"Daughter-in-law, I'm inspecting the construction site and I won't be going back tonight!"

"Inspection! You are planning to inspect it all night!"

If Brother Biao doesn't go home at night, he has to take a leave. In the past, they were all talking nonsense and talking nonsense, but tonight they told the truth and it was business, but after hearing this, Sister Biao obviously didn't believe it.

"Isn't there a beam-laying ceremony tomorrow? There are many things going on." Brother Biao said seriously.

"What happened to the beam-laying ceremony? I haven't heard of anyone having to sleep at the construction site the night before during the beam-laying ceremony!" Mrs. Biao still didn't believe it.

"I'm really at a construction site. Didn't you hear the sound of bricks being moved?" Brother Biao said aggrievedly.

"Bah! I heard the sound of mahjong playing!" Biao's wife cursed.

"That was what Gao Mang and the others did, I didn't do it!" Brother Biao quickly explained.

That's right, there was nothing to do in the construction site at night, and they couldn't sleep well. Gao Mang and Su Jun simply played mahjong with Brother Biao's two bodyguards.

"Why don't you fight? Is there something wrong with you?" Biao's wife asked immediately.

"It's a crime for me not to play mahjong. What else can I do at the construction site this late at night? There are so many things to do. My apprentice is still here to help. Don't be suspicious today, or go to my sister-in-law's place tonight. Go to sleep and come together tomorrow to participate in the beam-laying ceremony." Seeing that the explanation didn't make sense, Brother Biao said angrily.

"Forget it, forget it! I'm telling you, if I find out that you are not at the construction site tonight, you will be dead!" Biao's wife said forcefully and hung up the phone.

Brother Biao was lying on the bed in the simple room. The bed board was a bit hard. He threw the phone aside and cursed in his heart. This woman was so suspicious all day long. Compared to the women in my brother's family, it is simply incomparable.

He couldn't sleep in Leng Buding's bed, and there was mahjong playing in the next room, so he didn't have to sleep.

I was in a daze, not knowing what time I fell asleep.

Li Mingyue and Yang Desheng also lived at the construction site. The two men and two women slept separately, while Li Mingyue and Yang Desheng lived in the same room.

"Brother, do you think it's really that evil? When you wake up in the morning, people will lie on the ground for no reason." Yang Desheng couldn't believe this kind of thing.

"I don't believe it anyway, but looking at what they said, they have noses and eyes, which makes people have to believe it. All in all, seeing is believing, and hearing is believing. If we wake up tomorrow morning and we are lying on the ground, then I will believe it. If not Lying on the ground, that's nonsense." Li Mingyue said.

"That's right. Let's talk quickly." Yang Desheng said.

The two of them wanted to go to sleep right away, but because they were a little worried, it didn't mean they could fall asleep immediately.

After a long time, I finally fell asleep.

I don’t know what time it was, but suddenly I heard a scream, “Ah”

Hearing this voice, Li Mingyue and Yang Desheng immediately opened their eyes and shouted almost at the same time: "What's going on?"

"It seems like someone is calling." Yang Desheng followed and was about to get up.

But as soon as he moved his legs, he immediately realized that it was extremely cold underneath him.

I turned off the lights when I went to bed at night. It was still dark, so I could only see a few clues in the room through the faint light.

He then discovered that he was lying on the ground, and there was another person lying next to him.

"Ah!" Yang Desheng exclaimed, "Who is it?"

"Me!" Li Mingyue shouted.

"Why are we so close?" Yang Desheng said in surprise.

"Nonsense, we are both lying on the ground, how can we not be close together!" Li Mingyue said, stood up from the ground, found the mobile phone for lighting, and then turned on the lights in the room.

As soon as the lights came on, the two of them heard a woman's scream from next door, "Yeah"

"Jiang Xue, Kong Ping!" Li Mingyue immediately recognized the voices of the two junior sisters. He didn't care that he was only wearing a vest and shorts, and ran directly outside.

Yang Desheng also got up from the ground and rushed out of the room.

The two came to the next door and knocked on it together, "Jiang Xue! Kong Ping!" "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." "It's okay. When I opened my eyes, I found the two of us lying on the ground." The voices of Jiang Xue and Kong Ping rang out in the room.

Hearing their voices, Li Mingyue and Yang De Shengzhan breathed a sigh of relief. After a moment, the door opened and the two women had already put on their Taoist robes.

"Senior brother, how is the situation over there?" Jiang Xue said a little scared.

"When we opened our eyes, we were both lying on the ground." Li Mingyue said bitterly.

While he was talking, there was another scream, "Ah"

Hearing such a voice, the four of them were stunned.

Like them, Brother Biao also heard the shouts in the hazy state.

"What's going on?" He shouted suddenly and sat up.

As soon as we got up, I felt a little cold under my buttocks. I reached out and touched it. There was no luggage anywhere, just the cement floor.

"I" Brother Biao glanced around, relying on the dim light, he could only see the bed next to him.

"I, I, when did I get out of bed?" Brother Biao was so shocked that he didn't even bother to put on his clothes. He quickly got up, turned on the light first, and then heard shouting outside.

He quickly opened the door and went out, and soon he saw that many people had come out of the work shed.

Everyone was surprised, "What was the sound?" "I thought I heard a scream just now?" "By the way, when I just woke up, I was lying on the ground. What about you?" "I was lying on the ground too." "Me too."

"Brother Biao, you're awake. How are you?" Su Jun had sharp eyes and ran over when he saw Brother Biao coming out.

Other people also moved closer to Brother Biao. Li Mingyue and four other people also ran over. It was not difficult to see that many of them had panic on their faces.

Although this is not the first time I have been lying on the ground, the sudden screams and screams tonight are really a bit scary.

"What place was called just now?" Brother Biao forced himself to calm down and asked loudly.

"It seems so." Gao Mang pointed diagonally.

Just as he pointed towards it, the lights suddenly lit up in that place, like daylight.

"It's work shed No. 3. Something seems to have happened." Gao Mang said immediately.

"Go over and have a look!" Brother Biao, shirtless and wearing big pants, ran towards the lighted place first.

Others followed suit, and in this case, they didn't care about their image.

In a short time, everyone ran to the No. 3 shed.

The work shed is already in a bit of a mess. The contractor is holding a phone outside the work shed and is shouting, "Ambulance, come quickly, come quickly! My location is at the XXXX construction site, hurry up!"

After the contractor hung up the phone, he noticed Brother Biao and others standing in front of him. Brother Biao looked puzzled and asked, "Old Cui, what happened?"

"Brother Biao, when we were sleeping tonight, all the workers actually fell out of their beds. Especially those who fell from the upper bunks, some had their heads broken, and some fell unconscious on the spot! I'm calling the ambulance right now. The car is coming to save people!" the contractor said eagerly.

"Ah?" Brother Biao was stunned for a moment, and after a moment he asked: "Are there many people?"

"Most of the injuries are minor, and four people are unconscious," the foreman said.

While they were talking here, the lights in other work sheds also turned on. It was obvious that something was wrong.

"What the hell, how could this happen!" Brother Biao gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Call an ambulance quickly, don't let any deaths happen! Everyone split up and go to various work sheds to understand the situation!"

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