Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2008 I am the boxing champion!

Boxers look big and bulky, but they are actually extremely explosive and fast. Boxing is a contest of strength, skill, speed and integration.

Of course, in this contest, skills and speed can be cultivated, but strength is particularly difficult to cultivate. Everyone has their own limits.

As a boxer, Allardyce is not useless. The reason why he is not good is because there is a huge gap in strength between him and Mayweather.

Now that the opportunity has arisen, Allardyce knows how to seize it. The moment Mayweather subconsciously covered his stomach, the flaw in his face was exposed, and Allardyce lost no time in punching Mayweather in the face.

A "bang" punch hit Mayweather firmly in the face.

Zhang Yu then recited the headache curse, and Mayweather instantly felt his brain hurt, and his body leaned back subconsciously. Allardyce seized the opportunity and kept hitting Mayweather in the face with straight punches, uppercuts, and swinging punches.

Seeing Allardyce's counterattack, the audience cheered, "Allardyce!" "Come on!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Allardyce!"

Although Mayweather is the idol of many people, in many people's hearts, there are also many expectations for the weak. Because in many cases, the upset of the weak can be more exciting.

Amid the shouts, Allardyce's momentum was like a rainbow, and every punch hit the flesh.

In the far east.

Huang in the live broadcast room saw Allardyce launching a counterattack against Mayweather, hitting Mayweather's face with several punches in succession. He couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, "Holy shit!"

When Liu Yan saw what he said, he subconsciously turned his head and looked over.

At the same time, Huang had already thought of the text message sent by his wife just now, and bought Allardyce to win, paying 40 for 1.

If you win, you will not only be able to recover the two losses, but also make a fortune.

But he immediately discovered that Liu Yan was looking at him because of his "holy shit" just now. As a commentator, that's not something you can say.

In desperation, he decided to save his image and immediately shouted loudly, "Critical hit! Critical hit! Critical hit! Allardyce counterattacked! Allardyce counterattacked! Don't give your opponent any chance! Great Tai Chi , Allardyce just used Tai Chi to neutralize the opponent's attack! He inherited the glorious tradition of Eastern Tai Chi. Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Wuji, and Yang Luchan were possessed by their souls at this moment! Allardyce! He alone represents Tai Chi The West also has a long history and tradition. At this moment, he is not fighting alone, he is not alone! His opponent is Mayweather, the undefeated boxing champion. He also faces boxing fans all over the world. The eyes and expectations! He fell, he fell, Mayweather fell, will it be a KO?"

"Teacher Huang, do you think your words sound familiar to me?" Liu Yan said in a low voice.

"Yes, I don't think so." Teacher Huang then shouted passionately: "One! Two! Three! Four"

At this moment in the boxing ring, Mayweather had been knocked to the ground by a random punch from Allardyce.

The atmosphere at the scene was very tense, and the audience actually closed their mouths at this moment, and all their eyes were focused on Mayweather.

This new generation boxing champion after Tyson has always been invincible. Not to mention defeated, he has never been knocked down even once.

But today, he was knocked down by Allardyce.

Cheryl had already stood up when Allardyce was fighting back. She seemed more nervous than anyone else, with her heart beating wildly and her eyes fixed on everything on the ring.

She couldn't believe that her husband really wouldn't be defeated by Mayweather.

Brighton was also dumbfounded and his mouth was open. Although he had seen Zhang Yu's strength before, after all, it was Allardyce who was boxing now.

Most of the audience at the scene also had "O" shaped mouths, and some were still rubbing their eyes.

"Six! Seven!"

When the referee counted to 7, Mayweather, who was lying on the ground, swayed and looked up.

He seemed unable to believe that he would be knocked down by Allardyce.

But just now he could feel the power of Allardyce's fist. The punch to the stomach caused overwhelming pain in his stomach, and the punch to the head gave him a splitting headache.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Allardyce, his body trembling a little. He realized that he should re-examine this opponent.

"Ring ring ring"

The bell rang, the seventh round was over, and it was time to rest.

The two men returned to their seats and sat down. Mayweather's four assistants all looked a little nervous.

One of them stammered: "Allardyce can't be that powerful, are you okay?"

"Of course I'm fine!" Mayweather gritted his teeth and said, "The one who wins in the end must be me!"

Opposite Allardyce, his face was full of joy. Although he had not yet won the final victory, he had already created a miracle. Be the first to knock Mayweather to the ground in the ring.

Zhang Yu didn't give much advice, he just asked him to keep going.

At the beginning of the eighth round, Mayweather was like a tiger coming down the mountain, wanting to tear Allardyce alive.

His offensive was so intense that Allardyce could only parry again and again, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Zhang Yu couldn't say that he would make people suspicious if he kept casting curses on headaches and stomachaches. Therefore, he is also looking for opportunities to wait for Allardyce's fist to hit Mayweather before using this trick.

That is because Mayweather is bent on regaining face, and his offensive is too fierce. Under the stormy attack, some flaws will inevitably be exposed. This flaw would have been in vain in a normal Allardyce, but it was different now.

Allardyce seized the opportunity and punched Mayweather in the cheek, giving Mayweather a splitting headache. Allardyce took the opportunity to punch Mayweather to the ground again.

The two men held on for a brief moment as Mayweather stood up. The eighth round is also over.

The audience at the scene could no longer shout, and they all watched the competition in the boxing ring nervously.

In their minds, this is no longer a one-sided game, but a peak showdown. Allardyce is definitely not a loser. He has the strength to fight a boxing champion.

Mayweather sat down in his seat. At this moment, his eyes towards Allardyce changed a little. There was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Mr. Mayweather, our boss just sent a message, let me tell you, you must not lose. Now in the real-time buying order, there are already large orders for Allardyce to win, and many people have even placed orders. Buy and you will be KOed. The odds of Allardyce winning have been declining, and there are also many people who can buy." An assistant whispered in Mayweather's ear.

"I don't need you to remind me! I am the boxing champion and I will never lose!" Mayweather said through gritted teeth.

At the beginning of the ninth round, everyone quickly discovered that the situation seemed wrong.

It turned out that Mayweather changed his tactics and no longer attacked as fiercely as in the previous rounds, but used both offense and defense. It seemed that he did not want to expose his flaws and be hit by Allardyce.

The gap between the two men is already huge. He defends more often, and Allardyce has no chance to hit him again.

"Bryton, is Mayweather out of energy? Why doesn't he attack hard now?" Cheryl looked at Bryton and whispered.

"It's not that Mayweather has run out of energy, it's that he doesn't dare to attack too much after just suffering two losses. He now has an absolute advantage in points. It is almost impossible for Allardyce to win on points unless It was to KO him within the round. He was obviously afraid of Allardyce, so he had already used tactics to waste time," said Brighton.

"So that's it!" Cheryl suddenly became energetic and shouted with clenched fists: "Allardyce, come on! You are the best, you will definitely win!"

In the ninth round, due to Mayweather's conservatism, Allardyce was unable to form an effective attack at all, and three minutes passed by.

By the tenth round, Mayweather was still the same.

His tactics seemed right, but the spectators were not fools either. Soon many people saw what was going on.

The audience was unhappy and shouted loudly, "Fight!" "Fight!" "Mayweather! Fight!" "Don't just think about defense! Fight!" "Aren't you a boxing champion? It’s not because you’re afraid of being KO’d and you just want to waste time!” “Shit boxing champion!” “Coward boxing champion!” “You’re not afraid, are you!” “You’re still a boxing champion!”.

Boxing is a passionate sport. When everyone watches the game, many people will release their feelings.

Faced with such scoldings, Mayweather just gritted his teeth and did not take the initiative to attack at all.

In fact, sweat was pouring out from his body, almost like rain.

As a boxing champion, even if you encounter a very strong opponent and cannot KO, you still have to attack. But Mayweather was obviously afraid, he couldn't lose, and he didn't dare to lose.

He only told himself in his heart that if he lasted for two more rounds, he would win!

Zhang Yu naturally saw Mayweather's thoughts and said in his heart that this guy is too cunning. It seems that now, we can no longer delay, we must win!

Zhang Yu whispered: "Zhao Hua, after you take the stage, tell Allardyce that you must attack fiercely in the next round. Don't worry about exposing flaws!"

"I understand." Zhao Hua nodded.

The tenth round ended quickly. After Zhao Hua took the stage, he told Allardyce what Zhang Yu said.

Allardyce himself also understands that the reason why he was able to knock Mayweather down before was definitely not his own ability. But how Zhang Yu did it, he didn't know at all.

Since Zhang Yu allowed himself to risk his life and attack fiercely, don't be polite.

At the beginning of the eleventh round, Allardyce took the initiative and launched a fierce attack on Mayweather.

When the audience saw this, their blood immediately boiled and they began to shout for Allardyce.

"Allardyce!" "Allardyce!" "Come on!" "Down with Mayweather!" "Down with Mayweather!" "Down with Mayweather!".

With Allardyce's strength, the fierce attack would not have much effect, but would expose his flaws. This allowed Mayweather to seize the opportunity and punch him in the chest.

Allardyce didn't know the pain, but instead punched Mayweather directly in the stomach. This is equivalent to changing one punch for another and resisting the fight by yourself. Mayweather does not have this ability. Because of Zhang Yu's stomachache curse, Mayweather screamed in pain again. Allardyce seized the opportunity and hit Mayweather's head with a left punch, a right punch, a straight punch, an uppercut, and a swinging punch.

Mayweather received seven or eight punches in a row, but he was beaten back step by step. He had no magic spell and had to endure Zhang Yu's headache curse. Even a tough man couldn't stand it anymore.

"Bang!" Allardyce punched Mayweather on the nose again.

Fortunately, Mayweather's nose bridge has been removed, so it's not too tragic.

The vibration in his head made him want to hit the wall. Under the severe pain, he gritted his teeth so hard that his braces were almost broken. The most primitive growl came from his throat, like a wild beast.


Mayweather endured the pain and hit Allardyce in the face with a backhand punch.

Allardyce only focused on attacking and did not defend at all. How could he avoid this punch.

And this punch was far more powerful than the previous punches. Allardyce staggered and took a few steps to the side. But Mayweather was like a wild beast, ignoring the severe pain in his head, and rushed forward with a single lunge, using fists the size of ocean bowls, punching left and right.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!".

Allardyce only felt his brain trembling constantly in his head, and his eyesight went a little dark.

With a "plop", the person finally fell to the ground weakly.

"Allardyce!" Cheryl jumped up when she saw her husband fall.

Almost everyone present also jumped up.

"One! Two! Three" the referee shouted loudly.

But Allardyce's eyes were dark, his whole head was dizzy, and he never wanted to get up again.

Zhang Yu in the audience looked at Allardyce, and he understood in his heart that no matter how powerful the God Talisman was, it was by no means omnipotent. Even if it is made of copper and iron, it will be hammered to pieces sooner or later if it is hammered repeatedly. The head is the key point of the human body, and Mayweather's fist is no less than a hammer. Now Allardyce has reached a limit. At the limit, people may not be able to stand up again in a short period of time.

"Allardyce! Get up! You're about to win!" Seeing that the count had reached five, Cheryl was worried and anxious, and couldn't help shouting at the top of her lungs.

"Allardyce! Get up!" "Get up!" "Get up quickly!" "If you win, you will be the boxing champion!" "Allardyce!" "Get up! If you stand up, you will be the boxing champion !".

The voices of the audience were like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. They are all cheering for Allardyce, hoping that Allardyce can stand up and give Mayweather the final blow.

Many people could tell that Mayweather's body was trembling and shaking, obviously at the end of his strength.

"Boxing champion. Stand up. I am the boxing champion." Every boxer has the heart of a boxing champion, and Allardyce is no exception.

When he heard those shouts, the boxing champion's heart couldn't help but be ignited. He knows that he carries a lot of things, including his reputation and his wife's expectations. Zhang Yu has done everything he can for him, and now he is only one step away from the boxing championship. That is, stand up on your own.


Suddenly, Allardyce, who was lying on the ground, roared suddenly, and his eyes suddenly brightened. He supported himself with his arms and slowly stood up.

When the referee saw him getting up, he quickly stepped aside. The audience present saw him get up, and their cheers became louder.

"Allardyce!" "Allardyce!" "Allardyce the boxer!" "Allardyce the boxer!" "Knock out Mayweather!" "Knock out Mayweather!".

"I am the boxing champion!" This was the first time Allardyce heard such cheers. He felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

Allardyce lunged towards Mayweather, raised his fist and hit Mayweather.


Just one punch!

Mayweather fell to the ground.

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