Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1837 Performance

Originally, Qi Tongwei planned to find Chang Lexing to investigate, but instead, he turned into conciliatory words, coaxing and deception.

After talking for a while, Chang Lexing stabilized himself.

He hung up the phone, and Qi Wuyao next to him asked, "Dad, what's going on?"

"Those three stocks of Chang Lexing were blocked. This is really evil. How powerful is Zhang Yu? Could it be that every stock was tampered with? Does he have that much money?" Qi Tongwei asked suspiciously. said.

"Did you borrow money again?" Qi Wuyao asked.

"How is this possible? Those three stocks cannot be used for margin trading!" Qi Tongwei said directly.

"That's because he was prepared in advance and bought those stocks." Qi Wuyao guessed.

"He can eat whatever he says. How much does it cost? Zhang Yu has just emerged. Although he has some financial resources, he definitely does not have that much money." Although Qi Tongwei said this, his tone was not very sure. After a while, Qi Tongwei said again: "Also, you just said you were prepared in advance. How could he be prepared?"

"Yang Huainian has defected to Zhang Yu. This is no secret at all. Yang Huainian is deeply rooted in the company, and there must be people from him among the traders. He and Zhang Yu are in cahoots, and I think they have been watching us all the time!" Qi Wuyao immediately pointed the finger at Yang Huainian.

"Since you know that Yang Huainian knows our company well, why did you do multiple futures in the first place? Don't you think this is too dangerous?" Qi Tongwei asked angrily.

"Isn't this also for the sake of our eldest family's status in the family?" Qi Wuyao said cautiously.

In his opinion, Ning Lu is one of his own, and if there is an insider in the company, it must be Yang Huainian's remnant.

"If we lose this round of quick success, we may not have to stand up at all," Qi Tongwei said through gritted teeth.

"Dad, you also said that Zhang Yu doesn't have much money, so it's impossible for him to get so many chips. Maybe it's just a few stocks. After he sells them all, I don't think he has anything else. Besides, as long as it's not big Even if it falls, we can't lose too much." Qi Wuyao was a little panicked. He lost his previous vigor and began to comfort himself.

"I hope so." Qi Tongwei said with a frown.

Sioux City, Shangri-La Hotel.

In the living room of the presidential suite, the burly Chang Lexing was sitting on the big sofa. He put down his mobile phone, looked at the person sitting opposite, and said with a smile: "This Qi Tongwei, at this critical moment, is still coaxing me, let me I will continue to go on the same boat with him. Haha. It’s really interesting, interesting.”

Opposite him, two people sat, one in his late sixties and the other in his early twenties.

This young man in his early twenties, wearing an Armani suit, is not only energetic, but also very easy-going.

That's right, this person is none other than Zhang Yu.

Why Zhang Yu is sitting here and chatting and laughing with Chang Lexing, in fact, there is no other reason but all because of the elder beside him.

Yesterday Pan Chonghai gave him a note with a name and a phone number on it.

Zhang Yu was stunned when he saw the name, because the name was Pan Chonghe.

Zhang Yu knew that there were three brothers in the Pan family, the eldest was Pan Chonghai, the second was Pan Chongjiang, and the third was Pan Chonghe. Pan Chongjiang is Wen Qiong's husband.

After Pan Chonghai became decadent, he handed over the family business to his third son, Pan Chonghe. It was definitely quite reliable to write a note asking him to find Pan Chonghe as a recommender to meet Chang Lexing.

Zhang Yu settled Xiaoyun last night and asked his disciples to prepare the medicine on time. After confirming that Xiaoyun's life was not in danger, he set out in the middle of the night and rushed to Su City.

After contacting Pan Chonghe, Pan Chonghe said that everything was safe and asked him to stay at the Shangri-La Hotel and have lunch together at noon.

During lunch, Zhang Yu learned one thing, that is, there was a major shareholder behind the Monkey Brother Group, and this major shareholder was the Pan family.

Even if the Pan family continues to decline, it will still be a skinny camel bigger than a horse. Especially this year, Pan Chonghai understood what was going on, became more careful, and even dealt with the Meng family specifically. Among them, the rise of Brother Monkey's financial management was partly behind the Pan family.

Especially now, Pan Chonghe's granddaughter has established a relationship with Chang Lexing's son. In the near future, the two families will get married. Due to seniority issues, Chang Lexing has to give Pan Chonghe a nice name.

While eating, besides knowing this relationship, Zhang Yu also learned one more thing. That is, Pan Chonghe had secretly bought some stocks in each of the National Securities 30 stocks according to his elder brother's wishes.

There will be a good show today.

At this moment, Zhang Yu realized how powerful Pan Chonghai was. The old man had never mentioned this matter to him before, and only asked him to contact the Hua family.

At the critical moment of the decisive battle, the old man revealed the secret.

After lunch, after seeing off Qi Tongwei, Chang Lexing came to the Shangri-La Hotel to meet Zhang Yu and Pan Chonghe. It was quite enthusiastic.

The next step is naturally to perform according to the script set by Pan Chonghai.

On the one hand, Zhang Yu did sell stocks and sell stocks before. However, in Zhang Yu's hands, he also took some chips from these eight stocks in advance. This is the handiwork of Yang Huainian, who is also a master. He calculated that Qi Tongwei will definitely pull up other stocks, so he bought these eight stocks first. When Qi Tongwei pulled up other stocks, he sold them out without selling the original stocks in his hands. of stocks.

Qi Tongwei suffered a setback the day before yesterday, and he will definitely rise today. After he rises, he will throw the chips in his hand to Qi Tongwei. The purpose of doing this is firstly to smash the market, and secondly to hedge. Even if the stock price does rise, Zhang Yu will at most be able to claim the deposit, but he will not lose any money.

As a result, Qi Tongwei was really unlucky. He thought he had Chang Lexing as an ally, and he actually raised money to raise the price. The chips in Zhang Yu's hand destroyed Qi Tongwei's buying order at the end of the trading day.

Not to mention the Hua family. Qi Tongwei had indeed tipped him off before. Fortunately, Ning Lu sent the news in time. Zhang Yu then received the message and informed Hua Jianfeng. Hua Jianfeng prepared another batch of chips, waiting for the second blow.

Chang Lexing's side is even simpler. All three stocks are under his control, and they don't just rise when they rise, or fall when they fall.

If Qi Tongwei knew the truth, Qi Tongwei would probably be angry to death. The reason is even simpler, because Qi Tongwei was able to learn that Houge Financial Management controlled one or two stocks in the National Securities 30. This flaw was deliberately exposed by Chang Lexing.

After the market opened at noon, it was time to perform a monkey show and play with Qi Tongwei. The stock price plummeted in late trading. Looking back, I had to ask Qi Tongwei what was going on and if someone was blocking it.

This person pretending to be innocent and acting in this drama is probably more professional than someone who graduated from Beijing Film Academy.

With such a layout, even if Qi Tongwei was extremely capable, he would still be tricked to death. Of course, in the final analysis, it had to be Ning Lu’s clever trick.

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