Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Meeting!

Is astrology and feng shui superstitious? At least no one dares to say that astrology is superstition. In contemporary times, Feng Shui has been referred to as the general term for environmental studies such as humanistic environment and residential environment. After all, it has to have a nice name.

The so-called astronomy and geography, astronomy refers to astrology, and geography is not the geography class taught in school, but the Feng Shui environment.

This exchange meeting was funded and sponsored by the Qi family, and the momentum was unprecedented.

Major gossip weeklies and newspapers published it one after another. This kind of gossip also leaks out one after another. There are also many post bars and forums where people are discussing this matter.

There is such a post on the Cape Forum.

Posted by: Do you think this is true of Feng Shui? I am an atheist and have always believed that my fate is determined by nature. A person's success depends on his own efforts, and what does it have to do with Feng Shui?

Second Floor: People's success depends on their own efforts. I think so too, but I also have some opinions on Feng Shui. It seems that many magazines and Weibo have defined Feng Shui. Feng Shui is a kind of living environment. People are very tired after a day's work. If they come home and the living environment is not satisfactory, it will definitely affect their work. Feng shui decorations can make people feel relaxed and happy. As for whether you can make a fortune, you have to rely on yourself.

Third floor: I agree with the second floor. In the past, our house faced the hilltop of other people’s houses, and others said it was not good, but I didn’t believe it. After a long time, I felt awkward, couldn't sleep well, and always had insomnia. I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or what happened. Later, I changed my house and immediately stopped having insomnia. But the house I lived in before could not be sold for six years. No one bought it, and many people said they would not live here even if they gave me the money.

Fourth Floor: Yes, Feng Shui affects your mood very much. The bathroom in our house used to have the door facing the bedroom. Some friends said it was not good for the bathroom to face the bedroom. There is also a saying on the Internet that the bathroom is dominated by water among the five elements and has a strong yin energy. Excessive entry into the bedroom will cause an imbalance of yin and yang in a person, which is bad for health, especially for people who are afraid of water. Moreover, the stinky smell of the bathroom It will bring bad luck to people and reduce the fortune of their family members. I didn’t believe it at all at the time, but as a result, my wife and I were always sick. It wasn’t anything serious, just headaches and fever, and we always lost money playing mahjong. Later, I changed the bathroom door. After a while, I found that people became much more relaxed.

Fifth Floor: What do you think of this communication between Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui? Can you tell which side is better?

Sixth Floor: Who knows, we can’t just compete with each other.

Seventh Floor: I guess we in the East are still more powerful.

8th Floor: That’s not necessarily the case.

Ninth floor: The upstairs is devoted to foreign things.

Reply from the eighth floor: I just said this, and I still worship foreigners, so what’s the point?

Tenth Floor: Actually, there’s no need to argue, I’m from Zhenhai. There was an exchange meeting on Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui before, but we won that time. Because our influence was small, we didn’t publicize it much. To tell you the truth, this Feng Shui contest was on the ropes. There was a fake foreign devil who was vomiting blood and lying on the ground.

Eleventh Floor: Real or fake.

Reply from the 10th floor: Of course it is true, my dad saw it at the scene.

Twelfth Floor: Is that because the foreign devils are unconvinced and are making a comeback this time?

Reply from the 10th floor: It’s very possible, I believe, our Eastern Feng Shui will definitely win.

Thirteenth floor: Astrology and Feng Shui are the culture in the "Book of Changes". Who dares to say that the "Book of Changes" is superstitious. The country also has an I-Ching Institute. It's just that these days there are too many liars, talking nonsense, and tarnishing the culture left by our ancestors.

There are still a lot of idle people these days, and there are endless discussions about astrology and feng shui.

In the eyes of Chinese people, astrology and feng shui are things passed down from their ancestors after all, and there are many records. Naturally, they must be better than foreign ones.

Friday night, Longfor Villa.

This is the territory of the Qi family. Although it is not open to the public, some people with status are invited to come.

There are mountains and water here, and there is a group of villas by the lake, which are used to entertain distinguished guests.

At this moment, three people were sitting in the large living room of a villa. They are Dhruv, Paris, and Martial.

The decoration in the hall is very unique, with sea blue wallpaper and even the tiles on the floor are sea blue with gradient tones. The lights above are not very bright, and each light bulb is like a star, twinkling like stars, giving people the feeling of being on the beach at night.

"The arrangement of the Ten Thousand Star Array will be completed soon. Tomorrow, I will let the Eastern Xuanmen know how powerful our Western astrology is." Dhruv's face was full of pride, and he held a shiny crystal ball in his hand. .

This crystal ball is exquisite and clear, with a four-pointed star in it.

"Senior, can you give me a chance to compete with that Zhang Yu alone?" Paris looked at Dhruv seriously.

"Paris, I know that your crystal ball was destroyed by him. You are very angry and unwilling to seek revenge from him. But you must know that everything must focus on the overall situation. Come to Dongfang Xuanmen tomorrow There are many masters. If you lose, the teacher's plan will be shattered. Every feng shui bureau here is interconnected and affects the whole body. Therefore, I cannot agree to your request." Dhruv said. Said expressionlessly.

"Yes, senior. I understand." Paris could only nod reluctantly.

"Okay, you two can leave the lakeside villa now and go back to rest." Dhruv stood up and said.

"Okay." "Yes."

Paris and Martial stood up and walked outside.

After leaving the villa, Paris had a look of resentment on her face, obviously because she was unhappy because Dhruv did not agree to her request.

"Sister, what the senior said is right. This matter is extremely important. The teacher's requirement is that we must win and there must be no mistakes. Otherwise, we cannot send senior Dhruv to come and take charge in person." Martial saw. Paris felt unhappy and said quickly.

"I know." Paris said coldly, turned around and walked towards the thorn.

This was not the place to return to their residence. Martial asked in surprise: "Senior, where are you going?"

"I'm not sleepy yet. Let's go for a walk. You don't have to worry about me." Paris said calmly.

Martial knew that the senior sister had always been strong, and her crystal ball was broken by Zhang Yu. She was always dissatisfied and wanted to seek revenge from Zhang Yu, but unfortunately she never had the chance.

This time was considered a good opportunity, but Dhruv didn't trust anyone. He did everything by himself, so he and Paris could only act hand-in-hand, and Jack Liu was even less useful.

Martial shook his head and walked toward his residence alone. Paris was also walking along the lake alone, holding her head high to admire the moonlight here.

After walking a long way, she suddenly noticed that the lake was bright, and she quickly turned around to look.

But when she turned her head away, the lake was the same as usual, nothing special.

Suddenly, a voice came from not far away, "Liu, your senior brother is too dishonest. Our family helped hold this astrology and feng shui exchange meeting and lent him a place. It would be better for him to ask him for help." I'm so busy, but I didn't agree to it, who are you?"

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