"Who are you?" Xu Hui looked at the police who came in and asked suspiciously.

"We are from the patrol room. This time we made a special trip to understand the case with Mr. Fang Tao. I wonder who all of you are from Mr. Fang?" a uniformed patrol officer said politely.

"I am Fang Tao's mother, this is his father, and this is his second uncle..." Xu Hui introduced them one by one.

The patrolman nodded and looked at a plainclothes man next to him. The man said, "Mr. Fang's parents can stay. Others, it's best to stay away."

"Let's go out." Fang Zhongguo called to his wife and daughter and walked outside immediately.

It seems that the patrol room is investigating a case, so it is not convenient for anyone to observe.

The three of them went to the corridor to wait. A patrolman in patrol uniform stood at the door, as if to prevent anyone from eavesdropping. This formation is a bit confusing.

There were only three members of Fang Tao's family left in the room, and the three patrol officers sat down beside the bed. The previous patrolman then introduced, "Mr. Fang, these two are the horse arrester and the cow arrester from the major crime unit of the patrol."

When they heard about the crime squad, Fang Tao's family was stunned. Why did they bring up the crime squad? Wasn't this a traffic accident?

The plainclothes policeman then took out his ID and said, "My name is Niu Sanjiang, and he is my colleague Ma Sihai. This is my ID."

Fang Zhonghua looked at the certificate that was handed over and said, "Can I ask the two arresting officers what's the matter?"

"That's it..." the patrol officer said: "Regarding Mr. Fang's traffic accident, our traffic patrol room tracked it through surveillance and finally found the vehicle responsible for the accident. It turned out that it was a counterfeit car. In addition, we also After analyzing the surveillance video at the accident scene, it was found that the vehicle involved had been parked twenty meters away from the intersection before Mr. Fang’s car arrived. It was not until Mr. Fang’s car was about to pass the intersection that it suddenly started and drove as fast as possible. The speed hit Mr. Fang's car. Our traffic patrol room believes that this is probably not an ordinary traffic accident, but a deliberate murder. Therefore, we have now transferred the case to the serious crime team."

After hearing this, the faces of Fang Tao's family of three changed color at the same time. At first, I thought it was an accident, but now, it turned out to be murder.

Niu Sanjiang continued: "Our serious crime team has now intervened in the investigation. This time, we came here firstly to notify Mr. Fang and his family, and secondly to learn some information from Mr. Fang. For example, who did Mr. Fang talk to? Is there any reason to suspect anyone?"

"I..." Fang Tao was confused now. After thinking for a while, he said: "I am quite popular in the entertainment industry, and I never take the initiative to offend people. Not to mention deep hatred, not even for ordinary holidays. .”

"If you think about it again, who might do this?" Xu Hui said eagerly.

She only has such a son. Now that something big has happened, how can she not be anxious?

Fang Tao thought for a while, then frowned and said, "I really...can't think of it..."

He is really popular in the industry. In addition, in the entertainment industry, there is no one who is not an actor. Even if someone is jealous of him, they will not show it on the surface. So in Fang Tao's impression, he had no enemies at all.

When Niu Sanjiang saw what Fang Tao said, he had no clue for a moment. Niu Sanjiang still said: "Since Mr. Fang can't think of a suspect for the moment, let's take a good rest and think about it again. We won't interrupt him. If you think of anything, call our crime team. This is my phone number. "

After speaking, he handed a business card to Fang Zhonghua.

Fang Zhonghua said a few polite words to the patrol officers and then sent them out. Xu Hui's face now showed anger, and she cursed in her heart. She didn't know which bastard dared to kill her son.

The patrol officer went out, and Fang Zhongguo's family followed Fang Zhonghua into the ward. Because of the battle just now, Fang Zhongguo thought it was a big deal and did not ask.

On the other hand, Fang Tong, after all, was young and had insufficient experience. She said, "What a big deal you are talking about. When we came yesterday, we were not allowed to go out."

Yesterday, the traffic police came to understand the situation. At that time, it was treated as an ordinary traffic accident, so there was no need for them to evade it.

As soon as she heard Fang Tong's voice, Xu Hui suddenly thought of what Fang Tong had just said and what Zhang Yu had said before leaving.

In fact, the roots of these two sentences come from Zhang Yu. Fang Tong paraphrased it, telling Fang Tao to be careful about his wife, and Zhang Yu asked Fang Tao to take care of himself.

Women are more suspicious than men, and Xu Hui is even more suspicious. She suddenly gritted her teeth and said, "Tongtong, do you have that...Zhang Yu's phone number?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Fang Tong said.

Xu Hui immediately said: "He shouldn't have gone far now... You should call him quickly and call him back."

"Okay." When her aunt asked her to find Zhang Yu, Fang Tong was very happy and immediately took out her mobile phone.

Zhang Yu and Hua Yunong had already left. When they just left the hospital, they saw the police patrol. Two of the patrolmen who were not wearing patrol uniforms seemed familiar to Zhang Yu. After passing by, he remembered that he had met them last time when he and Detective Bai went to solve a case.

Anyway, there was no interaction, and Zhang Yu didn’t turn around to say hello. He and Hua Yunong got in the car and headed to the antique street.

I originally thought that I could get the Jianyan Yuanbao when I came over, but to my surprise, the other party actually defaulted on the payment. Hua Yunong also saw that this Jianyan Yuanbao seemed to be very important, but in her opinion, as long as she had money, she believed that she could not buy it.

After driving a few streets, Zhang Yu's cell phone rang, "Ring, ring, ring..."

He took it out and saw that it was Fang Tong calling, so he put it to his ear to answer it.


"Hey, Zhang Yu, where are you now? Come back quickly!" Fang Tong's voice rang on the phone.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu asked.

"My aunt wants to see you." Fang Tong said.

"If she wants to see me, I have to see her." Zhang Yu is not a temperless person. Fang Tao's default behavior made him particularly unhappy.

"Don't be angry. For my sake, just come back. If anything happens, tell me in person. My aunt already knows that you used the amulet to save my brother." Fang Tong begged softly.

"Then... okay..." Zhang Yu hesitated and said.

He hung up the phone and looked at Hua Yunong, "I have to go up again."

"I'll accompany you." Hua Yunong said directly.

The two returned to the hospital and came to the intensive care unit.

As soon as he entered the door, Fang Tong came up to him, took Zhang Yu's arm, and said with a smile: "Hurry up, my aunt is waiting for you."

While talking, Zhang Yu was dragged in front of Xu Hui.

Xu Hui said gently: "Xiao Zhang, I just heard Tongtong say that you saved my son, thank you very much."

Zhang Yu said politely: "It's just a little effort. Besides, he is Fang Tong's brother. How can I just sit back and ignore him?"

What he said made Fang Tong feel happy. She glanced at Fang Tao proudly, as if to say, rely on me, otherwise you will be dead.

Fang Tao disagreed and squinted his eyes to the other side.

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