"I" After listening to Zhang Yu's words, Brother Lightning suddenly found that he seemed to have no strength at all. He didn't even have the strength to lift his arms. His whole body seemed to have been drained.

In fact, it is true. After such a long time, it must be more serious.

But in Brother Lightning's opinion, this must be because the ghost in him was unhappy, so he took more powerful measures against him.

He was horrified and said quickly: "What should I do? I, I"

"What's going on? You don't know, it's just them." Zhang Yu said, looking back at the Taibao and others.

Brother Lightning was on the bed and naturally saw how his men were slapping their mouths. He originally thought he could fool them, but now it seems that it was just a dream.

Brother Lightning immediately scolded angrily: "Are you all stupid? I asked you to slap your mouth, but you are here to touch my face for fun! Slap me hard, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"You all slap me hard, brother Lightning. Is it easy? You guys didn't hurt me, so hurry up and slap me hard!" Lili on the side also shouted.

"Yes Yes.".

When the men saw Brother Lightning speaking, they all agreed bravely.

Zhang Yu walked over again and said with a smile: "You all understand what Brother Lightning said. You have to work hard. When you bully people, you are very energetic. You have to fight and kill every day. Give all this energy Type it out, don’t act like you haven’t eaten.”

Hearing this, everyone cursed again, but for now, they could only lower their heads and remain silent.

"One!" Zhang Yu said loudly.

The five men on the left raised their hands and looked at their companions opposite. It was really hard to make a move.

Especially the one opposite the Taibao, who whispered: "Brother Taibao, this"

"Slap!" the Taibao said bravely.

When I said this, I almost burst into tears.

"Then I'll slap you." The man gritted his teeth and used 50% of his strength to slap the Taibao on the face.


Although the Taibao was prepared, this slap on the face not only made him shiver. When had I ever suffered such a loss, but now I really have no choice. What can I do if the boss speaks?

Even though the man's slap was applied with force and not with all his strength, it still made a "snap" sound. The Taibao cursed in his heart, I asked you to beat me, but you really used so much force, just wait.

The other four men saw that the Taibao was slapped in the mouth, so what else could they say. Each one could only say apologetically: "Brother, I'm sorry." "Brother, I'm offended."

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!" "Pap!"

Four big mouths sounded one after another.

Lu Mei, Li Mingyue and others saw this scene and felt relieved. However, Lu Mei and her daughter Mu Huayi were also very puzzled as to how Zhang Yu could make these people so obedient.

Zhang Yinling was very relieved when she saw this. Yesterday, this gang was so fierce, but now they are good, being trained by Zhang Yu to be honest. This scene in particular was so interesting that the girl couldn't help but laugh again.


Zhang Yu shouted again, and this time it was the man on the right's turn to slap the man on the left.

The man on the right also came up and said first, "Brother, I'm sorry." "Brother, I slapped you."


They were all polite, but the Taibao, without saying a word, raised his hand and slapped the man opposite him in the face.

His slap was much harder than the one the man slapped him just now. The man was staggered at that time.

"Ouch." The man couldn't help but cry out in pain.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu quickly stretched out his hand and pointed over, saying: "Yes, yes, that's it! Brother Gui said, if you use this force, it will definitely not work if you use it lightly! If the slap is enough to satisfy him, this matter will be over." It’s over.”

Brother Lightning on the bed heard this and immediately said, "Just do what he said and beat me like this!"

Anyway, it didn't hit him, so Brother Lightning didn't care about anything in order to save his life.

When the other four men heard this, they had no choice but to say again: "The boss said that, so I'm offended." "Brother, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." "Let's fight." The four men on the left almost burst into tears and closed their eyes as they spoke.

Seeing them like this, Zhang Yinling, Zhao Qiuju, and Mu Huayi all laughed out loud, "Hehe." "Hehe."

The men also knew it was lost, but they had no other choice.

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!" "Pap!"

One by one, they raised their hands and slapped their companions in the face with their big mouths.

Those four boys were almost all slapped to the ground, and the beatings made them grimace.

The four of them cursed in their hearts, "Fuck, when I slapped you just now, I didn't slap you with such force, but you actually slapped you with such force, just wait!".

"One!" Zhang Yu also wanted to laugh, but he held back his laughter and shouted again.

The five men on the left are now regrouping. They were originally frustrated by this matter and were full of anger. When he strikes, he is not that heavy, but his companion on the other side is too careless.

Even the man standing opposite the Taibao was gritting his teeth secretly. He said on the surface: "Brother Taibao, I'm sorry. The boss won't let me hold back."


This time, the boy showed no mercy and slapped the Taibao hard on the face with a big mouth.

The Taibao was also beaten and staggered, and he cursed in his heart, "You guys have hard wings, you really don't hold back." Just wait for me!

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!" "Pap!"

The other four were not polite, and with a symbolic meaning, they slapped their big mouths at their companions on the opposite side.

The four who were beaten were the ones who were slapped in a daze. The four of them also felt that they didn't use too much force just now, and the four people on the opposite side were too shameful. They actually used such a heavy blow, so don't blame them.


Zhang Yu shouted again.

This time, the Taibao and others on the right didn't even bother to be polite, they just raised their hands and started talking loudly.

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!" "Pap!" "Pap!"


The five people on the left stopped being polite when they saw that the people on the right didn't even say polite words.

They also raised their hands and slapped their companions opposite.

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!" "Pap!" "Pap!"

"One two. One two."

"Pop!" "Pap!" "Pap!" "Pap!".

Zhang Yu was just counting, while the men on the left and right were slapping each other.

This big mouth seems to be free of money. What's more terrible is that the person being slapped always feels that he is not using much strength and that the partner opposite is not honest, so when he is slapped, he always exerts all his strength.

After a while, the cheeks of these ten guys were swollen.

Zhang Yinling, Zhao Qiuju, and Mu Huayi were all laughing so hard that they couldn't stand up straight. Even Lu Mei couldn't help but smile. She felt resentful in her heart. The mother and daughter were bullied so much by these people and were humiliated in every possible way. This time it was a bad breath.

Both mother and daughter were extremely grateful to Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu not only helped them burn the IOUs, but also helped them take revenge in front of them.

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