Zhang Yu's answer was flawless, and the two reporters returned without success. However, since I have received money from others, I have to do something and directly say that Wudang Square is haunted. Even if a reporter has the courage to write it, I don't want to continue doing it.

So, Zhenhai Evening News and Property Market Guide respectively published these two pieces of news.

"Have a holiday"? The Wudang Square project is currently suspended. After interviews, it was learned that the construction workers at the construction site are on vacation and will resume work in three days. The specific details will be known by then!

Under the title, there is no interview with Zhang Yu, but photos of the construction site. In broad daylight, there was no one working on the construction site and it looked a bit depressed.

The same is true for the property market guide, which has a catchy title, "Having a holiday after the election? Unheard of!"

There are also no interviews, just photos.

In doing so, it first echoes the news requirements and is not making up random things. Secondly, it does not promote feudal superstition, so there will be no problems. Thirdly, it gives readers some room for imagination. It is simply inappropriate for the Wudang Group to take a holiday after the election. Common sense, what's the trick here?

Sure enough, there was a lot of heated discussion on the Internet, with all kinds of rhythms. In short, they all said that Wudang Square was haunted. However, there are also rational people who think that the theory of ghosts and gods is nonsense. We will know if the construction site starts working in three days. In addition, some people believe that Wudang Group may have financial problems.

You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder.

It is impossible for Zhang Yu to say that he will not do anything. There are so many people in the company, and it is impossible for them all to work hard.

Emergency measures must also be taken to deal with this incident. After discussion at a meeting, someone came up with such an idea.

The district office came forward to conduct safety inspections in response to workers falling off beds and getting injured. No matter how much they checked, no one would dare say it was haunted. Coupled with Zhang Yu's background, the inspection results given by the Office will naturally be biased towards the Wudang Group.

Just as they were told, the construction safety team quickly came to Wudang Square to conduct safety inspections and responded to the worker's fall injury.

"In order to save money, the contractor provided workers with bunk beds of poor quality. The upper bunk bed board was tilted, causing workers to accidentally roll out of bed while sleeping. Wudang Group was unfavorable in supervising the accommodation of migrant workers, criticized it, and set a deadline for rectification. And fined one hundred thousand!"

This result, released by the Office of the Commissioner, is naturally more powerful than the general media.

The Wudang Group has a very good attitude and accepts the punishment. The fine of 100,000 yuan will be paid immediately. Then we purchased new beds and specially asked the Office of the Commissioner to inspect them. We also invited some media reporters to publicize them. Zhang Yu also made a special promise to invite reporters from all over the world to visit the construction site on the day when construction starts.

The workers' vacation ends soon and they have to go back to work as soon as they return. Reporters from all over the world were also invited to come, and the construction site was in full swing.

On the top floor of Mingyang Building, a man in a wheelchair sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the construction site through binoculars with a proud smile on his face.

Qi Tongwei and his son were also standing here, also watching with binoculars. In addition to the father and son, there is another person who is also there, it is Long Huachi.

The reason why Longhuachi came here is because the construction site started today, and he wanted to see Zhang Yu's excitement. Qi Wuyao just wanted to show off, so he brought Longhuachi with him.

Long Huachi also held a telescope in his hand and stared at the situation at the construction site. After looking at it for a long time, the construction site seemed to be very normal, which made him couldn't help but say: "Mr. Qi, everyone in this construction site is working normally, is there nothing wrong?"

Qi Wuyao was even more anxious than him. He immediately looked at the man in the wheelchair and asked, "Sir, are you okay? Zhang Yu should be working, there is nothing wrong with him."

The wheelchair man smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, it's not time yet."

"Time? When?" Qi Wuyao asked eagerly.

"After nine-thirty, that's when the sword evil is most intense. At that time, there will be a good show." The man in the wheelchair said confidently.

After hearing this, Long Huachi quickly looked at his watch and said: "It's nine-twenty, there are still ten minutes."

Qi Wuyao seemed a little excited. After all, Zhang Yu's construction site had been suspended last time. According to the wheelchair man, Zhang Yu would definitely not be able to solve the problem unless he demolished the building.

He asked excitedly: "Sir, do you know what will happen at the construction site after nine-thirty?"

"The Sword Demon has been gathering for so long, and when it is at its strongest today, someone will definitely lose their life. No matter how good the safety preparations are, there is still no way to escape." The wheelchair man said with certainty.

"Really?" Qi Wuyao's eyes widened. "The reporters are all here today. If something goes wrong at this time, no matter how many excuses Zhang Yu gives, there may be a complete shutdown due to a safety incident."

"That's right!" Long Huachi also became excited, "It would be interesting if someone died under the eyes of reporters!"

They couldn't hide their excitement and kept watching as the time passed by little by little.

It was said to be half past nine, and I waited until ten o'clock. From here, I couldn't tell what was going on at the construction site.

Qi Wuyao was a little anxious. He looked at his father and said, "Dad, why is there no news about the accident over there?"

"I don't know, wait until I call and ask." Qi Tongwei looked calm, but he was actually quite anxious.

He immediately took out his cell phone and dialed a phone number.

After the call was connected, the person on the phone was asked to quickly find someone at the construction site to find out if anything happened at the construction site.

They continued to wait, and after ten minutes, Qi Tongwei's phone rang.

"Hey, how are you?" Qi Tongwei asked directly as soon as he answered.

"There was no accident at the construction site." A middle-aged man's voice sounded on the phone.

"No." Qi Tongwei was stunned, and then asked: "Did anything unusual happen?"

"The unusual thing is right. People there reported that there is a 13-story commercial building on the street between the two plots of land at the construction site. On top of this commercial building, a 900-square-meter building was suddenly installed. Large LED screen. Apart from this, there is nothing else." said the middle-aged man.

"Is it just this?" Qi Tongwei shouted.

"That's it."

"Okay, I know." Qi Tongwei hung up the phone unhappily.

Qi Wuyao kept listening with his ears pricked up. When his father hung up the phone, he asked impatiently: "Dad, what's going on?"

"There is nothing wrong, except that a 900-square-meter LED screen has been installed on the commercial building on the construction site." Qi Tongwei shook his head and said.

"Why are you suddenly installing a big screen?" Qi Wuyao was obviously not interested in the news at all.

However, after hearing this, the expression on the wheelchair man's face was stagnant, as if he was thoughtful. He then asked loudly: "Where is it installed?"

As he spoke, the telescope in his hand moved back and forth, as if he was looking for the location of the big screen.

Although Ming Yang Building is condescending, it cannot be seen from every location. After looking for a long time but not finding it, the wheelchair man became a little anxious and shouted: "Go to the rooftop! Go to the rooftop!"

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