Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1941 A wonderful rejuvenation

There are five magic arts in Xuanmen, and mountain doctors tell fortunes. Medicine is Chinese medicine.

In Europe, Chinese medicine is not very trusted by people, so Zhang Yu planned to show these foreigners that Chinese medicine is not a lie, but really works, and it is still very effective.

It's not impossible for Yuan Xiaoxiao to deal with Zhang Yinling's waist injury. After all, he is his apprentice. It would be too bad if he couldn't even cure a minor bruise.

But Yuan Xiaoxiao was not experienced enough after all. If she took action, she would definitely not be able to cure the disease instantly, and Zhang Yinling might really have to lie down for two days.

At that moment, Zhang Yu took the medicinal wine from Yuan Xiaoxiao's hand and slowly poured it on Zhang Yinling's waist.

As soon as the medicinal wine came up, it was inevitably a little cold. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu pressed it with his big hand and began to rub it continuously.

Just a few seconds later, Zhang Yinling felt her waist getting hotter and hotter, and in the end, it felt like a burning sensation.

This feeling does not make people feel uncomfortable, but is extremely comfortable.

Zhang Yinling's face was buried in the pillow. At this moment, she felt comfortable breathing, and she couldn't help but slowly raise her chin, and began to breathe heavily.

At this moment, Zhang Yu's hands suddenly pinched Zhang Yinling's waist and gave him a strong force.


This sudden pain made Zhang Yinling cry out in pain, the sound was so loud that it came completely from her throat.

In the room, everyone was waiting there.

They were still discussing Zhang Yinling's injury. In the eyes of Kaka, Ronaldo and others, no matter how capable Zhang Yu was, it would be impossible for the little girl to recover within two or three days.

It may be possible to barely be able to walk, but it will take two weeks to fully recover.

While they were talking, the little girl's cry of pain rang out.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Qingfeng, Zhao Hua, Qing Meizi and others were stunned. Everyone could tell that this voice represented how much pain the little girl was feeling.

"What's going on?" "Why are you screaming so miserably?" "You're hurt so badly." Zhang Yu's disciples all murmured.

Those foreign devils and Taoist priests also whispered, "Screaming so loudly, this Master Zhang must be very powerful, nothing can happen." "Who knows, but this kind of waist, although it is a traumatic injury, it can't be... It's a random treatment." "I guess it's because I used too much force during the massage." "How strong is this to make people hurt like this."

Brayton also frowned slightly, it must be so painful for a little girl to scream like this.

He couldn't help but say: "God bless."

Kaka showed a look of self-blame and said: "I struck too hard at that time. Don't let anything happen to you. God bless you."

Ronaldo and the other two Brazilians also said piously: "God bless." "God bless." "God bless."

They were all worried about Zhang Yinling. At this time, the door suddenly opened and a person walked out.

Everyone's eyes were on the door. As soon as they saw the person, they immediately asked with concern: "Master." "Master Zhang." "How is she?" "Is she okay." "How?"

It was Zhang Yu who came out with a smile on his face, as if he was fine.

Zhang Yu stepped out, spread his hands and said, "Don't worry, she's already recovered."

"Alright!" "Alright!" "Alright!" Everyone who could hear Zhang Yu's words were stunned. How could he get better so quickly?

Of course, Zhang Qingfeng and others are quite familiar with Zhang Yu's strength. Since they have agreed, it should basically be fine.

Zhao Hua was somewhat unconvinced. Brayton couldn't understand Zhang Yu's words, so he looked directly at Zhao Hua and asked in English: "How did you say it?"

"He agreed." Zhao Hua translated.

"Okay." Brighton also couldn't believe it.

At this moment, a person flashed out of the door. The person who came out was wearing an apricot-yellow Taoist robe and jumping up and down.

"I kept you waiting!"

That's right, the one who came out this time was the little girl Zhang Yinling.

The reason why she came out at this time was because she had to put on her Taoist robe. She couldn't go out wearing a shirt or underpants.

Seeing her jumping around and still so lively and cute, everyone present was stunned.

Especially the foreigners, they simply couldn’t believe their eyes.

You must know that Zhang Yinling was injured by Kaka using heavy techniques. When she entered the room, two people had to support her on the left and right, and Zhang Yu was holding her waist from behind. Otherwise, Zhang Yinling would not be able to take a single step.

It's great now, it's the same as before, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Kaka couldn't help but said: "It's amazing! It's amazing!"

Brighton couldn't help but sigh, "This, this can be cured so quickly, how can it be cured?"

He is a black market boxing champion. Although he cannot cure diseases, he can beat people. You can basically tell at a glance what kind of injuries a person suffered. Even if the little girl's injury is not serious, it is not minor. No matter which hospital you go to in England, it is impossible to cure Zhang Yinling in such a short period of time. There has to be a recovery period.

The foreign Taoist priests also looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

They all know Chinese medicine. For some diseases, some Western medicine has faster results, and some Chinese medicine has faster results. For injuries like this, traditional Chinese medicine is actually more effective. Especially for waist and leg diseases, the results are faster than Western medicine.

However, Zhang Yinling's waist injury is serious, so even if the effect is quick, it won't be so quick.

"It's true, it's healed so quickly." "Infinite Heavenly Lord, this is amazing." "We also study Chinese medicine, and we never said it could be effective so quickly." "How did he do it?" You ask me, who am I asking. How do you do it? People are so good at it, why don’t you know it at all? You must have a unique method." "I think so.".

Zhang Yinling saw these people all dumbfounded or muttering, which she couldn't understand, so she was inevitably a little puzzled.

She pouted and said, "Why are you all looking at me like this? You haven't seen me before? What are you muttering about?"

Zhang Qingfeng immediately said with a smile: "Master was treating your injuries inside just now. They all said it would take how many days. They thought you would have to lie in bed for at least a week to half a month. Now that you are alive and kicking, of course they are puzzled. "

"So that's it." Zhang Yinling chuckled, twisted her waist on the spot, stretched her arms, and said, "Nothing happened at all."

In addition to being happy, the little girl actually did a backflip on the spot.

Zhang Yu glanced at her and said quickly: "The injury is just right, don't worry!"

"It's all healed. It doesn't hurt at all." Zhang Yinling smiled and swayed as she spoke.

It turned out that although she screamed in pain just now, after that, her waist no longer felt any pain and she completely returned to normal.

This is actually similar to some people's stiff neck. If it comes in time, it can be reset and cured immediately by breaking it off on the spot. There is no need for physical therapy at all.

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