Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1974 Marriage

After listening to Zhao Hua's translation, Zhang Yu said, "What is the name of this island countryman? Do you still have his phone number?"

"He said his name was Caesar, and his phone number was..." Allardyce immediately took out his mobile phone, found a number in the phone book, and said, "That's the number."

Zhang Yu thought about it for a moment and said, "Call him now and tell him that the person has been found and ask him to come and pick him up."

The reason why Zhang Yu did this was very simple. He wanted to capture the island countryman. He wanted to ask clearly, what did he mean?

Allardyce listened to the interpreter and said without hesitation: "Okay!"

He followed Zhang Yu's lead. With Zhang Yu's ability, he could definitely make him prosperous, so no matter what he was asked to do, he would immediately agree.

Allardyce dialed the phone number, then frowned and said, "The phone has been suspended due to arrears."

Zhao Hua translated to Zhang Yu. After hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but wonder for a while, and then realized something was wrong.

A bad thought came to mind, that is, the islanders had found Zhou Jiafu.

This phone number is most likely a temporary number for people on the island. If Zhou Jiafu is not found, he will definitely continue to use it. If he is found, it will be meaningless to contact people like Allardyce.

Seeing that Zhang Yu remained silent, Allardyce said with some confusion: "Master, what do the three people you are looking for do?"

Zhao Hua was also a translator. Zhang Yu quickly said: "They are my friends in China. They came to England to travel and suddenly lost contact. I came here just to find them."

"If this is the case, the islanders are very suspicious. Is your friend very rich and was kidnapped by the islanders?" Allardyce said with some worry.

"It's very possible." Zhang Yu nodded.

He accepted Allardyce and others as disciples, firstly to preach, and secondly to ask them to help find people. With just a few of them and unfamiliar places, it would be too difficult to find Zhou Jiafu.

The result is great. When I inquired about it this time, I found out something like this.

Zhang Yu understood that if Zhou Jiafu was captured by the islanders, it would be even more difficult to get him back.

In an instant, Zhang Yu had an idea, spread out his palms, and the appearance of Zhou Jiafu appeared in his mind - the round light technique.

Immediately afterwards, a brilliant light flashed on the palm, and a round mirror appeared. In the round mirror, Zhou Jiafu was sitting at a large table with two playing cards in front of him.

One is the famous 2 of spades, the other is buttoned. Zhou Jiafu slowly lifted the card leg, very slowly, and after a long while, he threw it hard, and it turned out to be a 6 of hearts.

It is not difficult to see that Zhou Jiafu's face is very excited.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu was stunned again, and said to himself that Zhou Jiafu was clearly gambling this time.

Although Zhang Yu couldn't see much of the surrounding content because the perspective of the circular light technique was always facing Zhou Jiafu, Zhang Yu could vaguely see that there were many people in this place, like a casino.

Therefore, Zhang Yu was surprised. If Zhou Jiafu was kidnapped, it was obviously impossible for him to go to the casino to gamble. Who would put meat tickets to gamble.

However, now that it is known that Zhou Jiafu is in the casino, at least the scope has been narrowed down for Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu looked at Allardyce and asked, "How many casinos are there in England?"

Zhao Hua translated, and Allardyce looked up and thought about it. After a moment, he said: "There are too many casinos. Not to mention other places, there are at least twenty or thirty casinos in Birmingham."

"So many." Zhang Yu scratched his head. There were twenty or thirty casinos in Birmingham alone. How many casinos would there be in the whole of England?

Fortunately, the current target is definitely in Birmingham, so it can be easily found. If that doesn't work, just ask around at the casinos in Birmingham. With Allardyce's connections and some manpower, it should still be possible.

Zhang Yu said: "Allardyce, do me a favor and send some people to various casinos in Birmingham to find the three people in the photo. But don't make any noise and keep a low profile. Just tell me how much it costs. explain."

"Master, look at what you said, how much it would cost to find someone. Leave this matter to me, and I will immediately let people split up and go to all the casinos to inquire." Allardyce said.

Lesha River.

A man was walking along the river. It was almost dark now.

There was a chair by the river. The man seemed a little tired. He sat down on the chair and said angrily: "What the hell, he said that my marriage is today, so he asked me to take a walk outside. I have been walking all day. Now, my legs are broken, and I don’t see any marriage prospects. I can’t let me meet a girl, so I went up to her and asked her if she liked me.”

The man was none other than the one who went to Sanqing Temple this morning and was the first to ask Zhang Yu to read his palm and ask Zhang Yu when his wife died.

This guy is not married yet, where can he get a wife? Zhang Yu hit the nail on the head and said that his marriage was today, which made the man very excited.

As a result, the man had been wandering outside for a day. It was almost dark, and he didn't say that he had encountered any fate. He did see a girl on the road, but he was too embarrassed to strike up a conversation with her. If you want to actively attract people, they won't even look at you.

The man's name was Dini. He scolded Zhang Yu and wanted to go home for dinner. But after thinking about it, he felt that Zhang Yu's calculation was quite accurate. Otherwise, if he stayed outside for a while, he might have met him. Not allowed.

He sat on the chair and waited, his stomach growling and getting darker.

Dini lit a cigarette, thinking about finishing it and going home. As he smoked, he cursed in his mind, "How can it be accurate? It's so accurate. I think it's just deception! Let's settle the accounts tomorrow. Then I smashed your sign!"

After smoking a cigarette, he put out the cigarette butt, raised his butt and walked forward. His location was at the east end of the bridge, and his home was at the west end of the bridge. When he walked to the middle of the bridge, he saw a dark figure standing on the opposite side.

Dini didn't think much about it, but then he heard a "plop", as if something fell into the water, and the black shadow was gone.

"Holy crap! Someone jumped into the river!"

Dini was shocked. This guy was almost forty years old and unmarried. The main reason was that he was a real person. He didn't know any sweet words and was warm-hearted.

Seeing this kind of thing, he didn't care about anything else, and since he knew how to swim, he immediately jumped off the bridge.

After "thumping" for a while, he found the person who had fallen into the water. The person had already passed out. Dini held the other person with one hand and swam hard to the shore with the other hand, and soon reached the shore.

After putting the person on the ground, I noticed that it was a woman, probably in her mid-twenties or sixties. Dini then recognized this woman. He knew her name was Elisa, and she was a college student at Cambridge University.

Dini wondered why such a good person committed suicide by jumping into the river.

He quickly pressed down on Eliza's belly to make her spit out some water, and then gave her artificial respiration. After a lot of work, Eliza opened her eyes.

"Eliza, are you okay?" Dini shouted.

"Cough cough. Cough cough." Eliza coughed a few times, and then said weakly: "Brother Dini, why are you saving me? I don't want to live anymore."

"It's so good, why don't you want to live?" Dini asked.

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