Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1851 Hot Tiao

What Zhang Tianshi said are actually useless words. The so-called master leads the door and the practice is personal. What's more, the Five Thunder Method is not a magic spell taught hand by hand. It is estimated that when the disciples of this sect encounter difficulties in cultivation, Tianshi Zhang can give them some advice, but those like Zhang Yu have to rely entirely on themselves.

When I came to the main hall this time, the feeling here was really different from other places. I still remember that when I went to Baimei Palace, I felt a bit oppressive when I saw Yuan Zhenren's formation. But once you get used to it, it gets better.

But today, the sense of oppression in the main hall of Tianshi Mansion was far greater than that of Baimei Palace. Especially the aura of Zhang Tianshi in front is absolutely unfathomable.

Even the other old Taoists sitting on both sides of the hall were not covered. Zhang Yu even had a feeling that Master Zhang, Zhang Yinling's father, was not considered a master here.

Tianshi Mansion is indeed well-deserved!

The ceremony of conferring the "Five Thunders Zhengfa" has officially ended, and Zhang Yu can exit the main hall. When he came in, the Taoist priests standing on both sides of him were all looking intently, but now, they all had looks of envy on their faces.

After all, Zhang Yu was younger than them, but he had already become a mage and was taught the "Five Thunder Methods".

In the next few days, Zhang Yu will stay in the Tianshi Mansion. He can't say that he just took the "Five Thunder Zhengfa" and left. In addition, Taoism also has many rules, and Zhang Yu had to go to Zhengyi Temple to perform court rituals.

When I have nothing to do during the day, accompanied by Master Zhang, I go sightseeing and enjoy the scenery of Longhu Mountain. Only in the evening can I calm down and study the "Five Thunder Dharma".

As Zhang Tianshi said, this "Five Thunder Methods" is all-encompassing and very profound. It is not easy to master it thoroughly. How many mages have been stuck in the "Five Thunder Dharma" in this life. And if you want to go one step further and become a master of ritual, you must practice the Five Thunder Methods.

Thunder is generated by the energy of yin and yang, thunder is yang, and thunder is yin. According to the numbers of the five elements, there are three in the east, three in the south, two in the north, one in the west, and the ancestor of this great number is five in the center. And thunder moves the energy in the heaven and earth, so it is called five thunders.

In the human body, the five thunders belong to the five internal organs. Only when the Qi of the five internal organs gathers and converges into one can one reach the great road and master the magical effects of the five thunders. This is called Cuancu Five Thunder, which means that the internal power of thunder method has been cultivated to the state where the five qi are facing the yuan.

The five thunders, metal, wood, water, fire and earth, are arranged according to the five elements. The foundation of cultivation is to first transform the true energy in the body into the energy of the five elements, and finally reach the five elements.

When turning the true energy into the five elements true energy, Zhang Yu discovered a problem, why the threshold for a mage must use blue talisman paper.

First of all, the power of the blue talisman paper is great, but that is not the main thing. The important thing is that without controlling the true energy of the blue talisman paper, it is impossible to transform the true energy in the body into the energy of the five elements. Once a person who lacks true energy tries to practice arbitrarily, he is very likely to go crazy, which may severely damage his Dantian and make him unable to practice forever. In worst cases, he may lose his life directly.

In addition, there is another kind of person who cannot practice the Five Thunder Method. No matter how high your cultivation level is or how strong your true energy is, you just can't learn it. This kind of person has a bamboo joint in his nose and cannot be passed down. Why? This is because the nose, which is shaped like a bamboo joint, is most vulnerable to being struck by lightning and is unable to collect thunder energy and electricity.

When practicing, it is easy to lose your life.

Zhang Yu easily transformed the true energy in his body into the energy of the five thunders. The dispersed true energy that was originally held together gradually turned into five small balls of light. These five groups of air currents seemed very thin. Zhang Yu could even realize that this transformation had compromised his true energy, and he needed to collect the energy of the five elements to gradually recover and improve.

After several days of research, Zhang Yu had a better understanding of the Five Thunder Methods. This morning, Zhang Yinling and Li Ruxuan came and invited Zhang Yu to visit the cliff tomb.

As the name suggests, since it is called a cliff tomb, it is a tomb built on a cliff. Longhu Mountain has a long history and many scenic spots. When Zhao Qiuju came, she had checked the travel guide. When she heard about visiting the cliff tomb, she was extremely happy. Li Mingyue had already gone down the mountain yesterday and headed to Hongdu.

So, Zhang Yu took Zhao Qiuju, Zhang Yinling, and Li Ruxuan to the cliff tomb.

The cliff tombs in Longhu Mountain are unique. Cliff tombs are a unique form of burial among the ancient Yue and Liao people. They are also the oldest and most special form of burial among the various burial methods in my country. The cliff tomb at Longhu Mountain faces an abyss and is located on a cliff. How the hanging coffin was placed has been a mystery for thousands of years. Therefore, the cliff tomb at Longhu Mountain has been cast a layer of mystery, giving rise to various myths and legends: Some people say that the things in this hole were hung up by gods with golden threads; others say that this hole contains unwritten heavenly books and gold and silver treasures.

These statements are of course false. With current technology, it is extremely easy to enter the cliff tomb and view it. Furthermore, with the strength of the masters of Tianshi Mansion, if they want to go up, there must be a way.

As a result, there is now a coffin-raising performance on Longhu Mountain, where the coffin is hoisted onto the cliff. This uses ancient methods and modern technology, and it looks amazing.

Lifting the coffin and raising the coffin, no matter what, is also a good sign - promotion.

After watching the coffin raising performance, the four of them found an empty bench and sat down. Zhao Qiuju took out water and snacks from her bag, including her favorite spicy strips. She ate them with gusto. Zhang Yinling had never eaten them before and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"Spicy strips." Zhao Qiuju said casually.

"Spicy strips? Are they delicious?" Zhang Yinling asked.

After hearing this, Zhao Qiuju looked at Zhang Yinling as if she was stupid, "You haven't even eaten spicy strips, have you tried it?"

With that said, she handed the spicy strips in her hand to Zhang Yinling.

Zhang Yinling took a bite and exclaimed excitedly: "It's delicious."

"If it's delicious, eat more. I have plenty here." Zhao Qiuju said with a smile.

"Okay, you have plenty anyway, so give me everything in the bag." Zhang Yinling said while eating spicy strips.

Li Ruxuan, who was standing next to him, saw this and said quickly: "No! Master said that you are not allowed to eat this kind of thing."

"Why do you talk so much? You are the only one who has many things. Believe it or not, I won't take you out from now on!" Zhang Yinling glared at Li Ruxuan.

Li Ruxuan lowered his head helplessly and did not dare to speak.

Zhang Yinling ate the spicy strips deliciously and said, "It's better for you to be your master. He never cares about anything. He's nothing like my father, who is just an old antique."

As she spoke, she looked at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu was seen with his head lowered, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhang Yinling asked: "Hey, Archmage, we are here to play, what are you doing here with your head down?"

Whenever Zhang Yu has nothing to do, he will think of some of the contents of Five Thunder Zhengfa. Now he is very obsessed with it.

Hearing Zhang Yinling's voice, Zhang Yu reacted and said with a smile: "I am thinking about the Five Thunder Methods."

"How are you thinking about it?" Zhang Yinling became interested, "I heard from my dad that the Five Thunder Zhengfa is broad and profound, and it can use many kinds of spells, which is really powerful."

"I can only understand a little bit now." Zhang Yu said.

"You can understand it so quickly. Can you show it to me? My father has never shown it to me before." Zhang Yinling exclaimed excitedly.

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