Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 197 Who said it must be it

For Zhang Yu, the so-called flaw is that there is no ancient flavor on it. But he couldn't say this. When Fang Tao pressed him, Zhang Yu could only say: "The flaw lies in the signature."

"Sign the payment? What's the problem?" Fang Tao said disdainfully.

A man sitting on the other side of Fang Tao said: "Look at the swelling eyes."

"Okay." Fang Tao handed the fan over and said, "It is definitely an authentic work."

After looking at the fan, the old man couldn't tell whether it was genuine or not, but he made a few comments, saying that the painting was good and the fan bones looked like something from the Ming Dynasty. Then pass the fan on.

What he said made Fang Tao very satisfied. He looked at Zhang Yu proudly, as if to say, you know nothing.

Tang Jin was also very happy. Although the other party did not say clearly whether the fan was an authentic work of Tang Yin, judging from the comments, most of them believed that the fan was made by Tang Yin.

The next few people had different opinions on the fan. Some thought it was authentic, while others thought it was a fake. Now that the fan fell into Sui Jiapan's hands, the eyes of everyone around the table were also focused on Sui Jiapan.

This expert's comments can basically determine whether this fan will live or die. There weren't many things that could make him take his eyes off him.

Sui Jiapan looked at it front and back for a while, then said calmly: "The workmanship of this fan is indeed as good as the real one."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, especially Tang Jin and Fang Tao, who were stunned. "Fake it to be real", doesn't that mean that this painting is a fake.

Tang Jin quickly asked: "Mr. Sui, you said this painting is fake, but where is the fake?"

"Yes, yes, where is the lie? Why didn't I see it?" Fang Tao also said.

"It's right here where the payment is made." Sui Jiapan said seriously.

"Sign the signature!" Fang Tao was shocked again. Just now Zhang Yu also said that there was a flaw in the signature.

But Zhang Yu's words were nonsense, and he was simply deceived.

"In Tang Ziwei's paintings, the large paintings are signed, while the small paintings rarely have signatures, only seals. Especially the fans, if there are signatures, they must be Tang Ziwei's favorite works. This fan, mentioned below The biggest flaw is that there is a signature. Not only that, the fan bones are not from the Ming Dynasty. Of course, there are also phenomena of fan bones being damaged and replaced, but the painter's brushwork is slightly lacking compared to Tang Yin. But if you want to rely on it This painting is fake but very few people can see the real thing." Sui Jiapan commented and handed it to Xiao Mingshan.

Xiao Mingshan's level was better than Fang Taoneng's, but when it came to such a fan, it was difficult to tell whether it was genuine or not. He could only comment on it from his own intuitive point of view, and finally handed it to Chen Kefu.

Most of the people present now believe that this fan is fake, because the possibility of the Sui family being mistaken is too low.

But the owner of the fan still hopes that something unexpected will happen, maybe he was mistaken this time. He placed all his hopes on Chen Kefu.

Chen Kefu's comments were more detailed, and his vision was even more sophisticated than Sui Jiapan's. In addition to the flaws that Sui Jiapan just picked out, he also picked out other small flaws. That is the method of aging paper. Although it is clever, it cannot escape the eyes of experts.

He returned the fan to Tang Jin. Tang Jin was like a deflated rubber ball now. He spent 1.5 million to buy a fake, and it was transferred to him by a friend. There are rules in the antique calligraphy and painting business. If you miss it, you will have to admit that you are unlucky and the goods will not be returned.

At this time, Chen Kefu looked at Zhang Yu and said: "My dear nephew, I didn't expect that you also have a good sense. You can see the flaws in the signature at a glance. It seems that you got some advice from Mr. Shen. I don't know, you have a good eye this time." Did you bring anything with you to open our eyes?"

"I did bring one, please help me, seniors." Zhang Yu said immediately.

Seeing what Zhang Yu said, Fang Tao immediately thought that the thing Zhang Yu could bring out must be his own Jianyan Yuanbao.

He said angrily: "Isn't it just Jianyan Yuanbao? It's definitely real. There's no need to show it off!"

Jianyan Yuanbao was his beloved thing, but it was cheated away by Zhang Yu, which made him always resentful.

After hearing this, other people secretly said in their hearts that these two people are quite familiar. He even knew what items Zhang Yu owned.

Sui Jiapan said solemnly: "Jianyan Yuanbao is the greatest treasure among the fifty treasures. It is very rare. Even if it is genuine, it is good to open our eyes."

"Yes, yes, it would be good to open our eyes. I also like to collect ancient coins, but I have never seen the authentic Jianyan Yuanbao."... someone else said next to him.

For good things, everyone still needs to open their eyes. The most important thing is that if you have seen the real thing, you will have a basis for future appraisals, and you will not just rely on experience.

However, Zhang Yu looked at Fang Tao as if he were looking at SB, and said: "Who said it must be Jianyan Yuanbao, and I don't have anything else?"

"What else can you come up with?" Fang Tao was even more disdainful.

"It's a gold seal." Zhang Yu said, taking out the gold seal from his pocket. He said again: "I met this in an antique shop when I was traveling abroad at the beginning of the year. I bought it for two million at the time. It seems to be the gold seal of Li Dingguo, the king of Jin Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty. Please help me, seniors. Eye."

After speaking, he handed the gold-sealed hands to Chen Kefu.

This rhetoric was taught to him by Shen Yu. Even if you say you bought it from an out-of-town antique store, you won’t admit that it came out of the soil.

The golden seal of Jin King Li Dingguo!

After hearing this name, everyone present was shocked. Although the gold seal was handed to Chen Kefu's hand, other people's eyes kept staring at the gold seal.

"The golden seal of King Jin Li Dingguo... is it real or fake..." Fang Tao showed disdain again.

Most people who play with antiques must understand history. Otherwise, how can they know what is valuable? Celebrity effect has always been important throughout the ages. As long as it is used by celebrities, no matter how ordinary it is, the price will be very high. If the owner cannot tell the value of the item, it will lose a lot of historical value. No matter how good the item is, it will be difficult to compare with the items used by famous people.

Chen Kefu took the golden seal and glanced at it for a few times, but his expression changed drastically.

Let's not talk about the authenticity of the gold seal. This big gold brick alone is worth a lot of money. Calligraphy, painting, porcelain, etc., if they are fake, they have no value. But even if this gold seal has no historical value, it can still be sold for at least ten or two hundred thousand.

Therefore, once the gold seal has historical value, the price will be higher. Most of the gold seals are owned by celebrities, and ordinary people cannot afford them. Even rich people would not dare to carve gold seals of this shape casually.

Seeing Chen Kefu's changed expression, everyone was surprised. Could this gold seal be real? Li Dingguo's gold seal, how much is it worth?

Chen Kefu looked at it for a long time and seemed to be unable to put it down. After a long time, he suppressed his excitement and put down the golden seal.

He controlled his emotions and said in a relatively calm tone: "I won't tell you whether this gold seal is authentic or not. I ask all the experts to help you get excited."

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