Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1855 It’s not that I won’t report it, the time has not come yet

The old lady and the middle-aged woman were taken away by the patrol. They didn't even go to the patrol room. They just gave them a few words of education in the patrol car and then let them go.

It's not easy for the patrol room to handle this kind of thing. Elderly people over 75 years old are not admitted to the custody room. It could be said that it was a case of cheating or blackmail, or it could be argued that it was due to old age, blurred vision, and mistaken recognition of the person. Middle-aged women came later. People say it is simpler. From what my mother said, this is what I do for myself.

If the old lady is really arrested, the patrol officer will not want to cause such trouble and lock her up. If something goes wrong, who will be responsible, and they may have to pay a sum of money. So, just muddle along.

Because the old lady was taken away, the traffic was smoothed. The patrol officer asked the old lady and the middle-aged woman to get off the bus without wasting time.

The two got out of the patrol car, and the middle-aged woman frowned, "Mom, what's going on? It's hard to catch someone, but why did you jump up from the ground? You show your good legs and feet, you keep bumping around Jump."

"It's strange to say that I was on the ground fine, but suddenly my buttocks were very hot, as if a boiling kettle was placed on my buttocks, which made me hot all of a sudden. Then the soles of my feet became very hot, as if I stepped on them. It's like in a brazier. It hurts so much that I can only lift my feet. I'm so tired that I can't even speak," the old lady said bitterly.

"Is there such a thing?" The middle-aged woman didn't believe it.

"Isn't it? The evil is here." The old lady said helplessly: "I didn't feel the pain until I followed the patrol. Do you think it was those people who did it?"

"Bah! What the hell are you doing? You're just blind." The middle-aged woman said with her lips curled up.

"I just thought there must be something weird here, otherwise, how could it be like that?"

While talking, the person walked to the intersection. The two of them were walking on the sidewalk, intending to cross the street, and there were curbs under their feet.

The old lady was too preoccupied with talking, and was too busy jumping around before, that she didn't notice the curb under her feet. She stepped on something empty and threw herself down, "Ah"

The fall didn't matter. She was kneeling on the ground with both legs and knees. The old lady was so painful that she screamed like a slaughtered pig.

The middle-aged woman was startled and hurriedly went over to help her, "Mom, how are you?"

"It hurts me so much. It hurts me so much. Call an ambulance." The old lady grinned and said.

"Okay, I'll do it"

The middle-aged woman was about to say, "I'll make a call right now," but then she thought about it and said, "How much will it cost to take you to the hospital? Just hold on here and wait and see who the idiot comes." Help you, then let him pay. Hold on, hold on."

She encouraged her mother and then ran to the side, waiting for kind-hearted people to come and help her.

The old lady was lying on the ground, she didn't even have the strength to turn over, and her knees were hurting like hell.

The bones of the elderly are brittle and cannot withstand a fall. If they are really broken, they will not be able to get up, and the pain will be unbearable.

At this moment, two men and one woman came over, looking like they were lovers.

As soon as they saw the old lady lying on the ground, the girl jumped up, grabbed the young man's arm, and said eagerly: "No, an old lady fell down, let's go quickly."

As he said that, he took his boyfriend and took a detour.

"This old man fell. If we don't help her, why don't we call the police to report the crime." The young man was very thoughtful.

The young woman immediately said: "You are stupid. It was not you who hit me. Why did you call me? I will rely on you when the time comes."

After a while, another young man passed by, and that young man also took a detour.

There were two cyclists who were so frightened that they rode directly into the fast lane, as if they would rather be hit by a car than dare to get close to the old lady lying on the ground.

The old lady was lying on the ground, really dying. The middle-aged woman was staring not far away, waiting for someone to help her, but after waiting for a long time, she didn't see anyone to help her. Everyone stayed far away, for fear of being left behind.

When the middle-aged woman saw this scene, she couldn't help but cursed: "What kind of world is this? It's just a loss of conscience! When you see an old lady falling and you don't help her, do you have any sense of morality? Damn it, you don't have any old people in your family. , from now on, if your old man falls down, there will be no one to help him!"

She cursed in her heart, but she didn't let it go and continued to wait.

After waiting for more than two hours, a patrol car finally drove over. The two patrol cars got off, one was responsible for video recording, and the other was responsible for going up to check the old lady's condition and then send her to the hospital.

After examination, it was found that the knee was comminuted fracture. Because he sought medical treatment too late, he missed the best time for treatment, and he was too old to recover. He could only use a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

Zhang Yu and the four left and continued to the place Li Mingyue said.

This time, when getting on the bus, the little girl Zhang Yinling had to sit in the back with Zhang Yu.

She puffed up her cheeks and said angrily: "That old lady is a bad person. She pretended to be injured and was going to lie. It's really disgusting."

"That old lady is just a cheater. Fortunately, Master has a way. Otherwise, we would be in trouble and we would definitely be blackmailed." said the co-pilot Zhao Qiuju.

"Well, your master still has a way. The old lady said that her whole body hurt and she couldn't move her legs and feet. But the result was great. She was able to jump up and down. Now I want to laugh when I think about it. Hahaha." This girl is still there. He was so innocent that he immediately forgot about being blackmailed and started laughing happily.

"They're all just trivial tricks, they don't count." Zhang Yu said calmly: "But good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. I see that the old woman doesn't look very good. I'm afraid there will be some disaster today. I can't handle it. It’s better to leave behind the disability.”

"How do you say this?" Zhang Yinling asked.

Zhao Qiuju also turned to look at Zhang Yu, "Master, is this really possible?"

"Yes." Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Many times, it's not that you don't report, but the time has not come yet."

"Then she deserves it. It's really annoying. By the way, your method is the same as burning my butt." Zhang Yinling said with a little pout.

"That's right." Zhang Yu nodded.

"This trick is really fun, can you teach it to me?" Zhang Yinling said with great anticipation.

"You can't learn this trick now. When you become a mage, your grandfather will naturally teach you." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Mage." Zhang Yinling immediately pouted.

It is so difficult to become a mage. There are many uncles in the family who have not achieved it. Not to mention uncles, grandparents, and those who are not mage.

If it were that easy to use blue talismans, you would be a mage.

While chatting casually on the road, we finally arrived at the place Li Mingyue mentioned. After asking around, I came to the gate of the community and saw the fat man Li Mingyue standing there waiting.

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