Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1793 People’s hearts are broken and it’s hard to lead the team.

Zhang Yu was still standing next to the sand table in the work shed, looking at the sword-shaped shadow illuminated by the light while thinking about a solution.

He successively came up with two or three ways to break the evil spirit, but the results were all rejected by himself.

This kind of large-scale evil spirit cannot be blocked by getting a mirror in the first place. Even if the evil spirit here is temporarily eliminated, as long as the sun comes out and shines on the three buildings, forming sword-shaped shadows, the evil spirit will slowly gather.

Any method can only be an indicator and cannot cure the root cause.

Everyone was watching. Except for Li Mingyue, who probably had some clues, the others just stood there, staring.

"Ring ring ring"

At this time, the mobile phone in Brother Biao's pocket rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was the phone number of a contractor. In order not to disturb Zhang Yu, Brother Biao went out to answer the call, "Hey, what do you want from me?"

"Hey, Brother Biao. I'm Chen Wei. Something big has happened. All the workers under me have resigned en masse, saying they don't dare to work on the construction site here anymore." The voice of the contractor Chen Wei rang on the phone.

"Resign collectively, are you kidding me?" Brother Biao suddenly became anxious.

Chen Wei has almost a hundred people on his staff. If they resign collectively, it will have a great impact on the progress of the project.

"They said that this place is haunted, and they also said that some kind of ghost is coming back. Not only is it dangerous when working, but you can't live here at night. Life is more important than money, so they don't dare to stay and work." Chen Wei bitterly He said hahaha.

"What is it about? Are you stupid? Let me tell you, if you dare to leave like this, you won't get a dime of the project money!" Brother Biao shouted angrily.

"No. Brother Biao, you can't do this. This is a worker who wants to leave. It has nothing to do with me," Chen Wei said aggrievedly.

"Young master, why did you do this to me! Now is the time when the construction period is tight. If everyone leaves, how much damage will it cause to our company. Don't you have some ideas in mind? I will tell you clearly right now, If you dare to give me the money, you won't be able to take away a penny of the project money you owe me!" Brother Biao said angrily again.

"I-I'll discuss it with them." Chen Wei obviously didn't dare to offend Brother Biao, so he quickly accompanied him and said carefully.

In the real estate industry, although the big boss seems to be relatively polite, many of the people in charge below have been mixed up in the past.

People like Brother Biao don't care about that at all. Wudang Group will not default on their debts, but if they want to leave like this, they will definitely not get a penny.

Brother Biao hung up the phone angrily, and just as he was about to enter the work shed, his cell phone rang again, "Ring ring ring ring ring."

"Who is it?" Brother Biao muttered angrily. Looking at the caller ID again, there was another call from the contractor.

He answered and said, "Hello, Wang Sen."

"It's me, Brother Biao." The voice of the contractor Wang Sen rang on the phone.

"What do you want from me?" Brother Biao asked bluntly.

"It's like this. That" Wang Sen said awkwardly: "My workers just suddenly resigned en masse, saying they didn't dare to work on the construction site anymore."

"What the hell! Why did you resign again?" For a moment, Brother Biao became even more angry.

"To tell you the truth, as far as I know, the people on the construction site are completely confused now. They can say anything, but the general argument is that this place is haunted, so no one dares to stay and work." Wang Sen Said aggrievedly.

"Do you have any scientific values? It's haunted, it's haunted!" Brother Biao scolded directly.

However, it is a rare thing to be able to express scientific values ​​​​from this guy's mouth.

"It's not what I said but what the workers said." Wang Sen said carefully.

"I don't care who said it, do it if you like it, get out of here if you don't like it! I can't find a three-legged toad, and there are no living people with two legs yet!" Brother Biao was completely annoyed now.

There were already a lot of troubles in the first place, but when something like this happened again, how could it not make people angry? Brother Biao has a fiery temper, and he was already polite to Chen Wei before, but when Wang Sen comes again, it's almost like he's at odds with him.

"That, that's right. Brother Biao, can we settle the project payment there?" Wang Sen said cautiously.

"Oh shit!" Brother Biao immediately shouted: "I think you are so shameless, and you still have the nerve to ask me for the project money! I tell you, don't you dare to give me the money? Okay, the project money is only a dime. No! Get out!"

After saying that, Brother Biao hung up the phone directly.

"Ring ring ring"

"Ring ring ring"

"Ring ring ring"

Good guy, I just hung up the phone on Wang Sen, and the calls came one after another, all from various contractors.

Even if Wudang Group had an engineering team, it would not be able to handle such a large project. After all, besides here, there is a lot of work in Masi Town.

Wudang Square has recruited quite a few engineering teams. When they got through the phone, their rhetoric was almost the same as that of Chen Wei and Wang Sen, saying that their workers resigned en masse and did not dare to work on the construction site.

Brother Biao is not polite. If you dare to leave, you will not get a dime from the project money. You can pay as much as you like.

Just this phone call kept me busy for half an hour.

When the phone stopped ringing, Brother Biao returned to the work shed. At this moment, his face was blue.

Although he was on the phone from outside, his voice was really loud. Zhang Yu inside could hear clearly, and everyone else could also hear roughly.

Everyone could see that Brother Biao's expression was not friendly now. Zhang Yu asked: "Brother Biao, what's wrong?"

"Workers on the construction site should resign en masse. I've told the contractors that if they dare to leave, they won't be given a penny!" Brother Biao said bitterly.

"Resign collectively." Xiao Jiejie, who was lying on the sofa, felt a little stupid when she heard this.

At this juncture, if the workers resign together, it will cause a lot of trouble.

"This" "What should I do?" "How could such a thing happen?" "Brother Biao, what did they say and for what reason?" "Yes, what reason? Why?".

Everyone started talking and their eyes were all focused on Brother Biao.

Brother Biao said dejectedly: "They all say that the construction site is now haunted by ghosts, and they dare not stay here to work! They also said that they have noses and eyes, so why do they call ghosts turning over!"

"Huh?" "A ghost turned over?" "Real or fake?" "Of course it's fake. How come there are so many ghosts!" Everyone started talking again.

Su Jun said from the side: "It's quite evil anyway. To be honest, I don't dare to continue living on the construction site."

Brother Biao was very angry. When he heard what he said again, he immediately pointed at Su Jun and said, "You have a lot of things to do, so you don't want to do it anymore!"

"No, no, no, no," Su Jun quickly lowered his head, not daring to speak out again.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yu couldn't help but sigh, "People's hearts are broken and it's hard to lead the team."

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