Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 181 There is a grave but no body (fourth update)


Zhang Yu suddenly remembered that although everyone had entered the tomb, Hua Yunong did one more thing than others, and that was to pick up the sword on the ground.

No one else had touched the hanging sword, but Hua Yunong did, and even pulled it out. Could it be said that the crux is here?

"Mr. Zhang, what's wrong?" Seeing Zhang Yu's sudden words, the female driver asked quickly.

"Where is that sword?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Sword?" The female driver obviously hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu asked.

"What does it have to do with swords?" the female driver asked.

"I'm not sure, so I want to take a look first." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"This" the female driver hesitated.

"You ladies are like this. No matter how precious this sword is, it's not worth more than her life." Zhang Yu saw that the female driver didn't want to take it out, so he said this. At the same time, Zhang Yu also guessed that the sword seemed to be really important. Otherwise, Hua Yunong would not have picked up the sword as soon as he entered the tomb.

His words worked as expected. The female driver nodded and said, "After Miss Hua came back, she always kept the sword by her side." As the female driver said, she walked to the closet next to her and took the sword from inside. come out.

Returning to Zhang Yu, she presented the sword to him.

Zhang Yu didn't answer it, just looked it over. The sword looked very expensive, but there was nothing special about it. He reached out to grab the scabbard and took it into his hand. Without even taking it out, he felt that there was still a trace of evil energy flowing on the sword.

After using the Money Sword yesterday, my energy was exhausted, and even my six senses were not as good as before. It stands to reason that if something with evil energy appears in front of him, even if he has not fully recovered, he should be able to vaguely notice it. However, without touching this sword, he still didn't feel it.

It seems that this sword is really weird.

He didn't dare to hold the sword any longer and immediately gave it back to the female driver and said, "Put it back."

Then, Zhang Yu looked at Hua Yunong on the bed, and he already knew in his mind that the reason why Hua Yunong was like this was because he kept holding on to the sword.

After discovering the crux of the problem, Zhang Yu was still puzzled as to why the evil spirit still remained on the sword after the formation was broken.

"Why? Why is this happening?" Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, and he suddenly thought of another thing. That is, in the tomb chamber, the sword, the two corpses in the coffin, and the six surrounding corpses formed the Nine Yao Wheel Formation.

The Nine Yao Wheel Formation is designed to transcend the souls of the dead. Because the dead have heavy obsessions, it also plays the role of eradicating their obsessions. Then the question arises. Including the two children in the coffins, there are a total of eight corpses in the tomb. Why is there no body of the deceased?

If there were no dead, who would arrange such a powerful formation for no reason, and who would leave this sword here to set up the formation for no reason? If there were no dead people, how could such a heavy obsession come from?

Zhang Yu finally figured it out. He was so busy that he forgot the most important thing. That is, the real owner of the tomb has not yet been found.

As for this Nine-Year Wheel Formation, in fact, the real formation eye should not be the sword. The hanging sword is just the formation eye on the surface. The real formation eye is probably with the owner of the tomb.

Without breaking the real formation eye, everyone who entered the tomb would be infected with the evil spirit. However, Zhang Yu destroyed the surface of the formation, greatly reducing the power of the evil spirit. Hua Yunong had been holding on to the sword with evil aura, and that was the first time the evil aura broke out.

Not only that, Zhang Yu had even figured out why Hua Yunong's Yintang would turn black as soon as he arrived at Guangming Mountain. This has nothing to do with whether Hua Yunong went down to the tomb, because as long as he went down and Zhang Yu broke the formation, the Hanging Sword would definitely be taken with him. Hua Yunong probably knows this sword. As long as she sees the sword, she will already get it in her hand and keep holding it. Therefore, no matter what, Hua Yunong will face the disaster.

Zhang Yu knew that there was only one way to solve the problem and save Hua Yunong, and that was to return to the tomb, find the eye of the formation, and break the formation. This is not only to save Hua Yunong, but also includes everyone, and Zhang Yu himself.

Guangming Mountain is not close to here. It takes about three hours to get there, which is almost twelve o'clock. In Hua Yunong's current state, he simply couldn't last that long. It would only take an hour at most before the evil spirit attacks his heart and he cannot die anymore.

If rescued now, given Zhang Yu's current condition, he might not be able to save Hua Yunong, and he might even get caught. Except for him, no one present could break that formation. Every minute of delay put even him in more danger.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket. He bit his finger and drew a talisman for suppressing evil spirits. Then he bent down and placed it on Hua Yunong's forehead.

The evil-suppressing talisman came into contact with Hua Yunong's forehead, and it actually trembled. This scene did not escape the eyes of Tietou and the female driver.

The female driver immediately asked: "How is the situation? Is Miss Hua okay?"

Zhang Yu knew in his heart that the evil aura on Hua Yunong's body was too strong. He had limited cultivation and could not save Hua Yunong with the evil-suppressing talisman alone. From the trembling of the evil-suppressing talisman just now, Zhang Yu could be sure that the evil-suppressing talisman was The talisman can only temporarily slow down the speed of evil energy attacking the heart.

Even Zhang Yu himself was not sure how long it would last. It all depended on whether Hua Yunong's life was tough enough. If she was lucky and could persist for six or seven more hours, in this case, Zhang Yu could break the formation in time, and the support of the evil spirit would be interrupted, and Zhang Yu could still revive her. But if you don't have enough life to win, and you only last two or three hours, you're dead.

"I don't know either, but now, we have to go to Guangming Mountain. Send me there quickly." Zhang Yu said.

"Why are you still going to Guangming Mountain?" Tietou asked puzzledly.

"You may not understand that the formation there has not been completely broken yet. We are all affected by the evil spirit. Miss Hua was the first to suffer the attack. If the formation is not completely broken as soon as possible, not only her, but also us will be affected." Everyone who has entered the tomb must die!" Zhang Yu said eagerly.

"Ah?" Although Tietou didn't know what the formation was about, he also understood that he had to break the formation again, or else everyone would die.

The female driver was also anxious and said: "Then go quickly. I said you don't look good at all."

Tietou also knew that his face looked ugly, but he didn't think about it. Now that he knew what was going on, he immediately said, "I'm going to call someone, and we'll go out right away."

"Who are you calling? Let's go quickly. It's useless if there are too many people." Zhang Yu said.

"It works!" Tietou said anxiously: "We have already filled the hole. If we don't bring more people, when can we dig it out?"

"Then hurry up." Zhang Yu didn't expect Tietou and the others to be so efficient. He then told the female driver to prepare some cupping jars while he had time now. He might need them when he came back.

Zhang Yu and Tietou went out together. Tietou gathered his men and tools, and then hurried towards Guangming Mountain.


Special thanks to: Guardian Car God, idle, forgotten you for your rewards, and everyone who has always given recommendations and monthly votes to Laotie. Today’s recommendation votes are 100 less than usual, and monthly votes are much less than yesterday: (.

Lao Tie appreciates everyone's support. Since its launch, the number of subscriptions has exceeded Lao Tie's imagination. Lao Tie is also trying his best, hoping to reach the height of a super physiognomist.

My brothers and sisters, do you dare to give me another try and let me get more for the number of monthly tickets?

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