Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1847 Misfortunes never come singly

The Federal Reserve announced an interest rate cut, which was a huge benefit. Qi Tongwei never expected that the National Bank would announce an interest rate increase at this juncture.

The domestic stock market is naturally based on domestic news. It’s just that the National Office did not follow the Fed’s trend this time, which is unimaginable to anyone.

Qi Tongwei sat on the ground, feeling as if his body had been hollowed out, as if he had no strength at all.

After more than ten minutes, he feebly got up from the ground, made a phone call and asked the driver to come pick him up, and then walked unsteadily outside.

When we arrived at the door of the villa, the driver had already arrived. The door opened and the driver stood waiting respectfully.

When he saw Qi Tongwei, the driver was obviously stunned and said cautiously: "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" Qi Tongwei's voice was a little hoarse.

"Your complexion." The driver said carefully again.

"What's wrong with my complexion?" Qi Tongwei said as he got into the car and sat down.

He always sat in the back seat. When he sat down and looked forward, he could just see the rearview mirror. What I saw in the mirror was my own appearance. At this moment, I saw that my hair was graying, and there were many wrinkles on my face, making me look much older all of a sudden.

"I" Qi Tongwei was shocked. He couldn't believe that the person in the mirror was himself.

Qi Tongwei quickly took the phone, turned on the Selfie function, and looked at himself in the phone. Isn't it the same as the one in the rearview mirror?

"Hehe. Hehe" Qi Tongwei smiled bitterly.

The driver had already gotten into the car. How could he not see that Qi Tongwei was in a bad mood? He asked carefully: "Where are you going, boss?"

"Investment company." Qi Tongwei said hoarsely again.

"Okay." The driver agreed and drove quickly without daring to say another word.

The car drove all the way to the investment company. After Qi Tongwei got off the car, he hurried to the trading monitoring room.

When he entered, his wife was alone, but his son was not there.

Yang Chunxue seemed restless. When she saw her husband coming in, she seemed to have a backbone. She stood up and called out: "Tong Wei."

Immediately, she discovered that something was wrong with her husband. He seemed to be more than ten years older.

Just as she was about to ask her husband what was going on, Qi Tongwei had already said first, "How is the situation?"

"Not very good," Yang Chunxue said weakly.

Qi Tongwei walked to his wife and followed him to watch the big screen. He saw that except for the eight stocks under his control, all the stocks in the National Securities 30 had plummeted.

Even with the eight stocks under his control, the trading volume is obviously more intense than before. Even if the market is controlled, there are still circulating stocks outside. It is impossible for anyone to take advantage of such a large market.

There must have been a lot of deep lock-ins in the early years, but now I don't dare to hold on to them anymore. Seeing that the price is about the same, I quickly ran away.

The Qi family's efforts to raise the market caused great difficulty.

The current situation is not only not good, but is about to collapse.

Qi Tongwei braced himself to keep himself from falling, but then he discovered that his son was not here.

"Where is Wu Yao?" Qi Tongwei asked.

"I don't know. I called him several times, but no one answered." Yang Chunxue said.

"Where did this little beast go at such a critical moment? Didn't he stay in the company?" Qi Tongwei said angrily.

Yang Chunxue lowered her head, not daring to say anything now. What time had it been? My husband's temper is definitely not good.

"Ring ring ring"

At this time, Yang Chunxue's cell phone rang.

When she saw it, it was an unknown number, but she still answered, "Who is it?"

"Hello, are you a family member of Mr. Qi Wuyao?" A man's voice sounded on the phone.

"Who are you?" Yang Chunxue was not in a good mood and asked directly.

"I'm from the traffic patrol room. Mr. Qi Wuyao just had a car accident and was sent to the patrol hospital." The man on the phone said.

"What?" Yang Chunxue was startled and shouted hurriedly: "How are they doing?"

"Well, Mr. Qi was seriously injured because he was not wearing a seat belt and was driving very fast. He is in a coma. He has just been admitted to the hospital and will be rescued immediately," the man said.

"How could this happen? How could this happen? I'll go over right now!" Yang Chunxue shouted in surprise.

After hanging up the phone, she burst into tears. No one could bear such a blow.

"Tong Wei, it's not good. Wu Yao was in a car accident. He seems to be very serious. He is being sent to the hospital for emergency treatment," Yang Chunxue cried.

"How could something like this happen again?" Qi Tongwei's body swayed, it was really raining all night. It was already a precarious situation, but the good news suddenly turned into bad news, which was a fatal blow. It was good at the moment, but misfortune never comes singly, and another disaster was added to the situation.

"I don't know. Let's go to the hospital and have a look." Yang Chunxue said with choked sobs.

"Let's go!" Qi Tongwei said, about to walk outside.

But when he saw the stock market conditions at a glance, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not going!"

"That's our son, even if everything is wrong." Yang Chunxue said anxiously.

"Go to the hospital. I have received news that the old man is in Nandu now. I will rush to Nandu and ask for help in person!" Qi Tongwei said eagerly.

"Well, okay then." Yang Chunxue also knew that business was important.

The couple then divided their forces into two groups, one going to the hospital and the other to Nandu.

Nandu is where Qi Tonghui, the second wife of the Qi family, lives in Bailu Manor on the outskirts of the city.

The scale here is far less than that of Longhu Villa, but the scene is natural.

When we arrived at the gate of the manor, there were security guards guarding there. When he was about to arrive, Qi Tongwei had already called the old man's secretary and said he would arrive soon.

Qi Tongwei's driver rolled up the window and said, "It's Mr. Qi's car, open the door."

The security guard guarding the door did not move, but two people came out of the concierge. Qi Tongwei knew both of these two people, one was his younger brother Qi Tonghui, and the other was the old man's secretary.

The two walked directly to the car, and Qi Tonghui gently knocked on the window.

Qi Tongwei didn't understand what this meant, so he opened the car door and said, "Second brother, get in the car and let's go in together."

"Brother, you should tell me who Secretary Chi is like." Qi Tonghui looked at the middle-aged man beside him.

Secretary Chi took a step closer and said politely: "Mr. Qi, the old man said he doesn't want to see you."

"What?" Qi Tongwei was startled and asked nervously: "Old man, what does this mean?"

"The old man has heard about the situation of the investment company this morning, and even the matter of Mr. Qi's mortgage of assets," Secretary Chi said.

"Haha." Qi Tongwei smiled bitterly, and then said: "It is precisely because of this that I came to see my father."

"But the old man said that he doesn't want to see you. Here is a cashier's check of 10 million US dollars from a Swiss bank and a ticket to Switzerland. You should not come back in the future." Secretary Chi said calmly.

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