Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1733 I’m convinced


Paris finally rolled from the second floor to the first floor. She was so shaken and confused after the fall.

After coming down, before he got up, he couldn't help but rub his head with his hands. In my memory, I clearly stepped forward on the steps just now, but how could I suddenly miss them?

Immediately afterwards, she discovered another serious problem, that is, Qi Wuyao rolled down in front of her. Why didn't she see anyone when she came down now?

This shock was really big. She was about to get up from the ground, but just as she pushed her body upward, she felt a strong wind under her body lifting her forward.

Her body, as if out of control, was pushed forward by the strong wind.


Paris's lower back hit the star lighting on the ceiling firmly, and the sharpness of the lighting stung her waist with severe pain. Immediately afterwards, the strong wind blowing up below disappeared. Paris's body immediately fell downwards.


Paris screamed in surprise, which made Hua Rong change color, "NO!"


Her body hit the floor tiles firmly again, and the impact almost broke her body bones. Fortunately, Paris has also practiced and is strong enough for the time. Even so, there are no parts of her body that are not painful after the fall.


No one realized what was going on, and she felt the strong wind blowing under her body again, dragging her body up again.

"NO, NO, NO" Paris was completely confused. What was even more fatal was not this. Another strong wind blew around her. Paris's body was like a kite with its string broken. This time it was no longer possible. It hit the ceiling, but flew out diagonally.


Paris's body quickly shot towards the sofa, this time knocking over a large single sofa placed vertically, and Paris threw herself headfirst there. His feet were caught by the legs of the sofa. It was ridiculous and miserable to look like that.

She was originally white, but two severe injuries and frights had already turned her face pale, not to mention how pale she was.

"I'm done, I'm done." Paris shouted eagerly, regardless of the pain on her body. After falling down, she didn't even have time to breathe.

After shouting, he kept breathing loudly, "Huhu."

She tried to take her legs off the sofa, but her body was in too much pain and she had no strength at all.

You know, Zhang Yu had broken her life magic weapon before, which had severely damaged her vitality.

Two serious injuries in succession, it was considered a good thing that it didn't kill her.

Paris understood that she had met a master, and she really didn’t know who this master was.

"I'll give it up now, it's really boring." Suddenly, a man's understatement sounded.

From the voice, it is not difficult to tell that the man's voice is not loud, that is, he is in his twenties. There was contempt and disdain in the man's tone.

Immediately, footsteps sounded from the side, and Paris turned her head to look. She could only see that the man's clothes were robes, and they were white. The hem of the robe almost reached his feet.

She looked up hard and finally saw the face of the person coming. When she saw this person, her beauty turned pale. It turned out that this person was none other than Zhang Yu.

Just now she saw Zhang Yu on the bed upstairs, doing something with Wen Qiong, but now, why was it like this.

"Why are you you?" Paris said in an incredible tone.

"Why can't it be me." Zhang Yu smiled faintly, and he had already walked in front of Paris.

Paris's feet were up and her head was down. Zhang Yu simply squatted down, looked at her with a smile, and said disdainfully: "Do you think you are the only one who can do magic? My Eastern magic is profound and profound, and you foreign devils can play with it." , we all know it! What you just saw was just a deceitful trick I used. To be precise, when you and Qi Wuyao entered the door, you had already fallen into the formation I arranged. But I didn't expect that your cultivation would be so bad. , I didn’t realize that I was in the battle, and I went upstairs to watch the show with great interest. In this case, I will just act in a play and play with you."

"You, you" Zhang Yu's disdain almost made Paris angry to death.

Don't tell me, when I came in, I really didn't find anything. I just went upstairs with Qi Wuyao to record the video. She never thought that Zhang Yu could also use illusions, and he was better than hers.

Why this is the case is actually very simple. Zhang Yu was hugged by Pan Yun at that time, and he couldn't control himself, so he almost slapped Pan Yun. Fortunately, reason defeated desire. Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and asked Pan Yun how he found this place by such a coincidence. Pan Yun hugged him and answered in a very seductive voice, but he also said it clearly.

Zhang Yu vaguely realized that the situation was more serious. He knocked Pan Yun down first, and then inserted a silver needle into the acupuncture point on Pan Yun's head, letting her have a good sleep.

Pan Yun was able to find this place, and under such circumstances, it was 100% related to his opponent. He determined that Pan Yun must have entered the illusion arranged by the other party and was led here.

Since his opponent was still peeping outside, Zhang Yu simply took advantage of the situation and set up a magic array in the villa before the opponent came in, preparing to play with his opponent and also see his opponent's strength.

He didn't expect that it would be Qi Wuyao and this woman who came in. But the two people fell directly into the trap. They really thought that something happened to Zhang Yu and Pan Yun, and even went up to record it. Everything was an illusion. When the two of them came down, they had an illusion in front of their eyes. They couldn't tell where the real steps were, so they stepped on the air and fell down.

"I think you already know who is stronger and who is weaker. Didn't you say in the note before that as long as your formation is broken, the souls of the two of them will be exchanged. Now you can fulfill it." Zhang Yu said calmly.

It is too easy to kill Paris. But what Zhang Yu wanted was not her life, but a way to get her soul back.

"Don't even think about it!" Paris gritted her teeth and said directly.

"Are you going to break your promise?" Zhang Yu's voice turned cold.

"Kill me!" Paris was not afraid.

In her eyes, only white people are the most noble in this world, and people with other skin colors are just like pigs and dogs. People with yellow skin have only limited advantages over those with dark skin.

Now being defeated by a yellow-skinned boy, who has even lost the ability to fight back, is simply a huge humiliation for him. Therefore, she wished she could just die.

"I want to die." Zhang Yu smiled contemptuously again and said, "You haven't told me how to change those two people back. If you want to die now, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"Hmph!" Paris gritted her teeth and snorted heavily.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel angry when he saw her like this. He almost lost his life when he came here, and the other party was even more despicable. He also used that kind of drug and even wanted to record the ugly behavior between himself and "Wen Qiong".

Now that the outcome has been decided, and he is still thinking about defaulting on his debt, if he doesn't give his opponent something to look at, he simply doesn't know how smart Prince Ma is.

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