Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1915 Riding a Tiger and Being Difficult to Dismount

"Hmph!" Zhang Yinling glanced directly at Zhang Yu, curled her lips and said, "What should you do?"

"Okay, okay, it's not my business. Let's, let's go." Zhang Yu said, making an inviting gesture to Yang Wenbin, indicating that they would walk out of the airport together.

Zhang Yinling followed Zhang Yu, pouting again and saying, "Didn't you say you wanted to go to the toilet? Why didn't you go?"

"Suddenly I didn't want to go anymore and was anxious to go home." Zhang Yu said.

Since you can't make phone calls here, let's go home first. After all, I am going abroad this time, so I have to bring something with me, and I also need to prepare some magic weapons. With what I have on hand, it is easy to protect myself, but God knows what I will encounter in England.

As for calling Mr. Zhang, he didn't believe that the little girl was still awake.

They went out together, and when they were approaching the exit of the airport, Zhang Yinling suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I have something to do."

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu stopped.

"My dad and my senior brother don't know about our coming to Zhenhai. Do I have to call them to inform them?" Zhang Yinling said.

"That's right." Zhang Yu nodded, not understanding what the little girl meant. But in theory, a phone call should be made.

Zhang Yinling took out her mobile phone. Her mobile phone was always turned off. After turning on the phone, the little girl muttered: "Who should I inform first? Let me inform my senior brother first."

Then, she dialed Li Ruxuan's phone number.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Li Ruxuan's urgent voice sounded, "Junior sister, why haven't you turned on your phone all day? What happened?"

"What could happen? I'm such a big living person!" Zhang Yinling said carelessly.

"It's fine. When will you come back?" Li Ruxuan asked.

"My phone was not turned on because I took a plane to Zhenhai." Zhang Yinling said.

"Ah?" Li Ruxuan was shocked, "What are you doing in Zhenhai?"

"I'm going to visit Wudang Taoist Temple for a few days. I've told my dad about this, and he agreed." Zhang Yinling said.

"Master agreed, then where should I go?" Li Ruxuan said.

"I told my dad that we arrived in Zhenhai together. You and Li Mingyue and the others take a car to Zhenhai as soon as possible. If my dad calls you later, don't lie. If my dad knows that I went to drink, If you didn't watch me, when you get back to the mountain, you'll have to walk around without food!" Zhang Yinling said seriously.

"I can do it. I understand," Li Ruxuan said aggrievedly.

"That's pretty much it." After Zhang Yinling finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Zhang Yu was listening on the side, and he heard the little girl's words clearly. This girl is so good. She even told Li Ruxuan that she had informed Zhang Zhenren. Isn't this a blatant lie?

Zhang Yu said: "You haven't informed your father yet, why did you tell your senior brother that you have already informed him?"

"I'm notifying my dad now. It's all a hassle to call back and forth." Zhang Yinling said confidently.

Immediately, she dialed her father Zhang Zhenren's phone number.

The call was quickly connected, and Zhang Zhenren's kind voice sounded, "Hello, what's the silver bell?"

"Dad, it's me." Zhang Yinling said with a smile.

"You girl, you are out herding sheep, right? When will you come back?" Zhang Zhenren asked kindly.

"A few days later, I just came to Zhenhai with Zhang Yu and others, and we were going to visit Wudang Dao for a few more days," Zhang Yinling said.

"What? We're in Zhenhai, playing the piano!" Zhang Zhenren immediately said in displeasure: "Why didn't your senior brother give me a call? Where's Ruxuan, let him answer the phone!"

"My senior brother went to the bathroom, and Zhang Yu is next to me." Zhang Yinling said, looked at Zhang Yu, and said deliberately: "Here, let's talk to my dad."

Then, she handed the phone to Zhang Yu, then took Zhang Yu's other arm and put her hand on it, ready to pinch Zhang Yu at any time.

Zhang Yu took the phone from the little girl's hand and put it to his ear to answer, "Hello, Mr. Zhang."

"Zhang Daoyou, my little girl is naughty and has caused you trouble these days. If you have offended me in any way, for the sake of this poor Taoist, don't be as knowledgeable as this girl." Master Zhang's tone immediately changed when he heard Zhang Yu's voice. Be very gentle.

"Where, where. Yin Ling is smart and cute. Thanks to her for taking care of me during the journey." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Why did you all suddenly return to Zhenhai?" Zhang Zhenren asked.

"I suddenly got a call from the temple saying that I had some mundane matters. I originally wanted to go back alone, but Yinling wanted to visit Wudangdao Temple. She has been taking care of me these days. She has been busy and took us to visit, so I asked her Come here to hang out for a few days and talk about your feelings. I didn’t inform you in advance, so please don’t be offended." Zhang Yu said bravely.

He had no choice. Although he wanted to ask Zhenren Zhang to come and pick Zhang Yinling away, he couldn't say it in front of Zhang Yinling.

After all, he lost a bet to Zhang Yinling. If he cheated openly, Zhang Yinling would probably go crazy on the spot. Zhang Yu was helpless and could only say this.

Hearing what Zhang Yu said, Zhang Yinling nodded with satisfaction.

"Fellow Taoist is really too polite, so I have troubled you in the past few days. My little girl is naughty. If she does anything rude at Wudang Taoist Temple, please forgive me. I will go to Wudang Taoist Temple to pick her up in person in a few days. ." Master Zhang said gently again.

Zhang Yu said quickly: "How dare I bother the real person to pick her up in person? In a few days, when she has had enough fun, I will send her back to the Tianshi Mansion. By the way, I would like to thank the Tianshi and the real person again."

Although Mr. Zhang said that he would come to pick up his daughter in person, everyone knew that he was just talking politely. If Zhang Yu really agreed, wouldn't it be a joke to say something like "Hurry up and pick him up"? It would be extremely rude.

You know, you, Zhang Yu, invited Five Thunder Zhengfa from the Tianshi Mansion, and their daughter followed you down the mountain. When the time comes, asking me to pick him up in person would be too incompetent. I can't understand the world at all.

Therefore, at this time, Zhang Yu could not agree to let Master Zhang come and pick her up in person. He had to look good and send his daughter back safely.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you, fellow Taoist. If anything happens, just give me a call. Now give the phone to Yin Ling, and I'll give this girl a few words." Zhenren Zhang said kindly.

"Okay, okay" Zhang Yu agreed repeatedly and then returned the phone to Zhang Yinling.

Zhang Yinling listened to Zhang Yu's words with her own ears. As soon as she answered the phone, she said with a playful smile: "Dad, you are so kind!"

"Okay, okay, Wudang Taoist Temple is not the Tianshi Mansion after all, don't mess around there, you know." Master Zhang said seriously.

"I know, I know, don't worry." Zhang Yinling said obediently this time.

"That's good. I'll rest assured that you can stay at Wudang Taoist Temple for a while, but don't stay too long, you know?" Master Zhang said again.

"I know, I'll go back after playing for a few days." Zhang Yinling smiled again.

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