Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1922 Viewer

Zhang Yu left his disciples to wait in the courtyard. He followed the four Taoist priests into the back courtyard.

The buildings in the backyard are all oriental classical buildings, with garden corridors and several houses.

They walked towards the middle building together, and Zhang Yu asked in a low voice: "How is Uncle Tony doing?"

The young Taoist priest from before immediately said: "I have already applied the medicinal wine, so there should be no problem."

"That's good." Zhang Yu nodded.

Soon, before arriving at the house, the foreign Taoist priest opened the door, and then he could smell the smell of Chinese medicine.

Zhang Yu tightened his nose and felt something was wrong with the smell. But he didn't say much and just followed the four people around the screen.

Behind the screen is a bed. Lying on the bed is a foreigner in his fifties. The foreigner has a bun on his head and looks very formal. There is a foreign Kundao beside the bed, who seems to be responsible for taking care of foreigners.

"Reporting to Master, the Great Master Wudang has arrived." The young Taoist priest said respectfully.

"Hel me up quickly." The foreigner on the bed said eagerly.

Kun Dao next to him was about to help him up. Zhang Yu said quickly: "You are injured, so there is no need to be so polite. Pindao comes from Wudang Taoist Temple in Guangming Mountain, Zhenhai, China. His name is Zhang Yu, and his Taoist name is Wudangzi. ."

Although there was a slight distance, Zhang Yu could see clearly that the foreign Taoist priest's face looked haggard, and he had obviously suffered serious internal injuries. Kun Dao next to him also looked haggard, but this haggardness was due to excessive fatigue.

As a Taoist priest, you must have a Taoist name. Without a Taoist name, you are not a Taoist priest. And not only must there be a Taoist name, but also a wonderful name.

Zhang Yu used to be called Wudangzhai layman, but since he is a layman, he is definitely not a Taoist. If a dignified and unworthy abbot of a Taoist temple does not have a Taoist title, it would obviously be outrageous. Zhang Yu might as well just call him Wudangzi to save trouble.

Of course, most people would not call him that. They would call him Master Zhang or Fellow Daoist Zhang.

This is actually normal. Zhang Yu’s identity is on display here. Just like Qiu Chuji, others call him Qiu Zhenren or Changchun Zhenren, but no one calls him Changchunzi to his face.

"It turns out that I am a master of no means, and I am disrespectful and disrespectful. The poor Taoist's name is John Brown, and his Taoist name is Gui Yunzi. This is my junior sister Stephen Lisa, and my Taoist name is Gui Xinzi." The foreign Taoist priest introduced.

Immediately afterwards, Foreigner Kundao Stephen Lisa stood up and greeted Zhang Yu.

The four Taoist priests who came with Zhang Yu also reported their family status. The young Taoist priest was named Zhao Hua and his Taoist name was Guang Qingzi. The Taoist Zhike is called Qian Fei, and his Taoist name is Guangchengzi. The big foreigner's name is Valencia, and his Taoist name is Guang Ningzi. Another foreigner is named Chamberlain, whose Taoist name is Guanglunzi.

After being polite, footsteps and voices suddenly sounded outside. The voice was not quiet, and the voice of one of them sounded familiar to Zhang Yu. It seemed to be the voice of Mr. Tony. The old man's voice sounded very angry, and he didn't know what they were arguing about.

With a "clang" sound, the door was pushed open. Zhang Yu and others turned around to look, and then saw a foreign Taoist priest helping Uncle Tony, who was leaning on a wooden stick, around the screen.

"###\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;***%%\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;..." As soon as Tony came in, he called again in a foreign language.

John Brown on the bed quickly said in a soothing tone: "¥¥¥##\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;***\u0026amp;\u0026amp;"

In short, Zhang Yu couldn't understand a word of what was said. He could only tell that John Brown was out of breath and very weak.

The two said a few words, and Uncle Tony was helped to the bedside and sat down. He was very anxious and kept tapping the cane.

Zhang Yu pulled the sleeve of the young Taoist priest Zhao Hua and asked in a low voice: "What are they arguing about?"

Zhao Hua was full of embarrassment, hesitated, frowned and whispered: "My master is injured, isn't he? Uncle Tony must ask master to go to the hospital and stop insisting. But master doesn't agree..."

"Why don't you agree? Since you are injured, you should go to the hospital..." Zhang Yu whispered.

"You can't go to the hospital...this..." Zhao Hua seemed to have something to say.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu simply clasped his hands towards John Brown on the bed and said, "I heard that fellow Taoist is injured. I don't know much about medical science. I wonder if you can let me have a look."

"Then thank you, fellow Taoist." John Brown immediately said gratefully.

Uncle Tony was sitting on the chair beside the bed. He had not noticed Zhang Yu before, but when he heard the words, he couldn't help but look over.

At first glance, I thought it looked familiar, and then I thought about it. He said with some confusion: "@@\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;\u0026amp;##"

Zhang Yu couldn't understand what he said, so Zhao Hua quickly talked to Uncle Tony in English and told Zhang Yu's origins.

The old man had a good impression of Zhang Yu before, but after hearing Zhao Hua's words, he immediately became unhappy and said angrily.

Zhang Yu frowned. The greatest sorrow in the world is to chat with foreigners and not understand them at all.

He pulled Zhao Hua and motioned for Zhao Hua to translate. Zhao Hua said apologetically: "Uncle Tony, you are young...if you know how to see a doctor...he would take off his head and give it to you as a ball... …”

Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said, "Tell him, I will definitely be able to cure him. If he can't be cured, the hospital won't be able to cure him either."

"Ah?" Zhang Yu's words surprised Zhao Hua.

"Just tell him that." Zhang Yu smiled.

"Okay then..." Zhao Hua immediately followed Zhang Yu's words and spoke to the old man in English.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Uncle Tony hit the ground with the wooden stick in his hand and screamed.

But Zhang Yu could probably guess what he was talking about this time. He must be bragging. 13

Zhang Yu whispered: "Is he saying that I am bragging?"

"Almost..." Zhao Hua said, secretly saying in his heart, you still have some self-awareness.

Zhang Yu just smiled and calmly walked to the bed and sat down.

He ignored Tony, but you looked at John Brown on the bed and said sincerely: "Fellow Taoist, give me your hand."

"Okay." John Brown knew that Zhang Yu was taking a pulse.

John Brown was a white man. He was unclothed and only wore a bandage with a faint smell of medicine.

Zhang Yu grabbed his pulse, and his face immediately changed slightly. He could feel that John Brown's injury was not serious, and this injury was no longer a day or two, but should last for some days. The injury showed no signs of getting better, but was slowly getting worse. If I continue to use it like this, I probably won't last a week.

"How long will it take half a month to be injured?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Almost, sixteen days." John Brown said, with a look of admiration on his face.

"What medicine was used?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Panax notoginseng, Angelica sinensis, Milletia sinensis... taken internally and externally..." John Brown reported a prescription and named more than a dozen traditional Chinese medicines.

After listening to his prescription, Zhang Yu thought about it for a while, his face changed color slightly, and he said doubtfully: "Isn't it right?"

"What's wrong?" John Brown asked a little puzzled.

"If you use this prescription, it stands to reason that the injury should have been cured long ago. Even if it is not good, it will not get worse. There seems to be something wrong here." Zhang Yu said seriously.

After saying this, he sniffed hard.

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