Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1981 Everything you want is here

"You are going to make me mad." Seeing her daughter still saying this, Alyssa gritted her teeth in anger.

Fule was also anxious and shouted: "Girl, did you take the wrong medicine? You, you"

Having something like this happen in front of everyone made him feel shameless and completely humiliated. He pointed at his daughter, trembling with anger.

Zhao Hua translated everything they said to Zhang Yu. When Zhang Yu was in China, he also heard people talk about life in foreign countries, saying that foreigners strengthen their children's education. After their children reach adulthood, they will not care about their private lives and can do whatever they want.

But now it seems that it is not like the legend. It is also inevitable, and it is also a dislike of poverty and love of wealth. I hope my daughter will marry a rich man and be able to climb high.

"Mr. Foer, when you blame your daughter, I actually think you should think about what you have done first. Yes, most people have vanity. For this vanity, people become exaggerated. You are no longer down-to-earth. You only want your daughter to marry a rich man. When you heard that your daughter has found a rich boyfriend, you immediately made a big deal and invited relatives and friends to your home. Unexpectedly, your daughter has been abandoned. You blame her , I feel shameless, but under your reproach, I forced my daughter to go to a dead end. If it weren’t for Dini, what you see now would only be your daughter’s body. Of course, money is a good thing and can be exchanged for it. You get a lot of things, but they can't buy you life. In our East, there is a saying that a gentleman loves money and gets it in the right way. Only money earned down-to-earth will make you spend it with peace of mind. Some things that are obtained without hard work, It is often illusory and will disappear if you don’t see it. In the end, it will make people regret it for life!” Zhang Yu said seriously.

Zhao Hua translated all his words.

After Zhao Hua finished translating, Zhang Yu patted Allardyce's arm and said, "Just like Allardyce, he is a boxer. He looks very prosperous and has gained a lot of things. He has money and wealth." status. But do you know how much blood and sweat Allardyce put in behind this? In order to practice boxing, he needed to box, exercise, and shed countless sweats while others were having fun. Not only that, but his The body looks strong, but in fact there are numerous injuries from falls and falls, and the root of the disease has long been established.”

Zhao Hua continued to translate, and after listening to Allardyce, he couldn't help but recall the scene when he was practicing boxing. Yes, what I have today is so hard-won. I have to pay more than my peers.

However, Zhang Yu's words only elicited a disdainful smile from Foer. Foer curled his lips and said, "It's useless to talk about such a bunch of nonsense. I am Eliza's father. Would I harm my only daughter?" ? Call me vain. Who is not vain in this world? My daughter is in her golden years, highly educated, and good-looking. What qualifications does Dini have to marry my daughter? Of course I hope my daughter is happy, and I hope she lives a good life. What’s wrong with living a life like this? What you get for free is often illusory, and will disappear if you say you don’t see it. My daughter will naturally have fine clothes, fine food, luxury cars and mansions when she marries a rich man. How can she say that she won’t see it? No! Finally, a person as old as me, do you need a child to educate me? Really, I really don’t know how you fooled these people!"

His words made many people look at him and nod their heads.

Zhang Yu was so young that he still dared to teach people in England. He simply didn't know his own surname.

However, those who had seen Zhang Yu's abilities looked at Fuer angrily. It seems to be saying, you are really shameless.

Zhang Yu was not angry. He smiled slightly and said, "Since you don't believe it, we can try it."

"Try it! How?" After hearing Zhao Hua's translation, Old Ful stared at Zhang Yu.

Everyone present was also curious about how to try this thing.

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Don't you want a rich son-in-law? Do you want a luxury car and a mansion? Then come with me."

With that said, he calmly walked outside.

Everyone was puzzled, not only the crowd of onlookers, but even Zhang Yu's disciples didn't understand what was going on.

The people who were blocking the door of the main hall to watch saw Zhang Yu coming out, they quickly got out of the way and watched Zhang Yu walk to the door of Yaowang Palace.

Old Fule was also quite puzzled. He looked at Zhang Yu's back and said angrily: "Do you have a rich son-in-law, a luxury car and a mansion? Let me see it! Okay, then I'll go and see it!" "

He walked out angrily, and Alyssa followed him out.

Other people also went out one after another, and with the hundreds of people watching, the entire area around Yaowang Palace was filled with water.

Zhang Yu and others stood at the door of Yaowang Palace. Old Ful stared at Zhang Yu and shouted: "Where is it? Where is it?"

After Zhao Hua translated, Zhang Yu pointed to the Medicine King Palace and said with a smile: "It's right inside. You can see it when you go in."

The door of the Medicine King's Hall is open, and there are only the Medicine King Sun Simiao, Li Shizhen, and Hua Tuo enshrined inside, as well as candlesticks and incense tables, and nothing else.

Old Ful laughed and said: "Where is there anyone here? There are no luxury cars or mansions. Is it because my eyesight is bad, or the big guy's eyesight is bad!"

"Nothing?" "Didn't see it." "I didn't see it either.".

Everyone who saw it also shouted.

Zhang Yu didn't care, he just smiled and said, "You can see it after you go in."

"You can see it after you go in." Old Ful obviously didn't believe it, and he shouted loudly: "Everyone present is a witness. If there are no luxury cars and mansions, I don't know what you say!"

This guy also had a very explosive temper. After saying this, he stepped into the Medicine King Palace.

Everyone was watching, and saw old Fule starting to look around after entering the door, not knowing what he was looking at.

However, Zhang Yu had already walked to the door and gently closed the palace door.

Seeing Zhang Yu close the door, Alyssa quickly shouted: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Yu just smiled and said: "It's nothing. He will be fine. There are so many people here. You wouldn't think that I dare to harm him in public. If anything happens, he will naturally shout, wait. That’s good.”

Zhao Hua followed the interpreter, and Alyssa felt that what Zhang Yu said made sense, but her husband went in alone, which was worrying after all.

The onlookers became even more suspicious and murmured one by one, "What is in here?" "It seems like nothing?" "Why hasn't Ful come out after he went in?" "Yes, the doors are closed. Why hasn't he made any movement at all?" "It's really weird.".

Although Eliza was forced by her father, her father was her father after all, and she was also worried that something would happen to her father. Eliza asked carefully: "Master, will my dad be fine?"

"Don't worry, your father will be fine. There is everything he wants in there. I can guarantee that after he comes out, he will agree to your marriage to Dini." Zhang Yu said confidently.

Zhao Hua followed the translation, and after everyone listened, they looked even more unbelieving. Who doesn't know that Old Fore is a famous snobbery, how could he agree to his daughter's marriage to Dini.

Of course, what they are more curious about is what is in the Medicine King's Palace that allowed Ful to enter, but there has been no movement until now. Logically speaking, Zhang Yu had closed the door, and Fule shouldn't have missed it.

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