Zhang Yu had seen casinos before, killing everyone on a gambling boat.

Casino Royale seems to be no different from a gambling ship. If anything, it is more blatant.

You know, gambling is illegal in China, and setting up gambling is illegal, but in England, these are all legal, and even visiting a brothel is legal. There are standardized laws, but this industry still collects taxes.

As a result, the Casino Royale must be colorful. Gambling and women are the hobbies of many men. All kinds of girls are everywhere in the casino, with black hair, blond hair, blue hair, purple hair, fat and thin, bulging front and back, in short, there are all kinds of styles, and even the nationalities are diverse.

In addition to these women, there are also a dazzling array of gambling tables, with various tricks that are even better than those in the original offshore entertainment city.

The casino here has a total of five floors, with everything available to play.

It was the first time for Zhang Yinling, Yuan Xiaoxiao, Wang Jie and Yin Shangjie to come to this kind of place. They had only heard about it before or seen it on TV. At this moment, I was immersed in the scene, and I was immediately attracted by everything here.

Magnificent and resplendent, these two sentences are not an exaggeration to describe it.

Even Dini, Elisa, Zhao Hua, and Qian Fei couldn't help but open their mouths after seeing it, shocked by everything here.

Allardyce, Brighton and others were looking around. Although they were not allowed to gamble, they were somewhat eager to give it a try.

What Zhang Yu was observing was not this, he was looking at the decoration here, especially the bright lights above his head. This is definitely an astrological formation that can make people excited, forget themselves, and even forget the time.

Clocks are never set up in casinos. The purpose is to prevent gamblers from knowing the time and make them addicted to it.

Zhang Yu and the others didn't exchange their chips, so they just wandered back and forth in the lobby on the first floor, but didn't see the person they were looking for.

When they didn't find it on the first floor, they headed to the second floor. The second floor had slightly fewer gamblers than the first floor, but the stakes were bigger and there were more women.

They kept wandering around the second floor, but still couldn't find their target. The third floor is still a casino, so I simply walked up, but this place is completely different from the first and second floors.

Looking around, there are gambling halls one after another, with various signs hanging at the entrances of the gambling halls. This sign can also be considered user-friendly, with characters in various languages ​​​​on it, including Mandarin.

Zhang Yu scanned around and saw the words "football", "basketball", "baseball", "horse racing", "boxing" and so on.

"What is this for?" Zhang Yu asked.

Ajiu immediately replied: "This is a place for betting on football, horse racing, and boxing. Basically, all the games you can bet on are available here."

"It seems quite diverse." Zhang Yu laughed.

Just as he was talking, two people came up from the bottom of the stairs.

Zhang Yu turned around and saw a burly white man, followed by a beautiful woman.

Zhang Yu didn't recognize the other party, but Allardyce suddenly said: "Johnson, what a coincidence."

As soon as the burly man saw Allardyce, he stepped forward to meet him and raised his fist. Allardyce also raised his fist, and the two fists bumped in a friendly manner.

"What a coincidence, Allardyce, you are here too." Johnson said with a smile.

"Come here and have a look, how about you?" Allardyce said with a smile.

"The match is about to start. I came over to relax and take a look at the latest odds for the boxing championship. Would you like to come over and check out the odds? Your luck is really bad. You actually drew May. Wither,” Johnson laughed.

"Don't mention it." Allardyce shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Okay, anyway, we are just foils. At the end of the fight, the title of the boxing champion will be either Mayweather or Pacquiao. At best, we can only earn some appearance fees. Hey, Cheryl, you are here too, let's go Let’s go in and take a look,” Johnson said.

"Cheryl." The blonde next to Johnson walked up to Cheryl. The two seemed to be very familiar with each other.

"Arthur Blue, what a coincidence. Your Johnson's luck is much better than our Allardyce's." Cheryl greeted.

"It's just a matter of one game, at least the top 16. Let's go in and see the odds." Arthur Lan said.

"Uh" Cheryl did not agree immediately, but turned to look at Zhang Yu.

Allardyce also looked at Zhang Yu and said respectfully: "Master, should we go in and take a look."

As soon as these words came out, Johnson and Arthur Lan were obviously stunned.

The two of them looked at Zhang Yu together and found that he was just an oriental boy. What kind of master could he be?

Zhao Hua translated Allardyce's words, and Zhang Yu could also see that Allardyce had met a friend. It would be a bit disrespectful to refuse to agree.

Zhang Yu nodded and smiled: "I happen to want to take a look too, so let's go in together. Allardyce, these two are your friends."

After Zhao Hua translated, Allardyce immediately introduced: "This is Johnson, a friend of mine. We have fought in the boxing ring. This Arthur Blue is her girlfriend and a model. Cheryl is a good friend. Johnson, Arthur Blue, this Master Zhang is from the East and is also my master."

After hearing this introduction, Johnson and Arthur Lan were stunned again. They didn't know when Allardyce worshiped such a master before.

But since Allardyce said that, he has to give face, so let’s ask him what happened in private later.

The two of them greeted Zhang Yu together. Brydon and Johnson seemed to know each other, but they didn't have much friendship. After a symbolic exchange, they all entered the "Boxing" casino together.

This gambling hall is really not small, at least more than 300 square meters, with sofas, tables and chairs, a large TV screen, and a cashier. There are many photos hanging on the surrounding walls. Coincidentally, the two that appear as soon as you enter the door are one of Allardyce and the other of Johnson.

There were many people in the gambling hall, some sitting together, some standing together, talking about something among themselves.

Now that I've seen Allardyce's photos, I have to take a look.

Under the photo, a lot of words were written, but unfortunately this time they were all in English.

Zhang Yu naturally couldn't understand, and Zhao Hua next to him helped him translate, "Allardyce, height XXX, weight XXX, best score XXX. In this boxing championship competition, the odds of winning the gold belt are 500 to 1; top 32 The odds of advancing to the top 16 are 33 to 1.”

After listening to his translation, Zhang Yinling couldn't help shouting: "500 for 1, if I buy you to win the gold belt, wouldn't it be a bonus!"

This girl made money betting on football last time and already has some knowledge about gambling.

Allardyce and others could not understand her words. Seeing that she had said so much, Allardyce looked at Zhao Hua, waiting for translation.

Zhao Hua translated truthfully, and Allardyce immediately frowned and asked himself to win the gold belt, whatever he wanted. Of course, with Master Zhang Yu here, perhaps everything is possible.

Johnson, who was next to Allardyce, shook his head and smiled and said: "This odds actually means that buying Allardyce's gold belt for 100 pounds is equivalent to throwing the 100 pounds into the water."

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