Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1919 Foreign Taoist Priests

"Go away! Let me cool down somewhere right away!" Zhang Yu was really convinced and couldn't help but say this.

"Hahahaha." Wang Jie was also thick-skinned. He smiled awkwardly and ran behind the others.

At this time, Ajiu walked up, squatted next to the old man, and said: "###%%%\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;"

Zhang Yu didn't understand what he said. It was probably in English.

Sure enough, the old man immediately said something similar.

Ajiu nodded and said a few more words in English, and the old man also said a few words.

Afterwards, Ajiu stood up, looked at Zhang Yu, and said, "Mr. Zhang, this old man accidentally twisted his foot because he was walking a little hastily. He said that he had called and informed his friends to pick him up and he would be there soon. He thanked us for caring about him."

"That's good." Zhang Yu said, walked to the old man and squatted down, and then said: "Ajiu, tell him again and say that I have some medical skills and want to help him see if the twist is serious. Ask Can he?"

"###\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;" Ajiu said to the old man.

The old man also talked nonsense, but Zhang Yu didn't understand it.

Ajiu translated: "He said thank you for your kindness and don't bother. His foot is not serious."

If this were in China, if Zhang Yu encountered such a thing, after asking, he would help others to see if it was serious. But in a foreign country, he couldn't even speak clearly, and this time he was here to arrest someone. Zhang Yu was worried that if he saved someone, it would be worse if he caused any trouble.

At this moment, hurried footsteps sounded from the corner ahead.

Zhang Yu looked up and was stunned.

It turned out that three people ran over from the corner. If they were ordinary people, it would be nothing, but these three people were actually wearing Taoist robes.

As the old saying goes, a long drought brings nectar, and old friends meet in a foreign land.

If you are working elsewhere in the country, and suddenly someone comes from the same execution area as you, you will feel particularly friendly. In the same way, if you are abroad and meet people from your own country, you will feel quite friendly.

They were in a foreign country at the moment. Zhang Yu could not see the faces of the three people who came, but the one at the front was a foreigner. Of course, Zhang Yu would not be friendly to foreigners. What he was friendly to were the Taoist robes on their bodies.

Zhang Yu never thought that there would be Taoist priests in England.

Soon, the three people came to the old man's side, and now Zhang Yu and the others could see clearly. Among the three people, two are foreigners, and the other is a Chinese with yellow skin. He looks relatively young, in his twenties.

The three people also saw Zhang Yu and others, and they were stunned for a moment, but immediately, the foreign man running at the front squatted down and said to the old man on the ground: "\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp ;amp;#####\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;”

When Zhang Yu heard this, he was confused and couldn't understand.

But he also knew that it would definitely be rude to ask Ajiu to help translate now. So, he simply stood up and said nothing.

After the foreign man said a few words to the old man, the man stood up and said politely: "Sanqiu Wai Ruimachi."

"Huh?" Zhang Yu didn't understand and looked at Ajiu.

Ajiu didn't expect that Zhang Yu didn't even understand this, so he immediately said, "He said thank you."

Zhang Yu immediately nodded to the man, clasped his hands, and said politely: "You're welcome. Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, I would like to ask for advice. The three of you are Taoists."

Just when Ajiu was about to translate to the other party, the young Chinese man among the three people opposite him took a step forward, clasped his hands and said politely: "Infinite Heavenly Lord, we are the Taoist priests of Sanqing Temple in Lesha Town, Birmingham, England. May I ask this question? Where does the Taoist priest practice Taoism?"

"Pindao is a Taoist priest who has no official Taoist temple in Zhenhai," Zhang Yu said calmly.

"It turns out he is a Taoist priest of the Wudang Sect. I am disrespectful." The young man said with great respect.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu and several disciples felt embarrassed.

People have never heard of Wudang Taoist Temple and thought it was the Wudang Sect.

Zhang Qingfeng quickly clasped his hands and said with a smile: "Infinite Heavenly Lord, fellow Taoist, you heard it wrong. Wudang Sect is located in Danjiangkou, Beihu Administrative District, China. We are Wudang Taoist Temple, located in Guangming Mountain, Zhenhai Administrative District, China."

"I'm sorry. I'm rude," the young man said immediately.

But listening to his tone, he was already respectful as he had just heard about the Wu-Tang Clan.

Obviously, the Wudang Sect is a lofty and noble existence in Taoism. As for Wudang Taoist Temple, people have never heard of it at all.

"It doesn't matter, our Wudang Taoist Temple is not a big Taoist temple. Many people have never heard of it. I didn't expect that there is a Taoist temple here in England." Zhang Yu said casually.

Seeing that Zhang Yu was polite and friendly, the young man felt quite close to him. He immediately replied: "English has also established a Taoist association in the past few years. However, currently, there are about a thousand nominal Taoists in England, and most of them still adhere to the state religion, Christianity and Catholicism. Our Sanqing Temple is the Sixth It was founded by my master who came to England more than ten years ago."

"I see, then I wonder how many people there are in your Sanqing Temple? I can't believe that there are people in England who believe in Taoism." Zhang Yu asked kindly.

"There are less than twenty people in our Taoist temple. Most of them are English now, and there are a few overseas Chinese. Although there don't seem to be many people, among the English in our Taoist temple, we can be regarded as one of the best in England. There are many. In other Taoist temples, they are basically all overseas Chinese." When saying this, the young man looked very proud.

"That's right." Zhang Yu asked curiously: "Then why do you have so many English people believing in Taoism in your Taoist temple?"

"That's because after our master came here, he saved many people with traditional Chinese medicine, so there were English people who embraced Taoism. Even the masters of our Sanqing Temple are English." The young man was proud again. said.

It can be seen that it is rare for him to see Chinese people in England. In addition, Zhang Yu is also a Taoist priest, so he talks more.

The man squatting next to the old man before clearly didn't know what Zhang Yu and the young man were talking about. He raised his head and said: "####\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;"

After he finished speaking, the young man smiled at Zhang Yu and said, "Uncle Tony's ankle is sprained. We are going to send him back to the Taoist Temple, everyone."

The young man wanted to be polite and take his leave.

Before he finished speaking, the old man on the ground suddenly shouted: "%%%###\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;\u0026amp;amp;"

The old man talked nonsense. Although Zhang Yu couldn't understand what the old man said, he could feel in his tone that the old man seemed quite angry.

After the old man finished speaking, both the young man and the other two foreigners had a look of embarrassment on their faces.

Zhang Yu was even more curious and said, "Fellow Taoist, I wonder what this old gentleman said?"

The young man said helplessly: "Uncle Tony said that he does not want to return to the Taoist temple now. He wants to go to the hospital for treatment. He also wants a doctor to return to the Taoist temple to treat our temple master's injury."

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