will ask you to come?" Zhang Yu coaxed the big white horse like a child. Then he led it and walked towards the stable of the bloody horse.

The same horses raised here are obviously treated differently. The stables are also divided into different sizes, and the stables for the big white horse and the sweat horse are special.

The sweat-blooded horse's stable was not closed yet. Zhang Yu led the big white horse in. Not to mention, the big white horse seemed to be aware of Zhang Yu's dilemma and could only follow him into the sweat-blooded horse's stable.

When the sweaty horse saw it coming, he immediately snorted, "Huhuhuhuhuhu"

As if to say, "Who let you in?"

The big white horse didn't have a good temper either, and immediately snorted in reply, "I'm just coming in, what can you do to me!"

"Hoo ho ho"

"Hoo ho ho"

"Hoo ho ho"

"Hoo ho ho"

Good guy, the two horses started spraying each other again.

Seeing the two horses looking like this, Miss Allen also found it quite interesting. My own horse has always lived alone. Although it is surrounded by neighbors, it can't be said that it is in the same stable. Moreover, my own horse is relatively aloof, and usually ignores other horses and doesn't care at all. However, when it is with the big white horse, it can create sparks.

Miss Allen is a horse lover, and she has made up her mind to get this big white horse out of the hands of the Duke of Cambridge no matter what. Even if it means staying with his horse as a companion, that's fine.

Zhang Yu came out of the stable and closed the fence door. Only then did the keeper dare to come up and lock the door.

Zhang Yu and Miss Allen said goodbye to the two horses. Both horses poked their heads and showed reluctance.

Looking at the two horses, Miss Allen sighed in her heart. To be honest, every time she left the sweaty horse, the sweaty horse would be like this. However, her relationship with Han Xue Ma was only as long as Zhang Yu's relationship with Big White Horse.

As the two were walking back, Miss Allen suddenly said: "Zhang Yu, I want to discuss something with you."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yu asked.

"It's still about my cousin Elugao. Now, I really don't know how to reply to her," Miss Allen said awkwardly.

"Can't you tell the truth? By the way, you can also give her some advice." Zhang Yu said.

Miss Allen shook her head and said: "I know best what kind of character my cousin is. There is nothing I can do. She will definitely find others for help, and she will never give up this thought. Alas."

"Do you, my cousin, have to break up Allardyce and Cheryl?" Zhang Yu frowned.

"As a person, once she encounters something she likes, she will definitely find a way to get it. The same is true for people." Miss Allen said seriously.

"Is there no other way?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Yes!" said Miss Allen.

"What can I do?" Zhang Yu asked quickly.

"In my opinion, Eluga only likes the man who KOed Mayweather. If Allardyce stops boxing from now on, Eluga will lose interest in him." Miss Allen shook her head and said.

"Isn't it difficult for someone to do this?" Zhang Yu said.

"I have no other choice but this one. If Allardyce continues boxing, once he wins the championship and becomes a real boxing champion, Alan Gauguin will not be able to stop." Miss Allen is He said yes.

"I understand." Zhang Yu nodded.

The two of them didn't continue talking and walked all the way back to the parking lot. Allardyce and others and Miss Allen's bodyguard are now waiting in the parking lot.

After the meeting, Zhang Yu was about to get in the car, and Miss Allen suddenly said: "Zhang Yu!"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu looked at her.

"Can you take my car?" Miss Allen asked sincerely.

"This" Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I want to invite three people to get on the bus together, is that okay?"

"Huh?" This time it was Miss Allen's turn to be stunned, but she nodded and said, "Okay."

At that moment, Zhang Yu invited Zhao Hua, Allardyce, and Cheryl to get into Miss Allen's car.

Because of this, the little girl Zhang Yinling is still somewhat dissatisfied. It's a pity that Miss Allen's Ferrari four-door coupe can accommodate these people.

After they got in the car, Miss Allen stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped to the casino. The other people were riding in Iveco, which was not as fast as the Ferrari, and they were left behind in the blink of an eye.

In the car, Zhang Yu sat in the co-pilot, Allardyce, and three others crowded in the back. As a woman, Cheryl was full of suspicion and felt that there must be something going on here.

She couldn't sit still for the first time and said, "Master, why did you ask us to get in the car too?"

Although she did not take Zhang Yu as her teacher, she always called him Zhang Yu after her husband.

After Zhao Hua translated, Zhang Yu turned around and said, "Miss Allen just told me again about Elugao's love for Allardyce."

"Isn't this matter resolved yet?" After Zhao Hua translated, Cheryl asked worriedly.

"Elugao is a woman who will never give up until she reaches her goal. Even if Miss Allen no longer helps, she will find someone else to help." Zhang Yu said.

"Ah? Then, what should we do?" Cheryl became worried.

You know, they are members of the royal family, so who are you and Allardyce? How can you beat them.

Zhang Yu said seriously: "Miss Allen told me that the person Allen Gold really likes is actually the boxing champion Allardyce. If Allardyce quits boxing, maybe Allardyce will not be entangled with him anymore. "

"How can this be done?" Cheryl shouted eagerly after hearing Zhao Hua's translation.

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