Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1839 Life-saving straw

"Ring ring ring ring ring."

While Qi Tongwei was breathing heavily, the cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

He picked up the phone and looked at it, and almost dropped it because the caller was Chang Lexing again.

Qi Tongwei answered angrily and said, "Hey, Lao Chang."

"Brother Qi, what's going on today?" Chang Lexing's urgent voice sounded on the phone, "Why did a big order come down at the end of the trading day? I was caught off guard by this deal. Brother Qi, let me Is there anything going on in the partnership?"

After listening to Chang Lexing's words, Qi Tongwei was confused for a while, and the stock price fell, making it difficult for him to distinguish the authenticity.

Qi Tongwei hesitated for a moment and said: "The usual thing is like this. Zhang Yu from Wudang Group has a bit of trouble with me. He is deliberately preventing me from raising the stock index. I didn't tell you last time, mainly because I was afraid that you would be too worried. But don’t worry, how can Zhang Yu be my opponent with how much capital he has?”

"Brother Qi, you, you, you are not being kind in what you do," Chang Lexing complained, "If you had told me about this earlier, I could have made some preparations in advance. Now it's good that I've asked him to fight me twice in a row. I was caught off guard. I bought a lot of futures, and I couldn't bear the situation. Look at today's situation, the stock price dropped so badly. It's almost life-threatening. I feel pain all the time. "

The level of acting is really amazing, and it is even more bitter to put all the blame on Qi Tongwei.

Qi Tongwei just thought that Chang Lexing had tricked him, but now after hearing this, he felt that this was not the case. Qi Tongwei said: "I underestimated Zhang Yu before, and you suffered losses as a result, but don't worry, Zhang Yu probably doesn't have many chips to continue to sell. Be more careful tomorrow and prepare funds to pull the market at the last moment. The stock price is also very low right now, so it will be very good for you to take advantage of the goods."

"That's what I said." Chang Lexing said with some hesitation: "Brother Qi, whether it is safe or not, the decline in the past two days makes me feel unsure."

"Don't worry about this. Our Qi family is very powerful, and now we are long. As long as we have enough funds, we can't buy any stock." Qi Tongwei said confidently.

"That, that's good. I, I'll do it with you." Chang Lexing said through gritted teeth as if he had made a lot of determination.

Qi Tongwei comforted Chang Lexing for a few words and then hung up the phone.

Putting the phone on the table, Qi Tongwei's eyes flickered, and he was a little unsure now.

Judging from Chang Lexing's words, he seemed to be quite aggrieved.

Thinking about Qi Wuyao's trading before, Zhang Yu was caught off guard. Today, he was personally in charge and all the stocks plummeted. He had no idea how much chips Zhang Yu had.

Chang Lexing was ignorant and careless, and was tricked twice by Zhang Yu. It seems to be reasonable.

Qi Wuyao said on the side: "Dad, what did he say?"

"I think I may have misunderstood Chang Lexing. This Yu is really cunning and has a lot of chips in his hand. It seems that it is really difficult to deal with." Qi Tongwei frowned.

As he was talking, there was a knock on the door, "Dang Dang Dang"

"Come in!"

Qi Wuyao shouted, the door opened, and Ning Lu came in.

"Both Mr. Qi and Mr. Yang." Ning Lu said politely.

"What's going on?" Qi Wuyao asked.

"The finance department just sent us a report, saying that there is not much money left on the books. Also, we have covered up our position by 400 million today. If there is a drop in early trading tomorrow, we may not be able to keep it," Ning Lu said very worriedly. .

"Show me the report." Qi Tongwei said.

Ning Lu took a few steps forward and handed the report in her hand to Qi Tongwei.

After Qi Tongwei looked at it, he frowned again.

In the past two days, we have suffered heavy losses. No matter how much we buy stocks, it seems like countless stocks are falling.

If it were done this way, it would be really unbearable.

After thinking for a while, Qi Tongwei said: "You go out first."

Ning Lu stepped back obediently, while Yang Chunxue leaned over to read the report Qi Tongwei put down.

There are currently more than 3 billion in funds on the books. Throwing this number into the stock market, especially with so many stocks, is simply like wasting money.

Although the Qi family controls eight stocks, these eight stocks have already made it difficult for Qi Tongwei to ride a tiger.

You must raise the stock price, and you must not let the stock price fall. Even if you have taken control of the market and taken a lot of chips, it is impossible to say that there is nothing outside.

As long as it reaches a certain price, there will definitely be an ancient lockup. As for these chips, because of the current straight-up price, almost no retail investors dare to take over and chase the higher price, so Qi Tongwei has to take it.

"Tong Wei, I'm afraid we don't have enough money," Yang Chunxue said worriedly.

"It's definitely not enough. Now we have to get money." Qi Tongwei frowned deeply.

"How about talking to the old man." He said rather helplessly.

"I'm not willing to give in. Zhang Yu should have reached his limit now. As long as we work harder, we will definitely be able to win," Qi Tongwei said unwillingly.

Since he regards Chang Lexing as one of his own, he must think that he has a chance to win. He owns eight stocks, Chang Lexing holds three, and Zhang Yu’s Huajia controls the market. No matter how many other chips there are, if they are smashed like this one after another, they should all be smashed.

"Dad, if I don't think it works, let's go find the Long family for help," Qi Wuyao suggested.

"Looking for the Long Family." Qi Tongwei's eyes lit up and he said, "Okay! Then look for the Long Family!"

At this juncture, you must find someone to help. The Long family has a good relationship with their family, so they should be able to help in this situation.

Moreover, the Long family can also be promised certain benefits.

Qi Tongwei immediately picked up the phone and contacted the Long family. After making an appointment, he went to the Long family to meet.

At this time, Qi Tongwei still did not find the old man for the sake of his own status in the family. He regarded the Long family as a life-saving straw.

Just as Qi Tongwei's family of three left the investment company, a pair of eyes was staring at them from a building in the distance.

To be precise, he was not staring at the three of them, but at the office building of the investment company.

In the hotel, Zhang Yu stood in front of the window with a smile on his face.

"Qi Tongwei, you used to always let people use heresy to fight against me. This time it's my turn. Let's put it aside, Qi Wuyao."

In the large living room of the hotel, a flag to pray for rain had been set up. As time passed slowly, after dark, a heavy rain started pouring from the sky.

Under the night rain, Zhang Yu carried a bag out of the hotel and went straight to the Qi family's investment company. He easily climbed to the roof of the company and took out a lot of broken stones from the bag.

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