Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1985 Living Immortal

Seeing Fule thanking Zhang Yu, Dini and Elisa also felt happy. The two of them glanced at each other, as if telepathically communicating with each other, and walked towards Zhang Yu together without saying a word.

Coming to Fule's side, Elisa said gratefully: "Master, thank you."

"Master, thank you!" Dini also said gratefully.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "You have already worshiped me as your teacher, so I will naturally help you solve your problems. In fact, you two are destined by God and cannot be separated. Even if you don't meet your teacher, the same It will also be resolved.”

Zhao Hua translated, and everyone was listening.

Seeing that the matter has been resolved now, they have no intention of leaving.

The reason is simple. They still want to ask Old Ful what is in the Medicine King Palace.

Fran and Richardson are both waiting here, especially Richardson, who is now more convinced of Zhang Yu. Even the snobbish old Fule was able to change his gender inexplicably, which further illustrates Zhang Yu's brilliance.

Richardson came to Zhang Yu's side in two steps and said respectfully: "Master Zhang, I wonder when you can go and help me check Feng Shui."

Zhao Hua immediately translated, and Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said, "It's getting late today, I'm really sorry. Otherwise, what do you think tomorrow morning?"

"No problem, no problem, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning." Richardson nodded.

When Fran saw that Richardson also wanted to read Feng Shui, he smiled slightly and said, "Richardson, if you find Mr. Zhang to read Feng Shui, you are looking for the right person."

He followed up and said to Zhang Yu: "Master Zhang, I wonder if you are free this weekend?"

Zhao Hua translated, and Zhang Yu said: "It seems nothing is wrong. Mr. Fran, is something wrong?"

"It's like this. The team is going to play away from home. I was wondering if you could go." Fran said with a smile.

He is thoroughly familiar with Zhang Yu's abilities, and he fully believes that as long as Zhang Yu takes action, his team will definitely win.

Just as Zhang Yu was about to agree, Allardyce rushed to the side and said: "Master, we have something to do this weekend. I have to go to London to compete. Do you have to go with me?"

After Zhao Hua translated, Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Yes, why did I forget about this? Don't worry, I will go to London with you then."

He looked at Fran again and said: "Mr. Fran, when you go to the competition, you should follow the method I said and cheer like this. When the time comes, I will make a few changes and you will never lose."

Zhao Hua translated again, and everyone present could understand clearly.

Everyone secretly said in their hearts, how capable this Master Zhang is. Richardson had to go to Zhang Yu for Feng Shui; Allardyce had to go to Zhang Yu for boxing; and for football matches, he had to go to Zhang Yu. This Master Zhang is simply omnipotent!

However, after Fran heard this, he said hurriedly: "Zhenzhen Zhang, the away game is different from the home game. Last time it was our home game, you can choose any position, but it can't be done when you go to the away game. There is only one visiting team stand, and the other The seats are all in the home team’s stands. I’m afraid this trick won’t work.”

"Yes." After listening to the translation, Zhang Yu finally realized, isn't it? When playing at home, the position can be adjusted at will, and any position can be reserved as long as you want. But going to an away game, there is no such good thing.

Zhang Yu thought about it for a while, and then he made a calculation. He said with a smile: "This matter is easy to handle. Tomorrow morning, I will show Richardson the feng shui first. In the afternoon, we will go to your golf course. Remember to prepare more people. Also Yes, please prepare some more black and white robes."

"What is this for? I'm afraid I won't be able to do it tomorrow." Fran said.

"Just prepare before the game. Just let people wear black and white clothes tomorrow." Zhang Yu said.

"That's no problem." Fran nodded in agreement.

It's not too early to arrange things for Richardson and Fran.

Zhang Yu looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "Everyone, are there any people offering incense? If not, it's getting late and our Taoist temple has to prepare dinner."

Zhao Hua translated his words, and someone at the scene immediately shouted: "I will offer incense."

The man took out a pound, bought three sticks of incense, and then rushed into the Palace of Medicine King.

It turns out that this guy was putting up incense for a fake reason, mainly because he wanted to see what was inside.

Seeing him go in first, other people also reacted, rushing to buy incense one by one, and then went in to burn incense.

There was no one in the Medicine King's Palace, and everything was as usual. There was nothing special about it. Everyone lit up the incense and then almost turned the Medicine King's Palace upside down, but they didn't see anything.

Of course they would not find anything. Before that, that is, last night, Zhang Yu came to the Medicine King Palace once and made some arrangements. Mainly, a phantom formation was set up, specially prepared for Foul.

Zhang Yu was not sure that Fuer would definitely come today, but he believed that Fuer would find this place sooner or later.

This formation, after being activated, will automatically disappear when Fule recovers from the illusion.

Although most people burn incense because they want to find some mechanism, there are also a small number of people who think that Zhang Yu is very capable and that Taoism is really quite mysterious, much more mysterious than Christianity and Catholicism. Therefore, they sincerely offer incense in the hope of being blessed by Taoist ancestors.

When it was getting dark, Fran, Richardson and others said goodbye, and the Foers also said goodbye. Eliza and Dini sent them out of the Taoist temple. Because they were Zhang Yu's disciples, they would not go home tonight. .

The other people saw Fule leaving and hurriedly followed him. It could be said that on the way back, everyone was asking Fule what happened at Yaowang Palace.

Foer had no nerve to tell them this dream. He just said that when he was inside, he seemed to have been inspired by the Taoist ancestors, so he understood the true meaning of life and had a great enlightenment.

Everyone was dubious about his words, but that was all they could do. However, the mystery of Sanqing Temple has left a deep impression in their hearts. Some people have decided to take some time to go to Sanqing Temple to burn incense when they have nothing to do.

When these people left Sanqing Temple, Zhang Yu's disciples and foreign devils and Taoist priests surrounded Zhang Yu, and asked each and every one of them: "Master, what is going on? Why are you blessed?" Will you suddenly agree to Dini and Eliza's marriage?" "Master, you did something in the Medicine King's Palace, how come we can't tell?" "Master, what exactly did you do? Why does my dad suddenly seem to have changed? Personally, I can’t believe it.” “Zhenzhen Zhang, what’s going on?” “Zhenzhen Zhang, can you tell me something.”

Faced with their doubts, Zhang Yu just laughed and said: "This is just a dream."

"Nan Ke Yimeng." "Nan Ke Yimeng." Zhang Yu's disciples looked at each other. They had naturally heard of Nan Ke Yimeng's story, and now they couldn't help but wonder how Foer could be connected with Nan Ke Yimeng.

As for the foreign devils, they had no idea about Nan Ke Yimeng, and they had to explain it to them, almost like telling a story, by Zhao Hua.

It was precisely because of telling this story that everyone had some feelings and vaguely guessed some clues. They admired Zhang Yu's ability even more, he was clearly a living god.

At this time, John Brown suddenly took a step forward and said sincerely: "Master Zhang, I have something to discuss with you."

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