Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1936 Want to run away

The Taoist priests of Sanqing Temple are also very energetic now. John Brown, the temple leader, was injured by Allardyce before, which made them feel aggrieved. Today, the other party came again, making them don't know what to do.

The result was great. With the blessing of Taoist ancestors, a group of Eastern Taoist priests came. This Taoist priest was so amazing that he was almost like a god in mythology.

When they saw Zhao Hua shouting like this, they all shouted loudly in English, "Do you believe it or not!" "Do you believe it!" "Do you believe it!"

Especially that George, who had seen Bryton boxing before and knew how powerful Bryton was. How could the humanoid weapon be in vain? He never dreamed that one day he would ask Brighton if he would accept it!

Hearing the shouts of these people, Brighton felt ashamed and ashamed. He wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. He had never lost such a big person in his life.

But when it comes to standing up and fighting Zhang Yu again, he has no confidence at all.

It can be said that although I am not convinced with words, I am convinced in my heart.

He didn't dare to get up. Seeing that he didn't move, the foreign Taoist priests shouted loudly in English, "If you don't accept it, get up and fight him!" "Yes! If you don't accept it, get up and fight him!" "You're not a boxer." Your Majesty! If you don’t accept it, get up and continue to fight!” “What’s the point of sitting there silently, pretending to be dead!”

Their shouts were also venting their past grievances. You know, Taoism is really not very popular in England and is regarded as an alien. Many people even say that Taoism is a liar, just like the traditional Chinese medicine advocated by Sanqing Guan, which is so called. Otherwise, John Brown, who could force him, would not dare to go to the hospital even if he was seriously injured.

Hearing such a clamor, Brighton couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly, "You son of a bitch!"

Before his voice fell, his body had already bounced up from the ground and rushed towards Zhang Yu again.

This time, he used all his strength. If he couldn't hit Zhang Yu, he would rather be knocked out of the ring.


As soon as the person took a step, his body leaned back, and the huge force was like a mountain of tai, pressing his body to the ground.


After falling, Brayton shouted, and he was sure that he was still in the ring.

There was a look of despair on his face, and he was ready to die.

Brayton knew in his heart that if Zhang Yu wanted to knock him out of the ring, it would only be a matter of one move, and now it was nothing more than forcing him to say "surrender".

"Teacher." "Teacher." "This, this" "What should I do?"

The four disciples were even more stupid. The master was just falling one step at a time, and no one could bear it. If you admit defeat, you have to continue fighting. It is also embarrassing to keep falling like this. It would still be a shame to admit defeat.

Sure enough, those foreign Taoist priests were all laughing now. Not only them, but Zhang Yu's disciples also laughed. This kind of scene had never been seen before. Even Zhang Yinling, who had a waist injury, couldn't help laughing.


Zhang Yinling felt resentful in her heart. When she fought with Kaka, she had already lost, but in the end, she was bent over by others. He relied on himself to practice martial arts since childhood, otherwise, he would have been disabled even if he was not dead.

Now Zhang Yu keeps knocking this guy down. Although he is not that Kaka, they are all in the same group and are venting his anger on himself.

The little girl was happy in her heart and murmured to herself, Zhang Yu was kind to me. When he fought with me, he deliberately gave way to me. When he met a bad guy, he showed his true skills. This is what a man should do. My dad and the others never let me go, huh! No comparison, no harm!

Brighton was disgraced in the ring, and the four apprentices were also dumbfounded. Even Allardyce and others are now disgraced and don't know what to do.

They all looked at Allardyce, and one of them said: "Boss, what should we do now? Even Brighton is no match for him. That guy is a pure monster. He is too powerful."

"You ask me, who am I asking!" Allardyce said with a frown.

"How about we leave first?" a foreign devil suggested.

"This is a good idea." Allardyce nodded.

He would definitely not be able to beat Zhang Yu. If he loses, he must go to the Sanqing Hall to kneel down and admit his mistake. What's the difference between that and slapping him in the mouth?

Having made up his mind, Allardyce no longer cared about Brighton and gestured backward.

The foreign devils under his command could see clearly that they did not want to stay here and suffer, and everyone immediately began to retreat backwards.

As soon as they saw them retreating, the foreign Taoist priests immediately shouted, "They want to run!" "They want to run!" "They want to run!".

Zhao Hua knew that Zhang Yu could not understand English, so he quickly shouted in Mandarin, "Master, they want to run away!"

In fact, when Zhang Yu heard the shouting, he had already discovered that a group of foreign devils wanted to run away.

How could he let these escape? He flipped his palm, took out a wind talisman, and punched it forward. Then he turned the Wood Thunder Technique with his left hand and shot out Allardyce's shadow. He turned the Mountain Thunder Technique with his right hand and hit the shadow directly.

When the foreign devils heard the shouting, they stopped sneaking around and simply turned around and ran outside.


Before I could take two steps, a strong wind suddenly blew up, causing sand and rocks to roll.

The thrown up sand and gravel made it difficult to open one's eyes, and the foreign devils quickly covered their eyes with their hands.

The same was true for Allardyce, but as soon as he raised his hands, a huge force suddenly hit him in front of him, like a mountain, and he was immediately pressed to the ground.


He screamed in pain, and after falling down, he wanted to get up again, but it was as if his body was still pressed by a mountain, and he couldn't get up at all.

Just when Zhang Yu took action to stop Allardyce and others, Brydon's eyes lit up while he was sitting on the ground, and he realized there was an opportunity to take advantage of them.

He raised his fist, but in a flash, he lowered it again.

The moment Zhang Yu made his move, he really neglected him. If he made a move, Zhang Yu would definitely not be able to avoid it.

He knows six people, and Brayton's actions were noticed by him a second later.

For a moment, Zhang Yu's heart trembled, and he secretly cried out that it was a dangerous situation, because he knew that with Bryton's skills, if he seized the opportunity to take action, he would definitely not be able to avoid it, because Bryton's movements were too fast.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but said curiously: "Why didn't you attack me just now?"

Brighton definitely didn't understand, so Zhao Hua quickly translated and explained it to Brighton.

Brighton didn't expect Zhang Yu to ask this question. It seemed that his actions were discovered. Brayton shook his head and smiled, and said in English: "Although I am a Brazilian, I also have the spirit of chivalry! Yes, I am a black boxer. In the ring, I can kill everyone without mercy, but I have never been behind my back. Attacked anyone!"

Zhang Yu looked at Zhao Hua, and Zhao Hua completely translated Bryton's words to Zhang Yu.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu looked at Brighton again. His face showed intimacy before he took a step towards Brighton.

Seeing Zhang Yu walking toward Brighton, the four Kakas all felt nervous, but Brighton didn't show any fear on his face.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that surprised everyone happened.

Zhang Yu suddenly bent down, stretched out his hand towards Brighton, and said sincerely: "Can we be friends?"

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