Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1896 What a pity


At Mu Siwei's home, when it was almost dawn, Mu Huayi's voice rang out from the small bedroom.

Lu Mei was dozing off on a chair nearby. She heard her daughter's voice in her dim voice and immediately opened her eyes.

"Xiaoyi, you wake up!"

"Mom, I'm thirsty," Mu Huayi said in a hoarse and pitiful voice.

"Mom has prepared water for you." Lu Mei immediately picked up the water cup from the table next to her. There was water in the cup, which she had prepared for her daughter.

Because both my husband and daughter can drink, they also know the symptoms after drinking. People will feel thirsty after drinking, even if they are not drunk too much, they will be thirsty.

Therefore, Lu Mei specially prepared water for her daughter to drink when she got up.

Mu Huayi took the water glass and drank the whole glass of water, making her feel better.

She then looked around and found that this place looked familiar, as if it was her bedroom.

Mu Huayi said in confusion: "This is home, aren't we at Qianbei Shao?"

"It's already the second day, and it's getting bright. We've already returned from Qianbei Shao," Lu Mei explained.

"Already back." Mu Huayi took a deep breath, and then asked nervously: "What's the situation? We were both drunk and unconscious. Did we lose? You signed a contract with them without my dad. How is the situation?"

Facing her daughter's barrage of questions, Lu Mei couldn't help but think of the scene at Qianbei Junior School that night.

She was also a little excited. The nervousness at that time was really beyond description in words.

To be honest, she felt that it was a very happy thing to be drunk like her daughter, unconscious and unaware of anything.

Lu Mei also took a deep breath and said, "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. Listen to me and tell you slowly."

She controlled the excitement in her heart and calmed down before continuing: "Now the matter has been resolved, the contract has been burned, and your father has also come out of the prison cell and is sleeping in the room."

"My dad is back!" Upon hearing this, Mu Huayi jumped up from the bed.

Her father was the most important person in her mind. This girl didn't care about anything else. After getting off the ground, she quickly rushed out of the room without wearing slippers.

On the sofa in the living room, Tang Xing was still sleeping there. Mu Huayi didn't even notice and took a few steps to her parents' bedroom.

I saw my father sleeping soundly on the bed in the bedroom. The father's face was full of haggardness.

"Dad" Mu Huayi wanted to shout, but immediately suppressed her voice. She didn't want to affect her father's rest. It is estimated that my father has not had a good sleep these days.

Mother chased to the door, put her arms around Mu Huayi's shoulders, and said softly: "Your father also wanted to accompany you. He said that you are the little hero of our family. Because you just came back, your father is not in good health. I just let him sleep first."

"Little hero, I was knocked down by someone." Mu Huayi pursed her lips and asked curiously: "By the way, how did father come out? Didn't we lose?"

"Don't talk here, go back to the room, mommy will tell you slowly," Lu Mei said softly.

"Yeah." Mu Huayi nodded.

Back in the small bedroom, Lu Mei poured her daughter another glass of water, let her drink it, and then went to bed to lie down and rest.

She then said: "After you were drunk, your Uncle Zhang suggested that you continue to drink with that person. I remember that I drank six or seven kilograms at that time, and that person fell to the ground because of your Uncle Zhang."

"Wow!" Mu Huayi sat up excitedly after hearing this, "Is Uncle Zhang Yu that good at drinking? I didn't realize it!"

"I didn't notice it before, and I didn't expect him to be so good at drinking. But what people didn't notice is still behind." Lu Mei said.

"What else is there? Haven't you already won?" Mu Huayi said in confusion.

"How can it be so easy to win?" Lu Mei said seriously: "That Mr. Gao said that Zhang Yu drank for you, and you have been losing for a while, so you need to find someone else to drink with him. The two parties made an agreement, I wrote the contract and put it on Zhang Yu. Mr. Gao and the others took your father out. If Zhang Yu wins, your father will be fine. If Zhang Yu is knocked down, the signed contract will be theirs. ."

"In that case, my father is back, and Uncle Zhang Yu must have won." Mu Huayi said excitedly.

"That's right." Lu Mei nodded.

"Uncle Zhang Yu is awesome!" Mu Huayi clenched her fists, her face full of excitement, and those who didn't know thought she had won.

But this girl reacted very quickly, and then she remembered what her mother had just said - what people didn't see was still behind.

"Mom, you said that the things that people don't see are still behind. What do you mean?" Mu Huayi asked curiously.

"That's the person who drank with Zhang Yu," Lu Mei said.

"Who could be the person drinking with Uncle Zhang? Can Mr. Gao find any other powerful people?" Mu Huayi asked.

"He is looking for the boss of Qianbeishao," Lu Mei said.

"Ah?" After hearing this, Mu Huayi was shocked and her mouth opened wide.

After a while, Mu Huayi came to her senses. She stammered, "Did Uncle Zhang Yu drink with him?"

"Drink." Lu Mei nodded.

"Ah!" Mu Huayi screamed again and jumped up from the bed, turning over like a wild cat.

When she fell down, a pair of calves were sitting under her buttocks. She was facing her mother, her eyes wide open and full of disbelief.

"You, you, don't tell me that Uncle Zhang won the boss of Qian Beishao." The little girl stammered.

"Yeah." Lu Mei nodded lightly.

"This..." Mu Huayi seemed a little at a loss. She couldn't believe what he said. She gestured with her hands for a long time before she recovered, and then stammered: "This, how is it possible that my dad can't drink enough? He doesn't have twenty kilograms of alcohol, so he's not qualified to challenge him. I think Uncle Zhang The amount of alcohol I drink is not that high. Even if I perform my best, I can't drink that much. By the way, is there something fishy here? How much did they drink."

"They drank more than fifty kilograms. At that time, the boss of Qianbeishuo had his belt broken. Later, the chair collapsed and fell to the ground. He said that he could no longer drink and needed to go to the toilet. , I gave up." Lu Mei said truthfully.

"More than fifty kilograms." Mu Huayi opened her mouth wide again. She couldn't believe her ears. Her hands began to compare involuntarily, "More than fifty kilograms. How can Uncle Zhang's stomach hold such a drink? So much wine?"

"I'm also wondering how he pretended to be...but he won..." Lu Mei was still a little confused when she said this. She really couldn't figure out where the wine Zhang Yu drank was stored.

"It turned out to be like this... What a pity..." Mu Huayi almost cried out of grievance at this moment.

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