Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1813 There is still such an operation

The three members of the Qi family did not go back to Longhu Villa directly. They had dinner on the way and then headed to the investment company.

When I arrived at the company, I didn't even bother to notice that the company's vice president had changed. I just went to the trading control room to watch today's stock prices.

After the lunch break, the market has opened in the afternoon.

At present, the eight stocks controlled by the Qi family have increased by 10%, and there is a lot of turnover among them, but it is obviously unable to pierce the Qi family's sideways buying orders.

It is not difficult to see from this that selling is currently unable to stop it.

Qi Tongwei is not focused on this, but on the six stocks controlled by Huajia.

The six stocks of Huajia are currently only rising slightly and the trend is stable.

Other National Securities 30 stocks have fallen and risen, but the increases and losses are not large, so that the National Securities 30 index is currently up 4.2%.

Qi Wuyao's face was filled with joy. As long as the index increased, it would be the best.

Yang Chunxue was also happy, but Qi Tongwei's face was as dark as water, showing no emotion or anger.

"Tong Wei, the index has risen by 4.2%, why don't you feel happy at all?"

"There's nothing to be happy about. You can't even see the Hua family's attitude now." Qi Tongwei said.

"Those six stocks haven't fallen yet, so there should be no problem." Qi Wuyao said.

"It didn't fall, but it didn't rise either." Qi Tongwei said in a deep voice.

"That's true." Qi Wuyao frowned slightly.

At this moment, there was a stock named Dongfeng Schnauzer on the screen, which suddenly started to rise.

This stock is a stock controlled by Huajia.

Seeing the increase, Qi Wuyao was overjoyed and couldn't help shouting: "There's a reaction! It's gone up! It's gone up!"

Yang Chunxue also became energetic and said excitedly: "It's gone up! It's gone up! It seems that Wu Yao and Hua Yingyue's affairs are going to be fine!"

Qi Tongwei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and clenched his fists tightly, as if to declare victory.

You know, six stocks fell sharply yesterday, and there must be some problems.

Now I tell the Hua family my trump card. Our family is speculating on the index. If these six stocks fall sharply, they will go against our family. If it rises sharply, it means marriage. If it doesn't fall or rise, maybe you don't want to get married, but at least you won't be facing each other head on.

This increase also announced that the Hua family agreed to the marriage.

Soon, the other five stocks also slowly rose. Judging from the meaning, they were definitely cooperating with the Qi family to go long on the stock index.

As time went by, the gains of these six stocks gradually exceeded 5%.

This is also a correct trading method, unlike Qi Wuyao's recklessness. Of course, Qi Wuyao can't do anything without being reckless. Zhang Yu is staring at him from the other side.

Finally, it’s almost time to close in the afternoon. Qi Wuyao looked at the index that had risen to 5.6%, with a smile on his face.

He was happy not only because the stock index was rising, but more importantly, the little beauty from the Hua family was about to fall into his hands. Thinking of Hua Yingyue's white and tender skin and tall figure, Qi Wuyao's little friend unconsciously looked majestic and majestic.

However, just when he was happy, the situation suddenly changed.

The stock index, which originally rose to 5.6%, turned to 1.3% almost instantly.

High platform diving, the water is so high that it makes your head dizzy.

Qi Wuyao, who was so happy, couldn't help but trembled and almost slipped off his chair. "This this."

Not only him, Yang Chunxue's head also buzzed.

Yang Chunxue quickly looked at her husband, "Tong Wei, why did this suddenly change?"

Even Qi Tongwei, who had experienced all kinds of big scenes, couldn't stand this kind of change for a while. His body swayed and his arms trembled.

"Asshole. The bastard Hua family actually went against us." When he said this, Qi Tongwei's voice was a little hoarse.

These six stocks fell in late trading, almost at the same time, and all fell neatly by 10%.

One reverse and one positive result caused the National Securities 30 stock index to plummet miserably.

Qi Wuyao's eyes also turned red, and he cursed in his heart, Damn it, there is such an operation!

He looked at his father, gritted his teeth and said, "Dad! This Hua family is going too far to bully others. We have already told him that we are long the index, but they are still smashing the market at the end of the day!"

"That's right! Bullying is too much! Bullying is too much!" Yang Chunxue also shouted bitterly.

"Dad, we must give the Hua family some color!" Qi Wuyao said again.

"How can I give them color?" Qi Wuyao's voice was still hoarse, and looking at him, he seemed to have become much older all of a sudden.

"Tong Wei, you, what's wrong with you?" Yang Chunxue said eagerly when she realized that her husband was not in a good state of mind.

"There are only so many funds that I can mobilize now. Wu Yao has already eaten a lot in raising the stock price in the past two days, and there is not much left on the books. Next, we will continue to raise the stock price, even if Zhang Yu has no No matter how much chips we have, there will be some normal hold-up orders coming out. We have already tried our best to eat these goods at a high level. And if the Huajia family cuts the knife in the back, I am afraid that the stock index will fall sharply in less than two days. ." Qi Tongwei said rather feebly.

"Then we won't lose like this. Dad, if we lose, we will lose a lot of money on the futures contract," Qi Wuyao said anxiously.

Yang Chunxue also panicked and said quickly: "Tong Wei, otherwise, please notify the old man immediately and ask him to allocate funds. We must not lose."

"Look for the old man." Qi Tongwei said with some reluctance: "If I inform the old man, even if I win this round, I'm afraid it will look too incompetent."

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Yang Chunxue immediately shrugged his head, not knowing what to do.

Qi Wuyao also knew that it was really not a good idea to go to the old man.

Both his wife and son had no idea, and indeed they couldn't be counted on.

Qi Tongwei thought for a while and said: "Chunxue, you should sort out the assets in our name now and take all these assets to the bank for mortgage tomorrow. Deposit as much as you can!"

"This" Yang Chunxue was shocked.

"We can't lose! We absolutely can't lose this game!" Qi Tongwei said seriously: "Starting from tomorrow, I will personally preside over all matters of the investment company!"

Qi Wuyao lowered his head and whispered: "Yes, father."

"Okay!" Yang Chunxue also understood that relying solely on his son would be in vain. It was better for her husband to take action himself.

The room became very silent. Qi Tongweikong sat there. After a while, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found a number in the phone book and dialed it.

The call was quickly connected, and a middle-aged man's voice sounded, "Hello, hello, is this Brother Qi?"

"Brother Jianping, what are you busy with?" Qi Tongwei asked with a smile.

"Nothing, just sitting in the company. Brother Qi, do you have anything to do with me?" This Jianping brother is none other than Hua Jianping, the fourth son of the Hua family.

"It's a small matter. I wonder if my brother is free in the evening. Let's go out for a casual meal." Qi Tongwei said.

"Okay, Brother Qi invites you, so of course it's more respectful than obeying." Hua Jianping said happily.

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