Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1720 Difficulty

After the last group of tours were completed, Jack Liu took everyone to other villas.

Because there were fewer people on their side, they could go faster. In less than a while, they arrived at the next villa. There were still many people standing outside the villa, and it was obvious that the visit was not over yet.

Most of the people standing outside the villa were wealthy bosses. These people are quite distinguished, and they are currently being discussed.

"Old Wang, this house is really weird. When I first entered, I felt everything was fine. But after a while, I felt particularly awkward." "Who says it's not the case? I feel the same way. But it just comes from time to time." "Yes, Lao Li is right, it just comes from time to time. You may feel awkward, but after a while you don't feel it anymore, but feel good instead. People's moods always change a little bit." "That Miss Paris , I said during the introduction that the feng shui here can bring bad luck to people. Do you think it’s because you listened to her words, so you have some preconceived ideas, so you feel awkward.” “I don’t think so, after all, I just entered. When I arrived, I was really attracted by the layout inside. It was only after I stayed for a while that I felt uncomfortable.”

After listening to everyone's discussion, Zhang Yu and the others also knew what was going on with the house here. It turned out to be Feng Shui that could bring bad luck to people.

But listening to what these people said, I felt that it was good inside, but also felt uncomfortable. All in all, it will have a wide-ranging impact on people's minds.

Of course, the previous introduction to Feng Shui here must have had an impact on my heart.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Paris came out with a group of people. She said hello to Jack Liu as a handover, and then led the team to leave.

Jack Liu followed what he said before and asked everyone to go in in four batches. He also introduced the Feng Shui here, which would bring bad luck to people.

Zhang Yu and other people were among the first group to enter, and this time they were also the first group to enter.

After walking through the entrance, you are still in the large living room of the villa. The silver-white wallpaper makes the large living room look spacious, bright and a bit noble. The first impression is very good. Without even seeing the owner, the guests can imagine that the owner will definitely be a person of great status, style and grandeur.

After all, the decoration of a house also represents a person's preferences.

Zhang Yu entered the rhythm earlier this time than last time, and he immediately raised his head to observe the layout above his head.

There are also star-shaped lights on it. In the words of Jack Liu, it is not necessary to use all star-shaped lights for decoration. The reason for doing so is to make it more concise and direct.

There are many people like Zhang Yu who did this. Master Yuan did not follow them all the way. People like Master Jia, Feng Chongjue and others all looked up and observed, and so did Master Zhang.

Zhang Yu gradually discovered that the stars above were arranged like a sheep.

He felt it again with his inner eye, and then discovered that a bright sheep seemed to be flying across the sky. On the sheep's back, there were two stars, one of which unexpectedly fell.

When the stars fell, Zhang Yu felt very unhappy, as if sadness came from his heart. But this feeling soon disappeared.

Jack Liu took everyone upstairs to visit again. Zhang Yu searched for the formation point in each room, but still couldn't find it.

As time went by, they finally had no choice but to follow Jack Liu out and let the next group of people go in.

Arriving outside the villa, the discussion started again. That's right. Wen Qiong, Pan Yun, Hua Yingyue, Zhang Yinling and others were in the same mood as the people discussed earlier. They felt very good when they first entered, but soon felt uncomfortable.

This time, Zhang Yinling stopped walking with her father at all and went directly to Wudang Taoist Temple to hang out.

Zhang Yu said what he saw seemed to be a sheep. Zhang Yinling immediately said: "I know if he is an Aries. However, it seems that Aries is quite good."

Hua Yingyue said energetically: "Aries is not very good. From the introduction of the constellation, Aries are very careless and often lead to tragedies. As for Aries, there is also a tragic story that Zeus let The golden sheep went to save the prince and princess. The golden sheep had already carried the prince and princess on its back and flew away. But halfway through the flight, the careless golden sheep accidentally fell down and the princess fell into the river and drowned. Sheep is the later Aries, which also means that Aries often lead to tragedies due to carelessness."

"When you say this, it seems like it is true. Just now, I was in a mood that was always up and down. If time passes, it is really possible that a tragedy will occur due to carelessness." This time it was Pan Yun who said.

Pan Yun is sometimes careless and sometimes careful. After all, he is a tomboy.

They kept studying until the last group of people came out and followed Jack Liu to visit the next villa. The order was arranged, and wherever they went, the group of people visiting in front of them were still Paris.

Zhang Yu and the others waited for a while, and soon heard that entering this villa gave people a unique sense of comfort. It could be said that people liked it as soon as they entered. The feng shui effect of this villa is health.

When it was Zhang Yu's turn to enter, as expected, the dark yellow wallpaper inside made people feel that the owner was extremely expensive, and the high-end atmosphere and class not only made people feel comfortable.

To put it bluntly, it is very attractive to people. If you want to buy a house, if everything is about the same, after entering this house, as long as you can afford it, you will probably put down a deposit directly.

Feng shui decoration is not just improvised, it also requires hard work. With this level of decoration, I'm afraid the price of this Feng Shui bureau would be worth more than a house.

Of course, for rich people, this is nothing.

After observation, Zhang Yu discovered that the stars above seemed to form an old man. Although this old man was old, he was still full of energy. Zhang Yu felt a little familiar with this constellation, as if it was the longevity star.

The formation eye was also not found. After research after coming out, Hua Yingyue said that this constellation is called Canopus, and it can also be called Canopus in the South Pole.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was sure that the so-called Canopus star in Antarctica was the longevity star. It’s just that the names in China and the West are different.

After observing three villas, we came to the fourth one. The layout of this villa is like a blue ocean. Not only that, it also gives people a vague artistic conception of trickling water flowing into the sea.

The decoration of this villa is meant to bring good fortune. The sea view style makes people feel like they are on vacation at the beach. People work hard every day, and after returning home, they just want to have a good rest. This style can also allow people to enjoy and rest mentally, laying a good foundation for the next day's work.

Zhang Yu quickly discovered that the layout of the starry sky above was a pair of fish. He once broke Jack Liu's Pisces, and it seems that the zodiac sign here is also Pisces.

The only difference is that the Pisces arranged here is much smarter than the one by Jack Liu.

It can be said that this is the embodiment of strength, and the senior brother is worthy of being a senior brother. Through this Senior Brother Dhruv, Zhang Yu could not help but imagine how powerful the great Western astrologer Pasano was.

All four villas were observed, and not a single formation was found. The other party came prepared and put in enough effort. The difficulty of this exchange meeting was definitely far better than Jack Liu's one.

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