Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 176 Powerful obsession (fourth update)

Five or six meters away is a tomb chamber.

The door of the tomb has been pushed open. There are three corpses lying outside the door, and four bodies lying inside.

Because the deceased were all wearing strong flashlights, the interior of the tomb was also illuminated. With Tietou and others shining their flashlights on them, they could clearly see the scene inside the tomb.

In the middle of the tomb, there were two stone coffins. The strangest thing was that there was a sword floating on top of the coffins.

The scabbard of this sword is entirely golden, emitting a dazzling brilliance under the light. There are simple patterns on the scabbard, and a dragon pattern is outlined under the hilt.

They tried to determine whether the sword was hung by something, but soon discovered that the sword was just hanging in mid-air without any involvement.

When Hua Yunong saw the sword, his eyes lit up, showing excitement. But immediately, his expression returned to normal.

"What's going on? Are they all dead? Why are they all dead?" Tietou also looked nervous.

If these people were killed, he would not be afraid at all. But these people died inexplicably, their faces were just darkened, there were no wounds on their bodies, and not even a trace of blood was seen.

No one could answer this question. Hua Yunong looked at Zhang Yu and said, "What do you think?"

Zhang Yu was staring at the suspended sword at this moment. Hearing Hua Yunong's voice, he replied: "I'm not sure, but I'm sure there should be a formation in the tomb. Anyone who enters will die." .”

"Then... you see there are only four dead inside, there are three more at the door, and one is still dead here. What's going on?" Hua Yunong asked in confusion.

"I can feel the evil spirit emitted by the formation now, but in this position, the contamination is relatively small. Once you enter, the evil spirit will definitely attack your heart. Even if you stand at the door and do not go in, you will also be contaminated with a large amount of evil spirit, and you will die soon. . The person who died here, I think, must have arrived at the door of the tomb before, and then wanted to come out to report the news, but unfortunately he couldn't do it when he got here." Zhang Yu was not sure, so he just assumed.

"Then, can you think of a way to break this formation?" Hua Yunong asked.

"I'm not sure either. This kind of evil spirit is very strange. I've never encountered it before and I don't know what it is. And from this position, I can't see the whole formation. I have to go up and take a look. OK." Zhang Yu said.

"I'll go with you." Hua Yunong still held Zhang Yu's arm.

"You'd better not go over there. You're the one who's going to be robbed. There's a lot of evil here. I'm afraid you'll be robbed as soon as you go over there, and the amulet may not be able to protect you." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"This...then be careful..." Hua Yunong said sincerely.

Zhang Yu nodded slightly. He suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the money sword in his hand. He then placed the money sword across his chest and slowly walked towards the door of the tomb.

Tietou and the others could clearly hear what he just said, and no one dared to step forward easily. And they suddenly discovered that their companion's face seemed a little darker than when they were outside. They became more and more nervous. The corpses on the ground all had dark faces. They didn't know if they could become like that, lying here.

Every time Zhang Yu took a step forward, more scenes inside the tomb came into view. When he approached the door of the tomb, everything inside the tomb could be seen at a glance.

There are jade carvings on the railings in the tomb, and cranes, tigers and other rare and exotic animals are carved on the stone walls.

And beside the stone wall, there were six women.

That’s right! Not skeletons, but people!

They were dressed in ancient palace clothes of different colors. Each of them had a certain posture, either lying on their back, lying sideways, sitting with their knees in their arms, or standing gracefully. Their faces were pale, without any blood, and they were obviously dead. Zhang Yu was sure that the corpses could be well preserved, either because some kind of medicine was used, or someone cast some spell to keep their corpses intact.


Suddenly, Zhang Yu felt a gust of cold wind blowing, and he subconsciously took a step back.

The money sword in his hand buzzed and made a sword sound.

Zhang Yu was able to determine that this cold wind was an evil spirit, and this evil spirit was emanating from the sword on the opposite side. Also relying on the money sword, otherwise, even if he didn't die on the spot, he wouldn't be able to survive for a while.

The sound of sword clanging shocked Hua Yunong and others behind. Hua Yunong worriedly shouted: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Zhang Yu said, taking another step forward and continuing to observe everything in the tomb.

The tomb chamber is not particularly large. It mainly contains a sword, two sarcophagi and the corpses of six women. In other words, this formation should be based on these.

Although Zhang Yu had learned some formations, most of them were Feng Shui formations, and he didn't learn many other formations. In the words of Old Wangtou, Qimen Dunjia is all-encompassing, no one can understand it all, and what Old Man Wang knows is limited.

Zhang Yu admitted that he could not see this formation with the naked eye. He bit his finger, drew it in front of his eyes, and performed the qi telescope technique.

When I took another look this time, I saw brilliant colors in front of me. The dominant color in the tomb is naturally black evil spirit. In addition to this, the hanging sword is wrapped in a red-gold mist, and there is a light red mist under the sword.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the mist of this color, because he could now faintly feel that there was an obsession in the mist. This obsession has the potential to swallow up mountains and rivers, the desolation of unrealized ambitions, the helplessness of killing the enemy and being unable to recover.

Zhang Yu once heard Lao Wangtou say that obsession is something that many people have, and it represents a person's persistence. But obsessions can be strong or weak. For some people, their obsession disappears after they die. For some people, because they are too persistent, their obsession can remain for a while after death, but it will also slowly dissipate.

Judging from the clothing of the six surrounding women, the person buried in this tomb must have been at least hundreds of years old, and after hundreds of years, the obsession is still there. This shows how strong this person's obsession was when he died.

The two sarcophagi were surrounded by orange-red and earthy-yellow air currents respectively, and the six women beside the stone wall also had these different colors of air mist.

White, green, fire red, deep black, gold, aqua blue.

These eight colors complement the red gold on the suspended sword, as if they were woven into a network. And that light red obsession struggled to hold on under this net. It is not difficult for Zhang Yu to predict that in less than ten years, this obsession will be crushed and reduced to nothing.

"I understand." Zhang Yu took a deep breath and a smile appeared on his face.

"What do you understand?" Hua Yunong from behind heard Zhang Yu's quiet voice and asked quickly.

Zhang Yu originally expressed emotion, but after hearing her question, he explained: "I understand what the formation is. It turns out to be the Nine Yao Wheel Formation."

"Nine Yao Wheel Formation..." Hua Yunong was naturally puzzled and asked, "What is that for?"


Special thanks to: hon, Infinite Summer, Diaoerlangdang, Nuclear TV, Guardian Car God, We Are All Poor, amjf for the reward, and all of you for your more than 500 recommendation votes and those who voted for the monthly vote. Lao Tie originally thought that the number of recommendation votes would decrease after it was put on the shelves, but he found that there was no decrease at all, which was overjoyed. And these 30 monthly tickets were actually among the top ten in the supernatural category, which gave me the urge to compete in the monthly ticket list.

In addition: Laotie has decided to introduce additional monthly ticket renewal measures. The original 500 recommendation votes will be updated for one week and remain unchanged. The monthly ticket adds up to 50 pieces, and one chapter is added. There is a cap in a single month, and a maximum of 40 chapters can be added. If there are any more words, Lao Tie really can’t write them. Because not only do you have to write, but you also have to ensure the quality and go back to review and revise the manuscript. A day basically starts with 10 hours of homework.

Finally, of course, I would like to warmly congratulate my TV boss for being promoted to the hall leader. An additional chapter tonight! !

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