Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1791 See through

Standing high and seeing far, you can see more clearly. Zhang Yu soon saw the clues. It was Yinfeng Jiansha who was causing trouble at the construction site.

Looking at the strength, Jian Sha is stronger than Yin Feng, so Jian Sha is definitely the main one and Yin Feng is the supplement.

At the construction site, there was a large four-image formation arranged by Zhang Yu. This formation was made of buildings. This kind of formation is more difficult to break. There is an eye in the formation, and the eye is not a light bulb, or a tree, but a building.

Even if you know where the array eye is, if you want to pull it out, you have to demolish the building.

However, Zhang Yu discovered that his Great Four Elephant Formation was still there, but the formation seemed to have been used by Yinfeng Jiansha. The formation is filled with Yin Feng Sword Evil, which cannot be released. The longer time goes by, the more Yin Feng Sword Evil will gather.

"Where did this Yin Feng Sword Evil come from?"

Zhang Yu was confused and looked at the building with the reflection.

Judging from the architectural style of this building, you can tell at a glance that it is a commercial building. The reflection it casts is very long, like a sword piercing the resettlement building in front.

"It shouldn't be." Zhang Yu looked at this commercial building. Judging from the shape of the building, it shouldn't cast such a shadow.

He looked in the direction of the sun again, but because the distance was too far, he couldn't see clearly.

The planning of the construction site was handled by Zhang Yu, but he only handled the Feng Shui layout. After the construction started, he basically didn't come here much. Zhang Yu didn't know exactly where this building was at the moment. After thinking about it for a while, he took out his cell phone and dialed Brother Biao's number and asked Brother Biao to come over.

Zhang Yu came down from upstairs and waited at Caitai. After a while, Brother Biao came over alone. This can also be seen that Brother Biao has a rough and tumble, and he knows that things are complicated, and the fewer people who know about it, the better.

As soon as Brother Biao arrived, Zhang Yu immediately pointed to the reflected building, "Brother Biao, what is this building for?"

"This building," Brother Biao recalled, "This building should be a jewelry building funded by Long's Jewelry."

"Long's Jewelry." Zhang Yu immediately remembered that he had signed three contracts. These three contracts showed that his opponent was plotting against him. Because the price was high, he agreed and wanted to see what the other party had done. What tricks can be played?

"There should also be a building for the Fulun Hotel and Oriental Furniture City. Where are these two buildings?" Zhang Yu said.

"Over there." Brother Biao pointed to the location behind the Jewelry Building.

"Come on, let's go take a look right now." Zhang Yu said.

Brother Biao led the way, and Zhang Yu followed with his disciples.

The two pieces of land acquired by the group were adjacent to each other, so they were developed together and named Wudang Plaza, integrating the commercial area and residential area. There is a street between the two plots of land, which has been closed due to construction.

After passing this street, it was equivalent to arriving at another piece of land. Brother Biao pointed to the building facing him and said: "This building is the Oriental Furniture City. Not far behind is the Fulen Hotel."

It was not clear from the ground, so Zhang Yu went up to a tall building diagonally to watch. Standing here, Zhang Yu could see clearly that the buildings of Oriental Furniture City and Fulun Hotel were very tall, especially Fulun Hotel, which could obviously become a landmark building in the square.

Although the two buildings are not on the same level, when the sun rises from the east and shines first, the shadows of the two buildings can be merged into one. The reflected shadow can be cast far away, and it is obviously connected to the Long Jewelry building.

"That's it"

Zhang Yu finally understood what was going on. He couldn't help but slap his head, and said to himself that he was extremely cautious, but he never thought that he would be tricked.

But Feng Shui in architecture is often like this sometimes. When you don't cover it, you can't see the problem at all. After you cover it, some problems that you didn't notice at the time will appear due to sunlight, astrology, etc.

Although Zhang Yu is a master in the Feng Shui industry, his Feng Shui layouts are often aimed at home Feng Shui. This type of large-scale Feng Shui for real estate is something he has just dabbled in.

Although the placement methods are similar, large-scale architectural Feng Shui is more difficult after all. An inadvertent detail may cause differences in the feng shui of one or two buildings.

It is said that the largest Feng Shui building in China is the Forbidden City, which was built in groups during the Ming Dynasty and has 9,999 and a half rooms. It took 14 years to complete, and it took not only the efforts of skilled craftsmen, but also countless experts to study the layout, and it also took countless efforts. Even so, not all feng shui in the Forbidden City is good, there are many places of life, death, and despair.

Of course, good places are where emperors, queens, and concubines live, while those places of death and desperate places serve as cold palaces and the like.

No one was planning this, even in the Forbidden City, not to mention that Zhang Yu was being plotted against.

When it was not covered, it was just talk on paper and no problems could be seen. Now that it was covered and exposed to the sun, trouble started.

After identifying the problem, Zhang Yu came down from upstairs.

Brother Biao, Li Mingyue and others were waiting below. Because there was Yinfeng Jiansha here, Zhang Yu did not let them go up to avoid accidents.

When he came down, Brother Biao asked eagerly: "Brother, how is the situation?"

"It's hard to say now. Move the sand table from the construction site to the work shed. There will be no construction for today." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to get the sand table right now." Brother Biao said, immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket and asked someone to move the construction sand table from the construction site to the work shed.

It is not difficult for Zhang Yu to break the formation. The building is right here. If he wants to break the Jiansha, he only needs to demolish the building of Long's Jewelry, and the Jiansha will be broken immediately.

Without the sword demon, the evil wind is not a problem. It is easy to find the root cause and deal with it easily.

But this is obviously not possible. When the contract was signed, it must be completed on time, otherwise, double compensation will be paid.

Whether it was Long's Jewelry or the other two properties, the price negotiated at the beginning was much higher than the market price. Even if one building is demolished, if the compensation is doubled, the compensation will be quite large.

Therefore, Zhang Yu did not plan to demolish the building, but thought about a better way to destroy the Yinfeng Jiansha.

He, Brother Biao, Li Mingyue and others went to the work shed. This is the main work shed, and Xiao Jiejie is lying on the big sofa in the work shed to rest.

Xiao Jiejie had taken off her high heels and was wearing flesh-colored stockings, but her right ankle was a little swollen.

She was holding the mobile phone in her hand, with a worried look on her face. As soon as she saw Zhang Yu and Brother Biao coming in, she immediately shouted, "Zhang Yu, it's not good."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu walked over and sat down on the sofa next to Xiao Jiejie, with a look of concern on his face.

"I just received news that something went wrong in our company's ceiling beam has been spread on the Internet. Even the incident of someone falling from the bed to the floor in the company in the past two nights has also been reported, and it was said vividly. Why are you turning around? There is a lot of discussion on the Internet now, and it may have a great impact on the sales of real estate." Xiao Jiejie said anxiously.

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