Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2027 It also uses shin guards!

Seeing the restlessness of these horses, Miss Allen was also confused. She couldn't help but mutter in her heart, what do you mean? Who raised you, and you know him!

Not only her, but Zhang Yu's disciples are also curious now.

They looked at the horses scrambling in the stable, and looked at each other in confusion, whispering, "What's going on?" "Foreign horses can also understand Mandarin?" "Our domestic horses seem to be able to understand Chinese too. You know how to drive, drive, drive, donkey, donkey, donkey."

Allardyce, Cheryl, Brydon and others were even more puzzled. They couldn't understand what Zhang Yu just said, and asked Zhao Hua in a low voice, "What's going on? What did my master say? These horses... Pipi is so excited that she doesn’t want to give up.”

"The master asked these horses who wanted to be ridden by him, and the horses were eager to ride." Zhao Hua said.

"There is such a thing." Allardyce said in surprise.

"This is so amazing." "Isn't it, God?" "What God? What kind of emperor is there? Now that we are Taoists, we have to be called Daozu." "Yes, yes, I haven't changed it for a while. Daozu is also It’s so effective.” Cheryl, Brighton, Kaka and others were also like this, muttering in surprise.

Among the horses, the cheerful white horse was the most eye-catching.

Zhang Yu glanced at the white horse, pointed at it and said, "Just ride it."

"Neigh", "neigh", "neigh", "near". After hearing this, the horses seemed quite disappointed and let out disappointed screams.

Only the big white horse seemed more excited.

Miss Allen looked at the white horse, then at Zhang Yu, and finally pointed at a middle-aged man not far away from her and said, "Cook, bring this horse out."

The middle-aged man Cook was wearing a breeder's clothes. He did not go to the stables immediately, but came to Miss Allen and whispered: "Miss, this horse belongs to the Duke of Cambridge, and it has not been tamed yet. Can’t ride for others”

"It turns out it belongs to my brother." Miss Allen nodded, then turned to look at Zhang Yu, and said in Mandarin this time: "I can't lend you this horse to ride on. Firstly, this horse is not mine, and secondly, this horse is not mine." Not tamed.”

For Zhang Yu, it doesn't matter what horse he rides. What he mainly values ​​is fate.

He had just asked which horse he was willing to take the initiative to ride on. This horse seemed the most excited, so Zhang Yu took a fancy to it.

Now that Miss Allen said this, Zhang Yu said deliberately: "Miss, didn't you just say that the horses here are all from your family and let me choose at will? How come after I choose, they are no longer your family? Like this. You don’t think this horse is powerful and you are afraid of losing."

"I'm afraid of losing!" Miss Allen immediately showed contempt and said: "My horse is a bloody horse. Have you heard of it? In your country, there is a saying called a red rabbit horse, which is what I am talking about. Horse!"

"If you are not afraid of losing, please bring this horse out." Zhang Yu pointed at the white horse and said.

The white horse seemed to be able to understand Zhang Yu's words. Seeing Zhang Yu pointing at him, it jumped even more happily, and kept shouting, "Hiss, hiss!"

Miss Allen looked at Cook next to her and whispered: "Just borrow it to ride. Even if my brother is here, I can't say anything."

"That's true. The Duke of Cambridge can't say I won't borrow it. But this horse has not been tamed yet. It is particularly dangerous. If you ride on it, it is very likely to knock someone to death." Cook said seriously: "This horse is not an ordinary horse. Horse, its whole body is snow-white, without any stray hairs. It is said that it can run thousands of miles in a day, and it is the best of the best horses. Look at this horse, only the hair around its neck is long, like a majestic army. It has a violent personality and grows up. In the end, they will be kicked out of the herd. According to my personal observation, this horse will emit a silver light at night. It is probably because of this that it is kicked out of the herd by other horses. Therefore, it has a nickname, called the Jade Lion of Zhaoye .”

"There is such a good horse. My brother knows that I like horses, so why doesn't he tell me? Is he afraid that I will take care of him?" Miss Allen curled her lips and said.

"I don't know about that," Cook quickly lowered his head and said.

Miss Allen ignored him and said to Zhang Yu: "This horse has a very bad temper. I don't let you ride it because of my good intentions. If you fall off it and do something bad, don't blame me."

Zhang Yu shrugged his shoulders, clasped his hands, and said, "Infinite Heavenly Lord, if you fall, it's mine."

"You won't shed tears until you see the Yellow River." Miss Allen said angrily.

"Miss, what you said is wrong. In our country, this saying means you won't shed tears until you see the coffin, and you won't give up until you reach the Yellow River." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay, okay, okay, I know, it means the same thing." Miss Allen said with a cold face, then gestured to Cook and said in English: "Let this horse out and let him ride!"

"Huh?" Cook didn't expect Miss Allen to let the horse out.

"What are you doing? Hurry up. Even if you fall, you won't fall on me. What are you afraid of?" Miss Allen said angrily.

"Yes, yes" Cook could only nod his head, took the key to the white horse's stable, and opened the fence door.

As soon as this big white horse came out, it looked like a wild horse running wild, and it looked very excited. It jumped up with its front hooves and ran towards Zhang Yu.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be frightening. Miss Allen, for example, could not help but scream, "Yeah"

Zhang Yinling, Cheryl, Allardyce, Yuan Xiaoxiao and others also cried out, "Ah", "Be careful!" "Master!".

However, the big white horse just slid past Zhang Yu, and circled twice more around Zhang Yu, Allen, and the bloody horse.

The sweaty horse seemed a little dissatisfied when he saw the big white horse walking back and forth, and snorted, "Huh huh huh."

As if to intimidate the big white horse, "You are fooling around, please be honest!"

Hearing the snort of the sweaty horse, the big white horse couldn't help but shout, "Huhu. Huhuhu. Huhuhaha."

It seemed to be saying to the bloody horse, "Who are you talking to like that? You are looking for a beating."

The sweaty horse snorted again, "Huh huh huh huh huh"

He clearly told the big white horse, "I'm talking to you. Why? Who is afraid of whom?"

The big white horse didn't show any signs of weakness, and continued to snort, "Huhu, Huhu, Huhu, Huhu."

It's like saying, "You little bitch, why are you pretending to be 13 with me? I think you are a mother, so I don't dare to beat you!"

The two horses were going back and forth, snoring constantly. Miss Allen looked confused and thought to herself, what is going on? It seems that the white horse has a bad temper and is always provocative.

Zhang Yu looked at the big white horse, pointed at the white horse and said, "Come here first."

Hearing this, the big white horse immediately came over and rubbed the horse's head on the Bagua Fairy Clothes flatteringly, like a long-lost daughter-in-law.

Zhang Yu was also puzzled as to why this horse was so clingy, just like our cattle.

He reached out and touched the mane on the horse's back. The horse enjoyed it very much and let Zhang Yu touch it.

Seeing the big white horse and Zhang Yu being so close, Miss Allen waved to Cook and said, "Come here."

Cook ran over quickly and whispered: "Miss, what are your orders?"

"Didn't you say that this horse has not been tamed yet and is particularly irritable? Why didn't I notice that he was so irritable?" Miss Allen asked.

"I don't know about this. Usually when I go out, I don't let anyone touch me, let alone ride on me. Why is this happening now? This is the first time I've seen it." Cook said aggrievedly.

"I think you're not sure what you said. Hurry up and find a saddle and bridle for this horse." Miss Allen said.

"Yes." Cook immediately followed Miss Allen's instructions and went to find the saddle and bridle.

You can't ride a bare-butt horse when riding a horse. It would be too tiring. Even if the two of them are in the competition stage, Zhang Yu must be prepared.

"Ring ring ring"

At this moment, a bodyguard behind Miss Allen walked up. The bodyguard held a phone in his hand and handed it to Miss Allen, "Miss, it's Mr. Kane calling."

Miss Allen took it and answered immediately, "hello."

"Hello, Miss. Something is not good." Kane's voice rang on the phone.

Miss Allen said in confusion: "Why is something bad? What happened again?"

"It's like this. After you left, those gamblers continued to play roulette. To be honest, the probability of winning this bet is too high. Since you walked up to now, we have lost almost 40 million. Kane said worriedly.

"What? Another 40 million lost. How could this happen?" Miss Allen exclaimed in surprise.

"I don't know. The dark lights are all paying special attention, and the results are no different from when the kid was there. They can't find any problems at all. But it can be seen that they are betting blindly based on luck. The only difference is which side they bet on. Whichever side wins? There are four roulette tables on the second floor. After closing one, there are three left. Now all three roulette tables are occupied," Kane said helplessly.

"Is there such a thing?" Miss Allen was also confused.

"Not only that, on the first floor, our casino also loses more and wins less. We are paying out a lot of chips at the moment. It has exceeded 200 million. Fortunately, on the fourth floor, we can barely hold on by relying on thousands of chips." Kane said carefully. said.

Casinos sometimes have to pay thousands, especially in gambling halls with relatively large stakes, which require a crook to control the scene.

In fact, this is the case in most formal casinos. For example, in the big casinos on Ao Island, if a gambler is playing on the first floor and bets 50 or 100, the casino will not hesitate to pay thousands, and just pay for the money. This is not the case if you go above the second floor.

"What?" Miss Allen almost jumped up. She immediately looked at Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu didn't understand her words. He seemed to be okay and reached out to touch the white horse, as if to connect with his feelings. Miss Allen wanted to ask Zhang Yu what was going on, but then she thought about it and realized that the two parties had agreed that only if Miss Allen won could Zhang Yu tell him what was going on.

There was no other way, so Miss Allen had no choice but to shout into the phone: "Aren't these people out of money?"

"The dark lights looked carefully and there was no sign of cheating. It's just that the cards they were dealt were particularly good," Kane said.

"Luck. Could it be luck? Where's the person? Where's the astrologer? When will he arrive?" Miss Allen asked anxiously.

"They are on their way, and they will probably arrive in two hours," Kane said.

"So long!" Miss Allen cried out.

"It's already the fastest speed." Kane said helplessly.

"Okay! I get it!" Miss Allen said through gritted teeth.

She hung up the phone and handed the phone to the bodyguard.

At this time, Cook took the saddle and bridle and prepared to put it on the big white horse.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yu touched it and it was okay. Cook wanted to come up and take action, which immediately made the big white horse alert.

It jerked its head to one side, snorted at Cook, and immediately kicked up its front hooves.

Cook was startled, and relying on his quick reaction, he dodged and hid on the other side of Zhang Yu, so that he was not kicked by the big white horse.

"Miss, have you seen that this horse has a really bad temper?" Cook looked at Miss Allen and said aggrievedly.

Allen said to Zhang Yu: "The saddles and bridles have been taken out for you. Hurry up and put them on the horse. Let's go to the competition after us. Don't waste time."

She was anxious, she had to win Zhang Yu quickly and ask Zhang Yu why he won the money.

If the casino continues to lose like this, it will have to close. Even if it is not closed, I cannot bear this responsibility.

Zhang Yu nodded in agreement, but he didn't know how to saddle and bridle a horse. Miss Allen was also brave enough to help saddle the big white horse herself.

Strangely enough, the big white horse didn't have any hostility towards Miss Allen. It was just that the sweaty horse was obviously dissatisfied when he saw his master saddle and bridle the big white horse. He came to the big white horse angrily and snorted again and again.

The big white horse didn't show any weakness and snorted at the sweaty horse.

Both sides seemed to say, "Nimabo, how dare you ask my master to saddle you."

"I just gave in, what the hell!"

"Believe it or not, I beat him!"

"Come if you can!"

"Come here! Who is afraid of whom?"

"Come on!"

"If you have the ability, go first!"

"If you have the guts, come and do it!"

Good guys, the two horses started bickering. The nostrils were snorting and spitting stars were flying everywhere.

After a while, the saddle and bridle of the big white horse was finally pressed.

As the saying goes, a good horse needs a good saddle, just like a Buddha relies on gold.

This big white horse is a majestic horse to begin with, and paired with this outfit, it is even more majestic, no less powerful than Miss Allen's bloody horse.

After the big white horse was fully dressed, he looked very proud and snorted at the sweaty horse twice, as if to say, "Girl, do you think I'm handsome?"

The sweaty horse snorted several times, clearly saying, "You are so handsome!"

Seeing that the big white horse was equipped, Miss Allen said directly: "Let's set off now."

"Wait a minute." Zhang Yu said, taking off his divine walking vest from his legs.

Seeing this, Miss Allen was confused. Naturally, she didn't recognize the Shenxing vest, especially when she saw someone with nothing tied to their legs, she couldn't help but wonder. She couldn't help but ask: "Why are you still wearing this on your legs, playing football?"

"I'll tie the leg guards on the horse to prevent it from falling." Zhang Yu said seriously.

He didn't hide it. The reason was simple. This was a place where horses were raised and there was a lot of surveillance. If you tie a horse secretly, you will definitely be suspicious if you are discovered. I might as well be a bachelor.

"It also uses shin guards..." Miss Allen's mouth opened wide. It was the first time she heard that horses also use shin guards.

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