Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1979 Guests are coming

Early the next morning.

An old couple in their fifties were walking on the streets of Lesha Town. They looked around and shouted from time to time, "Eliza! Eliza!"

If they see pedestrians, the old couple will stop them and ask each other if they have seen Eliza.

The couple were none other than Eliza's parents, Fore and Aiwass.

I asked several people in succession, but no one had seen Elisa.

At this time, the old woman Alyssa became a little anxious and shouted angrily: "What are you scolding her for every day? Now it's better. Elisa is gone. It's all your fault!"

"I scolded her for her own good! Tell me, we have notified our relatives and friends to come to our home today, and we also said that Eliza's rich boyfriend will also come. Now they have dumped her, and when relatives and friends come, When I heard about this, I lost my temper!" Foer kept stamping his feet.

"We no longer have a rich boyfriend, we can find another one. With how good our daughter is, are we still afraid of not finding a rich husband? You keep scolding her at home, what if she can't think about it!" Alyssa shouted .

"Okay, okay. When I find her, I won't scold her." Old Ful curled his lips and said.

While the couple was talking, they suddenly saw two cars driving in front of them.

As soon as he saw these two cars, Old Fore immediately recognized them and said, "This seems to be Fran's car."

Immediately afterwards, two cars got out of the car, the doors opened, and Fran, the female secretary, and the bodyguard got out of the car.

Immediately, I heard the female secretary say: "Boss, you won't have to walk today."

"Of course I walked, so that I could show my sincerity." Fran said seriously.

"That's right, let's go," the female secretary said.

"Incense burner, incense burner. Bring the incense burner. Today is to offer incense and say thank you." Fran urged.

The bodyguard quickly fetched the incense burner and put incense in it. After lighting it, Fran held the incense burner himself and walked forward.

Needless to say, he naturally went to Sanqing Temple. Yesterday, Zhang Yu helped him read the Feng Shui of Yin Mansion. It worked immediately. The crisis in the ranch was solved on the spot. This made Fran even more convinced of Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu said at the beginning that there would be a fee for helping, and Fran didn't bring that much money with him. Today he prepared good faith and came again.

This guy was sincere enough to go on foot.

The Foers looked confused and didn't know what Fran meant.

Foer immediately said hello, "Mr. Fran, what are you doing?"

"Go to Sanqing Temple." Fran said, now he no longer felt ashamed, and continued walking forward while holding the incense burner.

"Go to Sanqing Temple." Old Ful scratched his head, feeling confused as to why Fran was going to Sanqing Temple when he had nothing to do.

He then asked: "What are you doing there?"

"Thank you Mr. Zhang. I have something to do here, so I won't talk to you." Fran said while continuing to move forward.

The Fule couple looked at each other, becoming more and more confused. Sanqing Temple is a Taoist temple. It usually belongs to a different category and no one goes there. Why did Fran still walk there today holding an incense burner. It seems that this place is still some distance away from Sanqing Temple.

After thinking for a while, Foer said: "Let's go and have a look."

"You have nothing to do. You are looking for your daughter now. Why are you joining in the fun!" Alyssa said angrily.

"No one knows where my daughter is, and we can't get through on the phone. Let's follow her and look for her along the way," said Fore.

Alyssa felt that what her husband said seemed to be right. She didn’t know where her daughter was anyway, so she should follow this road to find her.

Just like yesterday, wherever Fran passed, he immediately attracted many people to watch.

Some of them had gone to Sanqing Temple with Fran, and today they couldn't help but murmured when they saw Fran going there again on foot.

"Why did Fran go to Sanqing Temple with the incense burner again today?" "Who knows." "By the way, didn't I say yesterday that I was going to the cemetery to see the feng shui of Fran's house in the cemetery? I don't know how it went?" If you don’t tell me, I’ve forgotten. Let’s see if this means it should be effective.” “Otherwise, let’s go and have a look.” “I think it’s nothing, so I’ll go and have a look.”

Pedestrians on the road consciously followed Fran and went to Sanqing Temple together. Fule and Alyssa heard everyone's discussion and immediately came over to ask what was going on.

Everyone only knew a little bit about it and gave a rough summary.

Seeing that there were many people here, Alyssa took the opportunity to ask: "Have you seen our Elisa?"

"I didn't see it, what's wrong?" one person asked.

Alyssa was about to say that her daughter hadn't been home all night, but she was stopped by Fuer. This was because Fuer was afraid of embarrassment.

Foer said: "Eliza went out for a run in the morning and hasn't come back for so long. Are we worried about what will happen to her?"

"We are in peace, what can happen?" "Just, nothing can happen." Everyone immediately spoke like this, which made the couple relax.

A good-hearted young man, on the other hand, said with a playful smile: "That Mr. Zhang yesterday can count, can't he? If your daughter can't find it, why don't you ask Mr. Zhang to do the math for you? Look where he is."

"It's true or false, and you can still figure it out." Foer looked unbelieving.

Another person joked: "You are indeed good at calculating. Anyway, I gave it to several people and they all got it right. It looks really weird."

The Fule couple looked at each other. They didn't know where their daughter had gone anyway. Since they said so, let's go to Sanqing Watch and see if Zhang Zhenren's calculations were accurate.

The crowd was huge, and soon there were hundreds of people.

Today at Wudang Taoist Temple, Zhang Yu had people open the door early in the morning. After morning classes, people came to the door before everyone was doing Tai Chi.

The person who came was not Fran, but a middle-aged woman who came to offer incense. She came here with Fran yesterday, and when everyone left, she was the first one to come back and burn incense. Therefore, the Taoist priests at Sanqing Temple were familiar with her and introduced her to Zhang Yu.

After she finished offering the incense, she asked Zhang Yu to help her realize her dream. Because of her piety, Zhang Yu naturally didn't hesitate.

After her dream came true, the middle-aged woman also invested ten pounds in the merit box.

When the woman left, another person came to offer incense. This man is Richardson who owns a watch shop. He also respectfully offered incense first, and then asked Zhang Yu to help him interpret the signature. His signature was not very good, which corresponded to his current business difficulties.

Richardson was very generous and put 5,000 pounds into the merit box on the spot as the cost of undoing the signature. Then he asked Zhang Yu to help him resolve it and check Feng Shui or something.

Zhang Yu didn't hesitate and agreed on the spot.

I was talking to Richardson here, and it was getting lively outside again. Qian Fei quickly ran into the hall and reported to Zhang Yu that Fran had come again holding an incense burner, followed by a large group of people.

Zhang Yu and Richardson walked to the entrance of the hall and saw a huge team coming in. Fran was walking at the front, followed by a large group behind.

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