Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1824 Exchange back

"What destroyed these two magic weapons?" Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, and then he smelled the smell of blood.

The smell of blood was on the diagonal side. He ran over quickly and saw some green grass under a tree. Not only was the grass obviously squashed, there was even blood splattered on the tree trunk.

Zhang Yu observed carefully and found that the blood had not solidified yet, so it should have been left recently.

Not far from this tree is the garden wall.

"The screams must have come from here. Who could be the injured person?" Zhang Yu said to himself, then looked at the chicken feathers and broken fan in his hand.

"Two magic weapons. This girl said that the other party is two people. In this case, these two magic weapons should be used by those two people. It seems that these two people are not simple, and they can never come to help me. In this case , must be the enemy of the wheelchair man. This wheelchair man is so powerful, he can actually destroy these two magic weapons. How did he do it? The formation, could it be based on the formation here?" Zhang Yu didn't dare OK, just a guess.

He searched around for a while, but found nothing.

Walking back to the four girls, Zhang Yu said, "Let's go out and take a look."

Several people walked out of the garden together. Xiaoyun was almost carried out by Wen Qiong and Pan Yun. She couldn't walk at all.

After leaving the garden, Zhang Yu immediately saw the wheelchair, but the person in the wheelchair was not there. There was only a corpse lying next to the wheelchair.

When Xiaoyun saw this, she immediately said nervously: "Where has my foster father gone? Where has my foster father gone?"

"Go over and have a look." Zhang Yu walked to the wheelchair and looked down. It was the young man lying on the ground.

He took a look at his breath and found that he was already out of breath. The young man's heart was penetrated. If he is still alive, he is really a ghost.

The man in the wheelchair was nowhere to be seen, and so were the other two people. Zhang Yu thought for a while and said: "Both those two people and your adoptive father never saw their bodies alive or dead. These two things should have been left by those two people, but there was no blood anywhere where the magic weapon was left." , and there is no body, so I think these two people may not be dead. Your adoptive father is disabled, so he must not be able to walk far. He is missing now. I am afraid there is only one reason, that is, he was kidnapped by those two people. "

"No, my adoptive father is very powerful." Xiaoyun's tears flowed down.

Although she said this, she was unsure in her heart. After all, she had seen how powerful those two people were. All the senior brothers died at the hands of others, and the foster father's skills were also destroyed by others. It didn't seem surprising that he was really captured.

"He is very powerful, but the people who come to him are probably even more powerful." Zhang Yu said directly.

After saying that, he smelled the smell of blood again, but this time it wasn't here. Turning his head to look to the other side, he vaguely saw a body lying on the ground.

"There is another corpse." Zhang Yu said, walked over quickly, and continued: "Do you know who that person is? Didn't you say that there were only two people on the other side?"

"That's my senior brother, he came with those two people." Xiaoyun said truthfully.

"You still have senior brother?" As he spoke, Zhang Yu came to another corpse, which was lying in a pool of blood. With just one glance, Zhang Yu felt that this person looked familiar, and then he thought about it. Wasn't it the same person he met during the fight in Baimei Mountain? Did Yang Qizhao arrive?

"It's him." Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, then went to check Yang Qizhao's body. In fact, there was no need to check. Yang Qizhao's wound was very serious. He was bleeding profusely and he was already dead.

He stood up and the four women followed him.

Zhang Yu looked at Xiaoyun and said, "He is your senior brother."

"Yes." Xiaoyun said softly.

"He" Zhang Yu fell into deep thought for a while, recalling the scene when he competed with Yang Qizhao.

Especially when praying for rain, the formation used by Yang Qizhao impressed Zhang Yu deeply.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu thought of the wheelchair man again. Yang Qizhao was the wheelchair man's apprentice. The strength of this wheelchair man was really not weak. He had nothing to do with the wheelchair man. Why did he suddenly set up an array to deal with him?

"I suddenly remembered something." Zhang Yu changed the topic and said: "Someone once used the big moving technique to steal things from my company and home. This person must be your adoptive father."

Zhang Yu had never seen the person who was carrying the heavy goods, but he must be related to the Qi family. Last time at Qi's house, Zhang Yu happened to see a man in a wheelchair, so Zhang Yu vaguely realized that this man in a wheelchair seemed to be the one who knew how to carry people.

Xiaoyun was not good at lying and was seriously injured. When she heard Zhang Yu's question, a look of panic appeared on her face. She lowered her head, not daring to make a sound at all.

As soon as he saw her appearance, Zhang Yu was sure that his guess was correct. It seemed that the person who used the heavy lifting technique was a wheelchair user. The wheelchair man is from the Qi family. This time he dealt with the Qi family and also joined the Hua family. Qi Tongwei probably knew some inside stories, so he asked the wheelchair man to come here tonight to plot.

After understanding what was going on, Zhang Yu nodded slightly, knowing what was going on.

Zhang Yu took out two fire talismans, hit one on the young man's body, and one on Yang Qizhao. The fire burned, and their bodies quickly turned into ashes.

Seeing the two bodies being burned, Xiaoyun couldn't help but cry. There was no expression on Zhang Yu's face. After all, the enemy and ourselves were clearly distinguishable.

The reason why the two bodies were burned was to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Zhang Yu went over and pushed a wheelchair over, letting Xiaoyun sit on the wheelchair and rest first. Then, several people returned to the garden.

Come over here tonight, but I still have some business to do. It’s not easy to find someone in a wheelchair. He might be dead now.

After entering the garden and walking to the corridor at the back, Zhang Yu asked Paris to take action first and replace Wen Qiong and her daughter.

Paris nodded in agreement. She asked Wen Qiong and her daughter to sit on the floor, close their eyes and stop talking. Paris sat opposite the two of them, holding the "Holy Lesson" in both hands, and began to recite it plausibly.

I don’t know what she was reciting. After a while, she put the Holy Lesson on her lap, stretched out her hands, and faced Wen Qiong and Pan Yun. The two hands slowly move inward and finally meet.

At this moment, the two people who were sitting on the ground suddenly fell backward.

Seeing the two of them fall, Zhang Yu was so anxious that he quickly rushed to Pan Yun's side and grabbed Pan Yun's wrist, but his eyes were fixed on Paris.

Paris put down her hands and said calmly: "Don't be nervous, it has been solved. When they wake up, everything will be the same as before."

Zhang Yu expected that Paris would not dare to do anything, but he was also cautious. He could feel Pan Yun's pulse and everything was normal. Then I used my inner eye to check Pan Yun's soul, and found that all three souls and seven souls were inside his body.

The current coma may be due to the fact that the souls have just been exchanged, so the souls have not adapted immediately.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "Your Western magic seems to be quite mysterious."

"Thank you for the compliment." Paris stood up and said seriously: "I have accomplished what I promised you, can you let me go?"

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