Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1688 The rise and fall of dragon veins

"Didn't I tell you that I died in the Taihang Mountains in my last life? There is a huge secret hidden in that place. I don't know if that secret is still alive, but I must see what happens. Otherwise, I will never I'm willing." Zhu Shaolei said.

"A huge secret." Zhang Yu pondered and asked curiously again: "What kind of secret is it? Can you tell me?"

"I don't have to hide this kind of thing from you. It was in the 22nd year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the people of the island country did not underestimate their own capabilities and dared to go to war with the Ming Dynasty. In the end, they were defeated and had to retreat and negotiate a peace. This negotiation between the two sides lasted until In the 24th year of Wanli, I met a grain merchant who was very rich, so I wanted to help him. I didn’t expect to find out soon that there were several islanders around that grain merchant, and they were delivering grain to the Taihang Mountains. I I was very curious as to why the food was sent there, so I followed it to find out the truth. Then I found that the islanders hollowed out a piece of the mountain and built a giant dragon inside, but the dragon didn't have a head. I didn't understand what it meant. , they captured an island countryman for torture, and found out from that person’s mouth that they were creating a dragon-drawing vein here in the name of Toyotomi Hideyoshi from the island country," Zhu Shaolei said seriously.

"Yinlong Vein" Zhang Yu secretly took a breath. Of course he knew what "Yinlong Vein" was, which was to guide the dragon energy in other dragon veins to another place.

Zhang Yu immediately asked: "Where is the dragon vein that is led to the Taihang Mountains? As far as I know, there is a dragon vein there in the Taihang Mountains."

"That's right, there is a dragon vein in Taihang Mountain. With your ability, you must know what dragon vein it is." Zhu Shaolei said.

"There are many dragon veins in our country, but there are three real main dragon veins, namely the North Dragon Vein, the Middle Dragon Vein and the South Dragon Vein. The dragon vein in the Taihang Mountains is the Middle Dragon Vein." Zhang Yu said.

Zhu Shaolei nodded, "The Taihang Dragon Vein is connected to the Yanyun Dragon Vein, which is closely related to the capital. After Toyotomi Hideyoshi's defeat, he asked the island country's great onmyoji Hatano Setting Sun to discuss countermeasures. Hatano Setting Sun suggested that the dragon energy of the island country's dragon vein be directed to the Taihang Mountains, so that As soon as it comes, you can conquer the world. Now the giant dragon has been successfully made, and the dragon head has just arrived with the food. As long as the good and auspicious day comes, the dragon head can be pressed on. In the little devil's terms, when the great Onmyoji was building the dragon head , I spent a lot of energy and blood, and almost lost my life. Although I am just a thief, I also know that thieves have their own ways and are loyal to the emperor and patriotic, so I looked for an opportunity to steal the dragon head. Unfortunately, it was too late, and the dragon head was pressed to the dragon body. Above, I could only take advantage of the night to find an opportunity to pick off the dragon's head. But when I left with the dragon's head in my arms, I was still discovered. I was chased by the masters of the island country, so I could only drop the dragon's head. I escaped from the cliff and took a detour. When I escaped halfway down the mountain, I was seriously injured and hated Taihang Mountain."

"The Dragon Vein of the island country" Zhang Yu sighed and said: "As far as I know, the Dragon Vein of the island country is actually the Northern Dragon Vein of our country. The Northern Dragon Vein runs from Changbai Mountain through Bangzi Country and then through the sea, forming the Dragon Vein of the island country."

"I'm not sure about this," Zhu Shaolei said, "but after I recovered the memory of my previous life and learned about the year, I looked up the history of the Ming Dynasty. Sure enough, a few years later, Toyotomi Hideyoshi launched the second The war finally ended with the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. It seems that my sacrifice should still be valuable, but I still want to see if the giant dragon from back then is still there."

"Haha." Zhang Yu laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Zhu Shaolei asked in confusion.

"If it is true as you said, then the islanders should be making wedding clothes for others." Zhang Yu said.

"How do you say this?" Zhu Shaolei asked again puzzled.

"Didn't I just say that the dragon veins of the island country originated from the dragon veins of Changbai Mountain. Leading the dragon energy of the island country there to the Taihang Mountains is actually equivalent to directing the dragon energy of the Changbai Mountains to the Taihang Mountains. The dragon energy should really have been introduced, but Because of the loss of the dragon head, the Yinlong Vein became headless and had no choice but to recognize its owner. This owner was naturally the Changbai Mountain Dragon Vein. The previous dynasty prospered in Changbai Mountain and dominated the world, and it must have been caused by this Yinlong Vein." Zhang Yu said.

"Ah?" Zhu Shaolei didn't read much history, and his level was not as good as Zhang Yu's. Hearing what Zhang Yu said, he couldn't help being surprised and a little disappointed.

Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said, "My master told me that dynasties rise and fall in their own way, so don't take it too seriously."

Having said that, Zhang Yu couldn't help but secretly admire Hatano Zangyang, the great onmyoji of the island country.

He heard Lao Wangtou say that this kind of dragon-guiding vein, which is related to the destiny of the country, is not something that ordinary people can control. It is often easy to lose your life when setting up the dragon vein.

Because there are two keys to this, one is strength and the other is energy. It must be ensured that the Qi of the dragon vein it attracts is strong and can suppress the local dragon vein, so that it can be done. If you don't have enough energy, you will still be killed by the backlash.

In addition, although Zhang Yu's history is not very good, he has also heard many stories. Combining the stories he had heard before, he could vaguely realize that the historical changes in the Central Plains should really be related to this dragon vein.

Zhang Yu knew that there was a man named Li Zicheng. In the words of Lao Wangtou, this man had the aura of a dragon in his body. It’s just that in the end there was no chosen one.

Zhang Yu did some research and knew that this man was from the Shaanxi Administrative Region. The three dragon veins in the world all originate from one place, the Kunlun Mountains. The North Dragon Vein runs along the Yellow River directly to Changbai Mountain. The Yellow River Generation happened to be where Li Zicheng started. He destroyed the Ming Dynasty and announced the victory of the Northern Dragon Vein over the Middle Dragon Vein. The only pity is that he was killed by the chosen one who was also from the Northern Dragon Vein.

Since then, the Middle Dragon Vein has never risen. Even after all the previous dynasty, the Northern Dragon Vein is still strong. That is, the islanders who are also on the North Dragon Vein are wreaking havoc.

Fortunately, Nanlongmai rose up in time, and two people came out to solve the problem.

Now Zhang Yu is more certain why the Zhonglong Vein has never been able to work. It turns out that this is the case.

"I've died once, so there's nothing I can't see away. But I'm still very curious about that place, and I always feel it's very special. Plus, I'm not willing to die, so I really want to go and see it again. This It is also my last wish in my previous life. If it comes true, I am willing to be Zhu Shaolei again." Zhu Shaolei said seriously.

At this moment, his face was full of determination, as if he had made up his mind to go and see it.

Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said, "You can go and have a look if you want, but you have to agree to one condition."

"What conditions?" Zhu Shaolei asked.

"It's very simple. Take refuge under my Wudang Taoist temple!" Zhang Yu said solemnly.

Zhu Shaolei is Yizhimei, and his strength is quite impressive. Zhang Yu is also worried about what bad things this kid will do after he leaves, so he must strictly control him. After all, he had promised the colonel not to go on any business trips with Iljimae.

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