Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1742 Dodge and Dodge

"What's going on with the lake?" The man in the wheelchair looked at the lake below and seemed to have discovered something wrong. His reaction was similar to Zhang Yu's.

He looked at the lake below, as if in deep thought. After a while, he continued down the mountain.

He walked slowly, thinking as he walked. Finally coming down the mountain, he walked towards the lawn again. After walking for a while, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him.

The man in the wheelchair turned around and saw two people walking from behind.

When he saw these two people, the wheelchair man's teeth were almost broken.

These two people are naturally none other than Zhang Yu and Pan Yun.

In his eyes, this Pan Yun is "Wen Qiong".

He saw the two of them, and they also saw him. As soon as the wheelchair man saw Pan Yun, he immediately turned his head away, as if he didn't dare to look at "Wen Qiong".

He hurriedly held up his crutches and walked to the side. He originally wanted to go faster, but his speed could not be compared to walking on his legs.

Most of the flames in Pan Yun's body had been extinguished, and he gradually gained strength. Not only that, her face looked full of energy, she was a little more energetic and looked better than usual.

Zhang Yu had never seen a person in a wheelchair. Seeing this guy walking around with a cane, Zhang Yu wouldn't have realized that the person who was halfway up the mountain just now was this guy.

After all, it is difficult to move with a cane, so it is not that easy to go up the mountain. But soon, Zhang Yu discovered that this guy seemed to be avoiding him and Pan Yun.

"Who is this person? I've never seen him before." Zhang Yu was a little puzzled and muttered in his heart.

Then he remembered that he had seen this person before. He seemed to be sitting in a wheelchair. He should also be a guest today. And this person seemed not to dare to see "Wen Qiong" at that time.

Zhang Yu whispered: "Xiaoyun, do you know that person?"

"I don't know." Pan Yun replied in a low voice and shook his head.

"If you don't know me, forget it." Zhang Yu said this and looked at the wheelchair man's back a few times.

After a short while, he and Wen Qiong returned to the lawn. There were no people on the lawn, but it was not difficult to hear the sounds coming from the lake in front.

"It's broken again! It's broken again! This is too awesome!" "Almost another minute or so, the speed is too fast!" "Good guy, this foreign devil is amazing, he has won almost twenty games in a row. "I can't even tell if it's true or not." "I don't have any strength to dare to come here to challenge you. Haven't you seen it yet? It's called communication, but it's actually a challenge." "That seems to be the case." "If that's the case , isn’t it going to be a total loss?” “Whatever, whoever is better will be the one to look for in the future. This thing is not free, of course it is for whoever can use it.” “That’s right, it’s equivalent to Domestic cars and imported cars, we cannot say that because we support domestic products, we should leave better imported cars aside and have to buy domestic cars."

As Zhang Yu and Pan Yun got closer, they gradually listened to the conversations of these people.

Upon hearing such discussions, Zhang Yu realized that this contest was not optimistic. Dhruv had won many games in a row, but their side had not won a single game.

I just don’t know how many masters Dhruv has fought against.

Just at this moment, the broadcast voice in front sounded, "The next thing we will visit is the performance of Master Kong Yi of Putuo Temple, and then there will be a discussion between Master Kong Yi and Mr. Dhruv!"

For monks, whether they are monks, nuns or Taoist priests, there is no distinction between young and old.

Monks are all called masters, nuns are all called masters, and Taoists are all called Taoist priests. Sometimes, because they are too young, they may add the word "little", but most of them are called like this.

"This time it's the little nun's turn." "This girl is beautiful, but she doesn't know why she has to become a nun." "Don't say this nonsense." "I just said it casually." It seems like it’s time for me to visit this time, so I’ll go over and see how the little nun’s arrangements are.”

As soon as everyone heard that it was Master Kong Yi's turn, they all started talking.

Zhang Yu had seen this little nun break Jack Liu before. She was extremely fast and just right. She was definitely a master at this.

In addition, I only knew that Dhruv had won many games in a row and did not know the specific situation. He had to go over and ask his disciples quickly, so he looked at Pan Yun and said, "Let's go."

Pan Yun nodded, and the two of them walked towards the bungalow.

Soon after arriving at the place, I saw many Taoist monks standing outside a foreign-style building, pointing.

Zhang Yu immediately saw his disciples and walked over.

Some disciples saw him and immediately greeted him, "Master." "Master." "Master."

People from various sects generally knew Zhang Yu and were not too surprised. Zhang Yu came to his disciples and asked, "How is the situation now?"

Disciple Jiang Xue replied: "That foreign devil Dhruv is so powerful. The first one destroyed Taoist Master Hao from Chongyang Palace in Zhongnan Mountain, and it only took more than a minute. Next, he solved them one by one, basically It takes one minute to solve the problem, but the masters from each family were defeated without even seeing his clues."

"Oh?" Zhang Yu was surprised after hearing Jiang Xue's words.

Dhruv is an extremely skilled player, there is no doubt about it. It's just that to what extent, this is not certain. If he was not even a match for Taoist Master Hao of Chongyang Palace, that would be too powerful.

Taoist Master Hao's game can be broken in one minute. What Taoist Master Hao arranged will definitely not be simple.

At this moment, someone was seen coming out of the corridor. The person standing outside immediately asked, "How is it up there?"

"It's amazing." "It's wonderful." "You'll know when you go up and take a look." "It's amazing! It's amazing." Everyone who came out said this.

But I don’t know whether these people really understand or pretend to understand, and each one of them has a rather enigmatic meaning. Look at that, he looks a bit similar to Fatty Wang.


Special thanks to: Book Friends 201708, Book Friends 201709, Heart of Hawaii 2, Ninbei, Turtle Son, A Touch of Crying, FreeStanding, Baitufu, Resurrection Dream, Li Jiangtu, 3D Master, one person's amnesia has greatly affected these two days. Rewards, and more than 270 monthly passes in these two days.

Dear brothers and sisters, the monthly pass is currently doubled. If you have a monthly pass in your hand, don’t wait and see. Give all your monthly passes to Lao Tie!

Lao Tie is here to kneel down and thank you! ! !

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