Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 186 Unintentional Appreciation

The names of the Evil Suppressing Talisman and the Evil Evil Breaking Talisman look similar, but in fact they have different functions. Zhang Yu once used the Evil-Breaking Talisman to break the evil spirits in the house. This was based on the fact that even if the Evil-Breaking Talisman could not break the evil spirits in the house, it would not be harmful to the house. But if the Evil-Breaking Talisman is used to forcibly break the evil spirit on Hua Yunong, then if the Evil-Breaking Talisman is not enough to break the evil spirit, Hua Yunong is likely to die on the spot.

In comparison, evil spirits suppressing charms are softer. Even if they cannot suppress evil spirits, they will not cause any harm to the human body.

The evil aura on Hua Yunong's body was obviously more serious than the evil aura on Xia Yuechan's body last time, and it was more domineering and extremely violent. But Zhang Yu knew that this was actually superficial. In terms of dominance, the evil aura emitted by the black dragon was even more powerful, and its spreading area was simply not comparable to that of ordinary evil aura. The reason why Hua Yunong is tragic is because he has been holding the sword.

Zhang Yu took out the needle and applied it directly near Hua Yunong's heart. Then he pulled out the needle and fastened it with two cupping pots. The evil spirit is attacking his heart, and because Hua Yunong's life is relatively tough, he will die before he can. Now we must first pull out the evil spirits around the heart. He bit his finger, drew two evil charms and pasted them on the cupping jar.

As soon as the talisman paper was attached, it began to tremble non-stop, and the blood stains on it faded very quickly.

Zhang Yu didn't have time to care about this. He applied acupuncture to other parts. Before the acupuncture on the upper body was finished, the two glass cupping jars fastened to the heart were already filled with black mist, and traces of black blood came out of the body. .

The female driver looked dumbfounded, as if she had never seen such a weird thing in her whole life.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

All the blood stains on the two talismans disappeared, and the two jars suddenly collapsed and hit the roof of the tent. Zhang Yu had already experienced it. With one hand, he directly hugged Hua Yunong into his arms and took a step back. Then there were two "snaps", and the glass jar was smashed on the canopy and fell down.

When all the broken glass fell onto the bed, the female driver realized what she was doing and quickly said, "Is everything okay?"

"Put away the glass, I have to go on and bring a few more cupping pots." Zhang Yu said eagerly.

The female driver immediately complied. Zhang Yu put Hua Yunong back on the bed and pressed two cupping pots on Hua Yunong's heart. He bit his finger again to draw the talisman and pasted it on.

The fingers were almost bitten, and Zhang Yu estimated that if he couldn't hold on any longer, he would have to cut his toes with a knife and bleed them.

Fortunately, the evil spirit in his body has been resolved, otherwise, he would not be able to do this at all.

Hua Yunong's body in front was quickly pricked with needles by Zhang Yu. This blackened body really does not arouse people's desire. Besides, Zhang Yu's main purpose is to save people, so he is not in the mood to appreciate it.

After finishing the acupuncture, Zhang Yu quickly pulled out the needle after waiting for a short while and started cupping Hua Yunong's whole body again.

The female driver probably didn’t understand traditional Chinese medicine cupping, so all she bought were glass jars, which was quite a lot. It was clear from the glass jar that the black energy and black blood in Hua Yunong's body were flowing out loudly. The female driver was stunned when she saw this.

At the same time, she was also glad in her heart. If it weren't for Zhang Yu, an understanding person, Hua Yunong would probably have died eight times.

Zhang Yu counted the time and began to take off the jars from Hua Yunong one by one without waiting for the jars to fly up.

The female driver worked efficiently and wiped Hua Yunong's body with a white towel. Several towels were dyed black. Fortunately, the color of Hua Yunong's body became lighter and turned into gray-black.

After finishing the front side, Zhang Yu started to perform acupuncture and cupping on Hua Yunong on the back side. The two cupping cups on the back side were also thrown away once, but there was no danger.

By the time the jar was taken off, it was getting bright and bright sunlight was shining into the room.

"Ring ring ring..."

Zhang Yu's cell phone also rang. It turned out to be Yang Ying. She was really worried about Zhang Yu and didn't fall asleep at night. Plus, she was a little anxious and angry, and her voice became hoarse.

He was relieved to know that Zhang Yu was fine.

After putting down the phone, Zhang Yu looked at Hua Yunong on the bed. His back was also gray and black. His life should not be in danger today.

He asked the female driver to prepare some food for him. Who wouldn't be hungry after a long night of work? After eating, Zhang Yu fell asleep on the carpet with his head covered. He could sleep, but the female driver couldn't. She kept sitting by the bed and watching over Hua Yunong.

When Zhang Yu woke up at night, he continued to work on Hua Yunong to remove the evil spirit from his body. After a night of hard work, the evil aura on Hua Yunong's body finally disappeared, revealing snow-white skin.

The female driver finally felt at ease, "How is it? Is it better now?"

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: "What has been removed now is only the evil spirit on her surface, and there is still evil spirit in her body. But she should be able to recover in one day."

"That's okay." Zhang Yu's words were a reassurance for her.

The work of exorcising evil spirits is hard work. After Zhang Yu finished his work, he ate and went to sleep. He snored for a while and then got up.

The female driver was no less tired than Zhang Yu, but she just stared at Hua Yunong on the bed without even daring to close her eyelids.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Hua Yunong's eyelids moved on the bed. When she saw this, the female driver said in surprise: "Miss, you're awake."

Hua Yunong slowly opened his eyes and saw the female driver standing beside the bed, asking in a weak voice: "What's going on?"

"You suddenly fainted at noon the day before yesterday, and your face started to turn dark. Then..." The female driver immediately told everything that happened in the past two days, including how Zhang Yu helped her get rid of the evil spirit.

After hearing this, Hua Yunong raised his head slightly, glanced at his naked body, and then said, "Prepare something for me to eat. I'm a little hungry. I'll prepare some more for him by the way."

"Okay." The female driver was very happy to see that Hua Yunong could eat and prepared immediately.

She knew that Zhang Yu liked to eat meat, so she brought steak to Zhang Yu and porridge and side dishes to Hua Yunong.

Hua Yunong asked the female driver to feed her a few mouthfuls, but she couldn't eat anymore. She looked at the haggard female driver and said, "You are tired too, go back and rest."

The female driver hesitated for a moment and subconsciously glanced at Zhang Yu, who was lying on the carpet and snoring. She seemed a little worried.

"Are you afraid that he will eat me? Go back to sleep. By the way, find me a set of underwear." Hua Yunong said lightly.

The female driver immediately complied and took out a set of red underwear from the closet. Hua Yunong's underwear is so sexy, and the red bra and panties are all lace.

Hua Yunong put on her clothes and signaled to the female driver that she could leave.

She and Zhang Yu were the only two people left in the room. Zhang Yu slept soundly, while Hua Yunong's face was slightly red.

The evil spirit on her body was gone, and the pink color on her face was purely from shyness. I had been stared at naked by a man for two days. I guess in this man's eyes, I didn't have any secrets left.

Thinking of this makes me feel ashamed.

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