Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1726 Blood Drops

Zhang Yu didn't take the exemption from the exam seriously, it was just a small effort. He turned to look at Zhang Qingfeng and the others, and said: "Behave well, don't lose the face of our unworthy Taoist priests."

After saying that, he walked towards the audience.

"Don't worry, Master." "Master, don't worry." The disciples also shouted.

Zhang Yu stepped down from the stage and walked towards his previous position. The attention of everyone present was no longer on the stage, but all fell on Zhang Yu.

Some of them had seen Zhang Yu at Yaowen's charity auction. At that time, Zhang Yu was wearing a neat suit and looked young and promising. He was definitely a rare young talent.

Now Zhang Yu, dressed in Bagua fairy clothes, looks like an immortal, chic and suave.

Many girls who came here with their parents couldn't help but whisper, "Why is she a Taoist priest?" "Mom, can Taoist priests get married?" "Maybe." "I don't know." "But look. He looks quite handsome in his robe."

Zhang Yu ignored everyone's comments and walked straight forward.

When he was approaching where he was sitting, a waiter walked over to him.

For such a big scene in the Qi family, there must be no shortage of waiters. The waiter was holding a tray with red wine on it.

"Hello, Daozhang Zhang."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yu asked calmly.

"Someone asked me to deliver the wine." The waiter said politely.

"What are you drinking at this time?" Zhang Yu said bluntly.

"Under the wine..." the waiter said, taking the wine bottle away, and there was a note underneath.

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, then took the note into his hand and folded it well.

He opened it and took a look, only to see a sentence written on the note, "If you want those two women to come back, come to me in the second building of the mountaintop villa. If you break my formation, I will tell you the method."

Zhang Yu took a deep breath, and then asked in a low voice: "Who asked you to give me something?"

"It's a young man I don't know. He should be a guest here." The waiter said.

"You're going to give it away if I ask you to?" Zhang Yu obviously didn't believe it, and he was almost certain that the person who replaced the souls of Wen Qiong's mother and daughter might be the master invited by the Qi family.

"He gave me a tip..." the waiter whispered.

"Okay." Zhang Yu said lightly, put the note into his sleeve, then raised his voice and said: "I don't want to drink now, I want to go to the bathroom. Where is the bathroom?"

"Over there." The waiter pointed not far away.

Zhang Yu nodded, walked back to his seat, and said to the people at the same table: "I'm going to the bathroom first and will be back later."

Naturally, everyone was speechless, and Zhang Yu went straight to the bathroom. Of course he was not going to the bathroom, but to the place mentioned on the note.

The other party invited him to the second villa on the top of the mountain. He was obviously from the Qi family. However, currently, all the masters invited by the Qi family are here, who else will be waiting for him in formation?

Although there is a competition now, Zhang Yu can see that this competition will not end in a while.

It takes time to set up the formation, and it also takes time to break the formation. How many people came up one after another, and it would probably not end until dark at the earliest. If someone arranges a sophisticated formation, I'm afraid it will take even longer. In this kind of competition, it is not ruled out that someone will arrange this kind of formation.

Zhang Yu has never been to Longhu Villa, but Zhang Yu knows where the villa area on the top of the mountain is. Because it's too simple. A mountaintop villa must have a mountain. Longfor Villa has mountains and water. A mountain is just a mountain. It's lush green and the scenery looks pleasant.

Zhang Yu walked towards the mountainside, and the scenery along the road was also particularly beautiful. After walking for a while, he came to the foot of the mountain and followed the mountain path.

To be honest, a place like this should be under surveillance, but the Qi family did not. They only sent people to patrol to prevent thieves from entering.

The reason why there is no surveillance is actually very simple. People who come to such a place must be people with status. Playing here and letting the Qi family be photographed is equivalent to being used as a handle.

If there were surveillance, many people would definitely not come, so the Qi family simply did not install surveillance. Of course, in a place like this, what kind of thief would have the courage to come in? If he is caught, he will never have to come out again.

There are villas on the hillside, and there are two at the highest point. It is estimated that one of them is the second building mentioned in the note.

Arriving at the top of the mountain, Zhang Yu went to the one on the right.

This is a large yard. There are all kinds of flower beds, waterside pavilions and trees in the yard, just like a paradise. You can smell the breath of nature without going in.

The courtyard door is open, with a "2" written on it. Zhang Yu was able to confirm that there was no surveillance here, and no one was found around it.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu stepped in. Since the other party proposed that as long as he broke the formation here, he would tell him how to change the two of them. Obviously, he wanted to compete or kill him here.

The names of Wen Qiong and Pan Yun were not written on the note. Presumably they did not want to leave any clues between the lines, so only the person involved knew.

Zhang Yu is an expert and bold man, but he is worried that he can't find his rightful master. If the other party declares war on his own initiative, he can no longer be afraid. Otherwise, how can we get the souls of Wen Qiong and her daughter back?

After walking through the garden, I came to the door of the two-story building. The door was ajar, clearly reserved for him.

Zhang Yu stood at the door and did not go in immediately. He took out the magic amulet and amulet and put them on his body to prevent his opponent from playing tricks. Then he opened the door.

Inside is the entrance hall. After passing the entrance hall, there is a large living room. Just after passing the entrance hall, Zhang Yu felt that there was something strange here, which obviously contained a formation.

He could feel that this was not a Feng Shui bureau, but something else. If the other party has bad intentions, he must not be able to use Feng Shui.

Continuing to move forward, Zhang Yu suddenly realized something was wrong. The place looked bright, but there were no windows.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu was stunned and looked around. As expected, there was no window.

You know, before I came in, I carefully looked at the large and small windows on the first floor.

When he turned his body to the side he came in from, he immediately discovered that the door he came in from was also gone.

There is a large living room and dining room, and all the furnishings can be described as luxurious. Looking up, there are bright stars above the head. White star-shaped lights are spread all over the ceiling, illuminating the entire hall.

"It seems to be an illusory formation..." Zhang Yu smiled faintly, but he did not expect that this Western astrologer would be able to use this method.

Suddenly, the colors in the large living room suddenly changed. The original brightness gradually dimmed and turned red.

"Tick-tock...tick-tock..." "Tick-tock...tick-tock..."...

Zhang Yu heard the sound of water drops falling again. He looked again and saw that the originally white star lights had turned red inadvertently, and drops of blood were slowly dripping down.

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