Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1808 A little cold

Hua Jianfeng came to the living room and couldn't help but feel sad when he saw his father sleeping on the sofa and Beijing opera was still playing on the TV.

My father's health is really getting worse and his energy is not as good as before. Not only was he worse, the old man had lost a lot of weight.

After coming to sit next to his father, Hua Jianfeng took his father's hand and greeted him gently, "Father, father."

After a while, Old Man Hua slowly opened his eyes. When he saw his son, he said kindly: "It's Jianfeng. I fell asleep sitting down. What can I do?"

"Father, it's like this. I asked Zhang Yu to help me read Feng Shui, and he made a condition that our Hua family help suppress the National Securities 30 stock index." Hua Jianfeng said truthfully.

Although the old man has spoken and Hua Jianfeng will be in charge of the overall situation of the Hua family, Hua Jianfeng does not dare to make the decision alone on such a big matter.

"Oh?" Old Man Hua was stunned for a moment and said, "He suppressed some stock index for no reason. What on earth is going on?"

"As far as I know, Zhang Yu and the Qi family have some disputes. The Qi family is currently doing a long-term stock index of 30."

At that moment, Hua Jianfeng told his father everything he had just learned.

After hearing this, Old Man Hua couldn't help but frown slightly, "So that's what happened."

"Yes. My son really didn't dare to make the decision on this matter, so he hurriedly discussed it with his father." Hua Jianfeng was also in a dilemma.

"On the one hand, Zhang Yu has saved my life. You have promised Zhang Yu on any terms, and we can do this. On the other hand, you have to be on the opposite side of the Qi family, and also There will be heavy losses." When Old Man Hua said this, he was full of hesitation. After a while, he said: "I am old and faced with such a big thing, it is difficult to make a choice for a while. Jianfeng, everything is at your disposal. I want to go up. Floor, sleep a little longer."

"Father, let me help you go up and rest." Hua Jianfeng said.

While Hua Jianfeng was learning about the market situation of National Certificate 30, Zhang Yu and Hua Yingyue took a sightseeing car to the upper reaches of Huajiawan.

Last time Zhang Yu and Hua Yingyue were walking, they didn't go upstream to see, they just wanted to know about the situation of Hua's family. At that time, in order to save Old Man Hua, even though we knew that Old Man Hua's illness was not caused by Feng Shui, there was no point in going to see him.

Now we come to the upper reaches of Huajiawan, where there is a park. The park is built against an artificial river. There is a wall outside with murals carved on it, which is quite reminiscent of an oriental classical garden.

No one is allowed to enter here, there are security guards guarding the door, and usually only people from the Hua family are allowed in.

Zhang Yu and Hua Yingyue got off the car at the entrance of the park and walked in.

Facing you are a fountain and a rockery. On the rockery are outlined four characters - Longfu Huating.

There are flowers and plants around. Because it is autumn, some flowers have already withered. But the trees are fragrant and the scenery is still beautiful.

But as soon as Zhang Yu entered here, he could feel a desolate atmosphere, like an old man in his old age, lifeless.

Zhang Yu was certain that this place was definitely the centerpiece of the Jiuzhou Proud Dragon Bureau. The formation was broken, turning this place into a desperate situation.

It is not easy to change the situation here, and the formation needs to be rearranged. There are nine ways to place the Jiuzhou Aolong Bureau, and the way here is obviously not the one that Zhang Yu knows. Zhenren Lu of Yangchun Temple cannot plan the plan by himself, and needs the help of experts in the sect. Without being a Taoist temple, except for Zhang Yu, his disciples still can't help him.

He has already promised the Hua family, so he definitely can't say no, unless the Hua family doesn't fulfill their promise.

Zhang Yu knew that if he wanted to understand the secret of the formation, he must first find the formation eye. He and Hua Yingyue walked in the garden, looking for the location of the formation eye.

Fortunately, the garden is not particularly big, so it didn’t take much time to finish.

Opposite is a long corridor. Behind the long corridor is a stone wall with a dragon head outlined on the stone wall.

Next to each pillar in the corridor, there is enough for a stone turtle to lie down, eight in total. The location of the dragon head is where the two stone turtles in the middle are.

"It's so cold," Hua Yingyue, who was walking beside Zhang Yu, said suddenly.

She wore quite a lot, with white leather boots underneath and white tight leather pants on her legs, which showed off her slender legs and plump ass. She was wearing a white butterfly flower vest and a white coat outside.

But now, her arms were folded together and her body was shaking a little.

There is no wind now, and it shouldn't be so cold in early spring.

To others, it would be too cold to stay here. But for Zhang Yu, this was not the case. The reason why it is cold here is because of the loss of life, which makes people shudder.

Through the appearance here, Zhang Yu could vaguely determine that this should be the location of the Jiuzhou Aolong Bureau's formation.

He did not go directly into the corridor to check. He first took out an amulet from his pocket and handed it to Hua Yingyue. He said softly: "Miss Hua, put this on your body and you won't feel cold anymore."

"This." Seeing that it was just a piece of talisman paper, Hua Yingyue couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

She still took the talisman from Zhang Yu's hand and put it on her body. Not to mention, the cold feeling from before quickly disappeared. This made her even more confused.

However, Zhang Yu had already stepped into the corridor and came to the dragon head.

The faucet is only slightly protruding, but it is full of three-dimensionality. I have to admire the carving craftsman for being able to outline the faucet vividly on a generally flat surface.

If you observe carefully, the dragon's head looks like its eyes are open, with pupils inside, and the eyes are already set. But after looking at it for a while, you will feel that the dragon's eyes are dull, as if it is blind.

This feeling is inappropriate, and it is probably difficult for ordinary people to see it.

Zhang Yu nodded slightly and said to himself, this should be it.

He closed his eyes and felt everything here with his mind's eye.

The dragon's head is still there, but it has no eyesight. There is only death energy on the body, and it is obviously dead.

There were eight stone turtles lying outside the corridor. When I first looked at the stone turtles, everything seemed normal. But if you look closely, you can see a crack on the stone turtle's head.

This time, Zhang Yu understood what was going on.

This place itself has no dragon veins, it relies entirely on the Jiuzhou Aolong Bureau to generate dragon veins.

The stone wall is built against the artificial river upstream. The protruding dragon head is a fake dragon, which means that the dragon head is here and the dragon body is the river.

The eight stone turtles are used to protect the fake dragon. Once anyone dares to forcefully break the formation, they will attack.

The Jiuzhou Proud Dragon situation was broken, and the eye of the formation was on the dragon's eye, that is, the dragon's eye. The dragon must be painted and the eyes are added. If the dragon has no eyes, it is dead. The eight stone turtles also died as the fake dragon died.

Opening his eyes, Zhang Yu nodded, turned and walked out of the corridor.

When Hua Yingyue saw him coming out, she immediately said, "What on earth is going on? I was terribly cold just now, but with the talisman you gave me, I won't be cold soon."

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "It's just a little trick. This is an amulet. It will be good for you to wear it in the future. By the way, I want to ask you something."

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