Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1910 Awkward Chat

Zhang Yinling hunched over and tiptoed to the big stone.

This stone is one meter high and four to five meters long. The little girl stood next to the stone and was suddenly in trouble. It was really inconvenient for her to hold up her pants with both hands and go up like this. I wanted to reach out and grab Zhang Yu's clothes, but it was a bit far and my arms were not long enough.

She cried out in her heart and almost burst into tears.

Zhang Yu, who was sleeping on the big rock, also felt a chill. No matter how high his cultivation level was, he was still a human being. Especially Zhang Yu’s coat was given to Zhang Yinling to wear, so it wouldn’t be cold.

Zhang Yu slowly opened his eyes and subconsciously glanced to the side. At this glance, he happened to see his clothes lying there, but did not see the shadow of the little girl.

Zhang Yu was shocked when he didn't see Zhang Yinling. He sat up and shouted: "Yinling! Zhang Yinling!"

Zhang Yinling was holding up her pants and standing by the big rock. Because it was still dark, Zhang Yu couldn't see her from that angle.

But as soon as Zhang Yu sat up anxiously, Zhang Yinling saw him getting up. This frightened the little girl and she squatted down. She was so anxious that she almost sat down on the ground.

Zhang Yu's ears were strong and he heard the noise immediately. He stood up directly and looked towards where Zhang Yinling was squatting, but saw no one.


Zhang Yu shouted loudly. He knew clearly in his heart that there must be someone there, but he was hiding his head and showing his tail, so he might not be well-intentioned.

Following this voice, Zhang Yu picked up his clothes, money flew out, and the money sword appeared in his palm.

He held the money sword and snatched it in one stride. At this moment, Zhang Yinling shouted nervously from under the stone: "Don't come over!"

However, her voice was still a step too late. Zhang Yu was too fast and had already grabbed the stone and looked down.

When Zhang Yu heard the noise, he determined the hiding place of the man. Zhang Yu was so smart that he could not go straight, so he took a detour.

Looking down from the current angle, and it was still a little dark, all I could see was the little girl squatting on the ground.

This made Zhang Yu a little confused, this girl is so good, what is she calling? He asked curiously: "What are you doing squatting there?"

"Wow." When she heard Zhang Yu's voice, she was too embarrassed to look at Zhang Yu's face, lowered her head and started crying.

Hearing her cry, Zhang Yu was startled and said in surprise: "Why are you crying?"

"You, you, you, you, you, don't come here," Zhang Yingling didn't answer, she just said this while crying.

While she was talking, Zhang Yu took a closer look and finally saw clearly that the little girl was squatting there, but her fair buttocks was exposed.

Zhang Yu frowned, quickly retracted, and said, "Well, I didn't see anything."

It's okay that he didn't explain. With this explanation, Zhang Yinling cried even harder, "You must have seen it. What should I do? It's so embarrassing."

"No, that, you..." Zhang Yu wanted to ask, what are you doing squatting here with your pants off, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

In this situation, Zhang Yu didn't know what to say.


"I didn't come here on purpose. I opened my eyes and found you weren't there. I was wondering what happened and happened to hear some movement here. I came over to take a look because I was worried that something might happen to you. But I didn't expect it," Zhang Yu explained bitterly. .

When she heard that Zhang Yu was worried about something happening to her, the little girl's heart warmed. She sobbed pitifully a few times, and then stammered: "What should you do?"

Zhang Yu said to himself, in fact, I didn’t see anything.

But there was no way to say this. Zhang Yu could only say awkwardly: "Although my ears work well, my eyesight doesn't work very well, so I saw you squatting there. By the way, what are you squatting there for?"

"You only saw me squatting," Zhang Yinling asked with her mouth flat.

"Just squatting, nothing else," Zhang Yu said seriously.

"That, that." Zhang Yinling didn't know what to say. She just kept squatting like this, which was really embarrassing. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "Did you bring any paper?"

After hearing this, Zhang Yu completely understood what was going on. It turned out that it was convenient for the little girl to have no paper with her.

Zhang Yu quickly took out his pocket, pulled out a pack of tissues, and said, "I'll give it to you here."

"Don't come over here!" Zhang Yinling shouted loudly.

"I know I threw it to you." Zhang Yu hurriedly threw the tissue in his hand.

He threw it quite accurately, right next to Zhang Yinling.

Zhang Yinling saw the tissue bag and breathed a long sigh of relief, but still shouted: "Turn around, don't look this way!"

"Okay, okay," Zhang Yu agreed and turned around.

His back was to Zhang Yinling's side, and he was muttering to himself, this girl is so careless, even knowing that she went to the large one, she didn't mention bringing some paper.

After a while, Zhang Yu heard the sound of Zhang Yinling lifting her pants. After a while, the sound disappeared, it must have been raised.

But he didn't hear Zhang Yinling speak, he just heard the little girl still sobbing.

Zhang Yu secretly frowned, waited for a moment, and saw that Zhang Yinling still didn't say anything, so he had to bite the bullet and said: "Junior sister, are you okay?"

"Okay." The little girl said in a mosquito-like voice.

"That's good," Zhang Yu said awkwardly.

Zhang Yinling nodded and said nothing.

Zhang Yu had his back to her and couldn't see the little girl's current appearance. Seeing that she was silent again, Zhang Yu didn't know what to say anymore.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Yu had nothing to say, "It's almost dawn."

"It looks like it's going to light up." The little girl said listlessly.

“The air here is pretty good”


In this way, the two of them chatted awkwardly for five minutes. Even what they said was forgotten by Zhang Yu when he turned around.

At this time, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He smiled and said, "I'm going to the toilet."

"Is there a toilet here?" Zhang Yinling asked in a low voice.

"Such a nice park, why should we build a toilet?" Zhang Yu said, took two steps forward and jumped off the stone.

Seeing Zhang Yu walking forward, the little girl looked around, wondering what she was doing standing here alone.

She quickly pursed her lips and said, "I'll go with you."

After saying that, he walked around the stone and followed Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu waited for her for a while, but then heard Zhang Yinling's footsteps stopping not far away. Zhang Yu couldn't help but look back and saw the little girl with her head lowered and her hands holding the corners of her clothes, like a girl next door who had been wronged.

As Zhang Yu said, it is impossible for such a park to have no toilets. The direction Zhang Yu walked was exactly opposite to Zhang Yinling's convenient location. Not long after, he saw the bathroom not far from the rockery.

Not only is there a bathroom, but there is also a sink for washing hands outside. Seeing this, Zhang Yinling cried again, "There really is a bathroom."

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