Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1757 Nervous

Villa at the foot of the mountain.

Dhruv, Master Yuan, Father Charlie, and the fake foreign devil Charlie Su all stood at the door of the villa, waiting for news from the lakeside villa.

The rule is that both parties enter the villa together and start at the same time. After waiting here for a long time, there was no news from the other side.

Father Charlie said with some confusion: "It's been so long, why haven't I heard the notice over there yet?"

"Please wait a moment, I will contact you immediately." The waiter said quickly.

Just as he was about to make contact, he heard a voice on the intercom, "Please wait a moment, Mr. Dhruv. Daozhang Zhang proposed to break the formation by the lake. Due to insufficient preparation, the organizer is moving the camera. Once the camera is set up, we can start." ”

"Go to the lake to break the formation." Father Charlie was obviously stunned. He looked at Charlie Su next to him and said, "What's going on?"

"I don't know either." Charlie Su shook his head, and then asked the waiter: "What does this Taoist Zhang mean? The Feng Shui Bureau is set up in the villa, what is he doing at the lake?"

"That's what they said over there. I don't know the details." The waiter said innocently.

But he immediately consulted to make sure he heard correctly.

The host gave an affirmative answer and added, "Daozhang Zhang said that this competition is based on the time when the formation is broken. If Mr. Dhruv breaks the formation before him, then Mr. Dhruv wins." . Please convey this to Mr. Dhruv."

"Okay." The waiter agreed and then conveyed the message to Dhruv.

In fact, there was no need to relay it, everyone present heard the sound coming from the intercom.

After hearing this, Master Yuan was also very puzzled.

But in a glance, she saw Dhruv in front of her. Dhruv's face changed obviously, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little, obviously nervous.

"Huh?" Seeing this scene, Master Yuan was even more stunned, and he was surprised. Zhang Yu suddenly wanted to break the formation by the lake. This guy was actually nervous. What did he mean?

However, Dhruv's expression was fleeting.

He then returned to normal, but remained silent.

This reaction seemed to be normal, but Yuan Zhenren believed that this reaction was abnormal.

Master Yuan deliberately said: "Mr. Dhruv, Zhang Yu suddenly proposed to go to the lake to break the formation. Why? Do you know?"

"How do I know what this Taoist Zhang is up to? But the rules also say that whoever breaks the formation first will win. I will not be merciful just because he suddenly lost his temper." Dhruv said the last word and laughed. .

Charlie Su also laughed, "This Taoist Zhang is really interesting. Isn't this approach a clear admission of defeat?"

"Whatever, we are just notaries and everything will be done according to the rules. Mr. Yuan, what do you think?" Father Charlie looked at Mr. Yuan.

"Of course." Yuan Zhenren nodded.

When the camera moved to the lake and the guests rushed over, Zhang Yu had already turned around and faced the artificial lake.

The water on the lake is rippling slightly, and the sun is already setting. The terrain here is flat and there are no high-rise buildings to block it, so it looks refreshing and pleasant.

However, Zhang Yu's heart could not be calm, because he did not find any problems with the lake now.

"Did I guess wrong?" Zhang Yu muttered to himself, clenching his fists tightly together unconsciously.

Zhang Yu had seen the Feng Shui bureaus of the four villas arranged by Dhruv before, but he didn't see where the formation eyes were. Obviously, the experts from various factions did not see any problems.

Of course, this has something to do with Dhruv breaking through the formation too quickly. Those masters most likely failed to find the key because the time was too short.

However, when the four great monks entered, they had plenty of time. Zhang Yu had seen them destroy model formations on the stage, and ten formations were easily broken by them.

Zhang Yu knew that this was probably a unique Buddhist skill, similar to breaking blessings and directly removing the luck in the Feng Shui situation. Zhang Yu didn't understand this kind of solution to problems just by chanting sutras. But the strength of the four monks is definitely not easy. Logically speaking, the four of them should be able to break Dhruv's formation together, but in the end, Dhruv broke the formation that they had blessed with their own lives.

Combined with what Zhang Yu saw on the mountain before, Zhang Yu vaguely realized that the key to the formation was probably not in the villa, but in the lake.

He closed his eyes and felt everything here. It seemed that everything was normal and there was no problem.

Gradually, more and more people gathered, and the host also came here.

"Start!" The host was not polite and shouted in front of everyone.

With this start, both sides can naturally take action.

But Zhang Yu still closed his eyes. He observed carefully with his inner eye. Everything seemed to be beyond his expectation, and there seemed to be no problem at all.

The guests were all looking at Zhang Yu not far away. They saw Zhang Yu standing motionless by the lake. No one knew what he meant.

Someone whispered: "What's going on? Didn't you say that the formation has begun to be broken? What is he waiting for?" "How do I know." "Who said otherwise? Others were breaking the formation in the villa, and he was breaking the formation by the lake. Array, what is this?".

There were many people talking about it. Hong Yuanpo of Lu Zuge couldn't help but feel secretly happy when he saw that Zhang Yu didn't understand.

Feeling proud, this guy deliberately said: "What else can it be? In my opinion, this is just acquaintance. He is just trying to be mysterious. No one knows how much he has, but he just doesn't want to lose badly. Just wait and see, After seeing that he lost, there must be various reasons.”

"Can that be the case?" "I think it's possible.".

Many people think what Hong Yuanpo said makes sense.

Qingmeizi, Qingsongzi, Xiong Jian and others are also here, and they are worried that Zhang Yu is really being mysterious.

Think about it, how many masters have been defeated before, even if Zhang Yu loses, it is normal. The masters from Tianshi Mansion and Chongyang Palace have all lost. At present, I am afraid that no one in Zhenhai can beat Dhruv.

As everyone was talking, someone suddenly said, "It seems to have been more than a minute."

"What's going on?" Someone asked again immediately.

"Dhruv's breach of the formation before was solved in one minute, and now a minute has passed, and it's still not solved yet," the man said.

"That seems to be the case." Another person said.

"Where's the big screen? What's going on over there?" "The big screen hasn't been moved here yet." "Here, I want to see what's going on over there." "It's not interesting here anyway. I'm just standing and watching the scenery. , or let’s go to the big screen and have a look.” “I think so.”

Everyone was talking to each other, and their voices were not loud, but many people were heading to the big screen one after another.

When we came to the color booth, the big screen did not close because everyone left. It was still playing the situation on both sides.

Everyone looked towards the screen where Dhruv was sitting, and saw Dhruv holding an astrolabe in his hand, wandering around the villa.

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