Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1988 Found it

Using cats as prototypes is a wonderful layout.

The reason is simple. Casinos are for making money. Most casino owners believe in Feng Shui. Many casinos even prohibit bringing Pixiu ornaments into the casino to avoid affecting Feng Shui luck. The decoration of casinos often does not dare to show Pixiu, even some ferocious animals.

Once this happens, it is easy for gamblers to be intimidated and their aura will be suppressed, causing gamblers to not dare to enter easily.

The Casino Royale here, using cats as its prototype, will avoid this. After all, cats are not lethal in people's eyes, and they are particularly easy to get close to. Coupled with the astrology and feng shui here, people will be happy to enter.

Once you get in, you're basically out of luck. Although cats are cute, they are also cruel animals. They are related to tigers and lions, so how can they not be cruel? However, the cat is too small, so it can only run when it encounters animals in big stores. When it encounters people, it sometimes runs, and sometimes it pretends to be cute, which is a bit of a trick to cheat food, drink, and love.

When a cat encounters animals smaller than itself, such as birds, mice, etc., these animals will be out of luck. Cats usually don't bite them to death directly, but play them to death.

What kind of place is a casino? The casino didn't say that people can win and lose everything in one day. If they lose everything on the same day, they can still get more money to continue gambling. Sometimes, the casino has to give you some sweeteners so that you have the motivation to continue sending money. To put it bluntly, it means playing with you back and forth until you are completely defeated, bankrupt, and commit suicide by jumping off the building. This is called playing to death.

Anyone who enters a casino is weak, even if Bill Gates or Li Chaoren enter, because the rules are set by the casino.

To a certain extent, casinos are like cats. Weak animals will be played to death. And it looks so cute and cute.

After understanding the Feng Shui scheme here, Zhang Yu shook his head, smiled, and said, "I will remember everything after I enter. No one wants to gamble."

"I know, I know, let me bet, I don't have any money." Wang Jie was the first to say.

Zhao Hua translated, and everyone else nodded quickly, saying they would never gamble.

Later, a group of people entered the casino under the leadership of Zhang Yu. Casinos are actually like hotels. Most casinos are called so-and-so hotels, such as the Lisboa Hotel, where you can find everything to eat, drink, and have fun.

When you enter, you will be greeted by a beautiful reception girl who is very enthusiastic. Allardyce had obviously been here, said a few words, and was taken to the front desk.

Zhang Yu didn't understand what was being said, so he waited for Zhao Hua to translate.

Generally speaking, they are polite words, and also ask them if they have accommodation and what kind of room they live in.

Soon, Allardyce looked at Zhang Yu with a trace of embarrassment on his face. Zhao Hua immediately translated and said, "Master, are we sure we will live in a villa? She said that the villa is not very big. A villa can accommodate up to five or six people. With so many of us, we need four villas."

Their people indeed said that Zhang Yu and Zhang Yinling, the two apprentices plus Wang Jie and Qing Meizi, as well as the Allardyce couple, Zhao Hua, Qian Fei, Dini, Eliza, and Brighton There are five masters and apprentices. In addition, there were two drivers and Ajiu, a total of more than 20 people.

When Zhang Yu heard this, he immediately understood that the cost of accommodation was quite high. He smiled and said, "How much does it cost?"

"A villa costs 13,000 pounds a day." Zhao Hua said.

Four villas cost 13,000 pounds a day, which is 52,000 pounds a day, which is more than 500,000 pounds in domestic money.

Zhang Yu said nonchalantly: "Qingmeizi, you go and pay, and we'll stay for five days first."

When he got off the plane, Yang Wenbin gave Zhang Yu one million pounds. If the money was spent elsewhere, it would be enough to last for a while. But the price of staying in a villa here is equivalent to the presidential suite in a seven-star hotel.

Of course, it must be expensive for a reason, and there must be cheap rooms here, but Zhang Yu just wants to live in the villa here.

Qingmeizi knew that her master was rich, so she didn't blink when giving the money. She paid the room fee, and a reception girl immediately led them to the villa to settle down.

Passing through the hotel lobby, it looks like a huge garden behind it. The entire garden is based on this building, which forms the main axis of the entire garden. On the main axis of the garden, several secondary axes are extended to lay out wide avenues, flower beds, river channels, pools, fountains, sculptures, etc. Open straight roads in the garden, form small squares at the vertical and horizontal intersections of the roads, and distribute pools, fountains, sculptures or small buildings in a dotted manner. The entire layout embodies strict geometric patterns. Garden flowers and trees are strictly cut into cones, spheres, and cylinders, while lawns and flower beds are outlined into rhombuses, rectangles, circles, etc. In short, the cut is meticulously geometric and never allows the shape to grow naturally. The water surface is limited to neat stone pools, which are often built in round, square, rectangular or oval shapes. There are always sculptures and fountains in the pools. Go for overall symmetry and unobstructed views.

This style shows the rigorous work style of Westerners without losing style and pleasing to the eye. Walking among them makes people feel refreshed and even a little elated.

As the saying goes, when you move your energy, you nourish your body. The environment can change a person's temperament, and cultivation or cultivation can change a person's quality. Living in a place like this, one's temperament will change.

Everyone else was looking around, admiring the scenery here, but Zhang Yu felt a little uncomfortable walking here. There was no other reason. He could definitely feel that there were surveillance everywhere, as if he was in a large surveillance network. No matter where he went, there was someone watching him.

There are a lot of people here, and from time to time you can see people taking photos and enjoying the scenery. After walking for a while and turning a few corners, a villa park appeared in front of us.

As soon as he saw this villa, Zhang Yu was stunned. This villa complex looked so familiar. Wasn't it the same villa he had seen in Yuan Guang Shu?

Zhang Yu and Yang Wenbin told Yang Wenbin about the general appearance of the villa. Yang Wenbin said that most country villas look like this. They really didn't expect to see it in the Royal Garden Casino.

Look at these villas. There is no sense of inconsistency among the gardens. They seem to complement each other so well. They have a bit of pastoral style, but they are not grand.

This is also true. After all, the picture Zhang Yu saw in the round light technique was relatively small, and of course he could not see the whole picture.

In an instant, Zhang Yu could be sure that the person he was looking for was most likely here.

However, the villas in front of him all looked the same. In a short period of time, Zhang Yu couldn't count how many there were.

Zhang Yu stopped and said, "Zhao Hua, ask her why the villas here are all the same."

When Zhao Hua and others saw him stopping, they quickly stopped too. The reception girl noticed that they were not leaving and turned around. Zhao Hua immediately translated, and the reception girl replied: "The villas here have the same style on the outside, but they are different on the inside."

Zhao Hua translated into Mandarin. Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Ask her how many such villas there are here."

The reception girl answered truthfully: "There are eighty-one buildings in total, divided into three sides: left, middle and right, with twenty-seven buildings on each side."

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