Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1752 Between mountains and rivers

Dhruv asked Zhang Yu to choose a house here at will, and also specifically explained that he had broken all the formations here. There were many houses, and some of them were showing off.

Zhang Yu watched slowly and leisurely. He could watch it on the stage for two or three minutes. From this position, he could almost see the gorgeous villas and western-style buildings around the lake.

Everyone was waiting for him to choose the house where he would set up the formation. Seeing that he was still silent, Jack Liu said, "Brother Zhang, you haven't chosen yet. With your cultivation level, just choose any one. "

Zhang Yu immediately smiled and said: "They were all setting up Feng Shui here by the lake just now. I felt that their aura was disturbed by them, which affected my Feng Shui arrangement. So I took a look and wanted to set up the formation there."

As he spoke, he pointed to the mountainside villa, and then said: "This place is built on the mountain. In the city, there are many mountainside villa areas. The guests present should not all live in lakeside villas, but There are probably more people living in villas in the middle of the mountain. So I thought about choosing a layout in a villa on the back of the mountain. The so-called backing, backing. A villa on the back gives people a kind of support behind it, and its geographical environment is actually better than that by the water. better"

After saying this, Paris' pretty face couldn't help but blush, and she glanced at Zhang Yu fiercely, but then turned her head away for fear of being discovered.

The two of them had just competed in the mid-level villa area, and they almost lost their virginity. Fortunately, Zhang Yu didn't do that and helped her solve the trouble. But thinking about that feeling makes me ashamed.

Fortunately, she thought in time that her "Holy Lessons" had been snatched away by Zhang Yu, and she clenched her silver teeth in hatred.

But she was somewhat puzzled as to why Zhang Yu went to the Mid-Levels Villa to lay out the layout. Could it be that he wanted to find an opportunity to humiliate him.

For a moment, her heart was pounding again.

Jack Liu was stunned for a moment. Others were planning their layout by the lake, but they didn't say they were planning their layout elsewhere.

He turned to look at Dhruv and asked for Dhruv's opinion, but at this stall, someone in the audience had already shouted, "Yes, yes, yes, my family lives in the Mid-level Villa. Look at the layout of the Mid-Level Villa area. It’s actually quite good!”

The person who spoke was a young man, and no one saw where this dear man was. They just heard the voice.

The people at the scene naturally paid attention to who said this. However, at Wudang Taoist Temple, Zhang Yu's disciples all discovered that the person who said this was Zhang Qingfeng.

Li Mingyue, Zhang Yinling and others were a little confused. Did Zhang Qingfeng's family still live in a mountain villa? I hadn't heard of it.

But when Zhang Qingfeng raised his head, someone in the audience started shouting, "That's right, my family also lives in a villa area in the middle of the mountain. Now I only see the Feng Shui bureau in the houses by the water, and I haven't seen the ones on the back. It’s a Feng Shui bureau for the house. It’s a good idea to take a look.” “Indeed! It’s good to have a Feng Shui bureau in the villa on the mountainside. My family also lives in a mountainside villa.” “My family just bought a villa on the mountainside and I’m thinking about how to decorate it. Now Just in time to visit.”.

As Zhang Yu said, there are more villa areas in the middle of the mountain than those by the water. After all, the waterside space is limited, and houses have been built in many places. There are only hillside areas with poor roads. Land is also cheap, so it is relatively easier to build villa areas.

Most of the people present live in villas in the middle of the mountain. Now everyone started shouting and strongly agreed with Zhang Yu's statement.

Dhruv frowned slightly, and after everyone's voices settled down, he said: "Taoist Zhang, this exchange is hosted by the Qi family, and the location of the Feng Shui exchange is here. No one else changed places, except Taoist Zhang. Isn't it not good for you to go somewhere else alone? I think otherwise, let's break up the communication here first. After the communication is over, since the guests want to see the Feng Shui layout of the backing villa, we can also go there to arrange it. A few to satisfy everyone’s wishes.”

"There are so many houses in the Qi family. Since I am the host, I shouldn't be so stingy. Mr. Dhruv set up the formation at the lakeside villa, and I set up the formation at the mountainside villa. It just so happens that people can take a look. The Feng Shui of the villa near the water is What's the feng shui of the villa on the backer? Isn't this killing two birds with one stone? Mr. Dhruv, you are not worried that I will lay out the layout in the villa on the backer and win your villa by the water." Zhang Yu looked at him again. Said with a smile.

Everyone present could naturally hear the conversation between the two.

Most people didn't think much of Zhang Yu's insistence on setting up Feng Shui in the backing villa.

Yuan Zhenren, on the other hand, took a deep breath. She felt that there must be something wrong with this.

Because of this kind of competition, arraying against mountains and arraying against water are actually the same. It all depends on the strength of the Feng Shui master. But Zhang Yu was entangled in this, so it couldn't be without purpose. She knew Zhang Yu relatively well. He seemed to be young, not tactful enough, and not as sophisticated as Lu Zhenren in doing things.

However, Zhang Yu's cleverness cannot be ignored. Often this kind of cleverness can solve big problems.

There are two kinds of smart people in this world. If they were used in fighting in ancient times, they would be called "who plans a city but cannot conquer the world" and "who seeks the world but cannot conquer a city."

The most typical examples of these two types of people are Han Xin and Zhang Liang.

When it comes to capturing cities and territories and winning battles, that is Han Xin's strength. But if we talk about strategizing and guiding the country, that is Zhang Liang's job. Let Han Xin do what Zhang Liang did, but Han Xin can't do it. Similarly, if Zhang Liang was asked to do Han Xin's work, he wouldn't be able to do it.

It is said that Zhang Liang was a military strategist. In fact, he never led troops to fight. He mainly focused on strategy. He just set the policy and Han Xin went to fight. If Zhang Liang were to lead his own troops, he might not be able to win.

In the eyes of Yuan Zhenren, Zhang Yu is a bit like Han Xin. Zhang Yu is asked to take charge of the overall situation. Zhang Yu is so young and may not be qualified. But if he is allowed to destroy the city and take out the stronghold, there will be no problem. Just like the last time he won against Jack Liu, he also relied on this kind of cleverness.

Facts have also proved that Zhang Yu is indeed like this. He had no experience in opening the Taoist temple, so he relied on his uncle Taishi, who was actually a dabbler. At the beginning of the business, he relied on Pan Chonghai, who laid out the plans and he implemented them.

Of course, coordinating the overall situation of such a big undertaking also requires experience. If you can't do small things, let alone big things.

"That's right! Where do we have so much time? It's already dark when he finishes arranging a Feng Shui bureau. Why are we looking at the Feng Shui display of the Mid-level Villa? I think we should go to the Mid-Level Villa layout now. The Feng Shui of the mountain villa is against the water. The feng shui of the villa sounds quite attractive!" At this moment, someone in the crowd in the audience shouted along with Zhang Yu's words.

The person making the noise this time was also none other than Zhang Qingfeng.

He took the lead in making noises, and other people also noticed the time and shouted, "It's getting late, don't waste time, go directly to the Mid-level Villa to arrange Feng Shui." "I think it will work, just in the Backer Villa Arrange it there!" "This is the first time I heard about the feng shui competition between the villa on the mountain and the villa on the water, so let's make it a decision."

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