Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1680 Immortal Dew

Looking at the runes on the bow, Zhang Yu was a little tempted. Who would have too little of a magic weapon? Especially for myself, and for treasures like the Jiu Xuan Mirror, I can basically do it. I can just plug and play whatever magic weapon I encounter, which is quite trouble-free.

But when Ye Buli used the bow, there were no arrows on it, just a piece of talisman paper attached to it.

I don’t know what kind of talisman this is and how it matches the bow. Need to get that kind of talisman.

Zhang Yu thought about it for a while, and after the matter was over, he asked Ye Buli for it. He probably couldn't refuse it. He had saved him several times.

After making up his mind, Zhang Yu raised his hand and threw Ye Buli's bow to him, and said deliberately: "You also said that you can save me this time, but who will save whom?"

Ye Buli took the bow into his hand, smiled awkwardly, pointed at the child, and said, "If this kid hadn't attacked me sneakily, I could have killed them all by myself."

"Pull him down. You'll look like you were beaten to death. If not, there would be a lot of trouble." Zhang Yu curled his lips.

"I can do it. You are very capable." Ye Buli blew his lips.

Now they have all the people on their side, but Zhang Yu can't just ignore death. There are so many colonels, I don’t know what the situation is. To be honest, if the colonel hadn't rushed in with his men, I don't know what the final result would have been. At least Fang Yatou was rescued by the special forces team.

Zhang Yu and the others began to search around. The four special forces members who came down from behind had already found the colonel's location. When Zhang Yu and the others went over, the first thing they saw were four collapsed skeletons.

"Fenghuang, please move the stone away and take a look at the situation below." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes." Ye Fenghuang nodded immediately and moved the top stone away.

There were still stones under the stone. Ye Fenghuang threw the removed stone aside. Just as he was about to move the stone below, he heard a "clang" and the stone flew upwards.

Ye Fenghuang was caught off guard and was immediately hit by a stone in the face, and was thrown backwards unconsciously.

Ye Linglong was shocked and hurriedly shouted: "Little Palace Master!"

Then, she rushed towards Ye Fenghuang.

At the same time, a person jumped out of the stone pit. This person is none other than the Jade Heavenly King who looks exactly like Qiu Jianyue.

Fortunately, after Zhang Yuye flew out with the phoenix, he was ready to fight. When he saw the Jade King coming up, the money sword in his palm shot out.

With a "pop" sound, the money sword shot into the chest of Jade King.

This guy's chest was hit hard by Ye Linglong and was half scratched. Now the money sword shot over and penetrated his chest in one go.

"Ah" King Jade screamed and fell backward, falling back into the pit he came up from earlier.

At this time, Ye Linglong had already helped Ye Fenghuang up, and the two came back.

Ye Linglong's eyes turned red when she saw the Jade King. This was truly a meeting of enemies.

Ye Linglong jumped down immediately, grabbed Jade King's arm, pulled hard, and tore it off.

"Ah" this cry was made by Fang Tong.

The little girl was so frightened when she saw Ye Linglong tearing off the man's arm. But she soon discovered that after taking off her arm, why was there no blood?

The Jade King with only one arm left was no match for Ye Linglong.

Ye Linglong's strength is much higher than him. In a hand-to-hand fight in this narrow space, Jade Heavenly King can't even parry.

With a "click", Ye Linglong broke off the other arm of King Jade.

Both arms are made of wood. Without the arms, Jade Heavenly King would be almost helpless and waiting to die.

Ye Linglong carried the Jade King and threw the person up like a dead dog. Zhang Yu took a step forward, drew out the money sword, and then knocked the Jade Heavenly King twice on the forehead with the money sword, and said, "Do you want to continue beating?"

"I won't fight." King Jade said honestly.

"What the hell are you? You're quite capable of taking the trouble?" Zhang Yu said coldly.

"It's wood," Jade Heavenly King said bitterly.

"Nonsense, I know you are made of wood, but I am asking you, how did you make it? Looking at you like this, you seem to be no different from a living person." Zhang Yu said.

"I, I." Jade Heavenly King stammered.

"What are you talking about? Come on, since you are just wood, you must be afraid of fire. Don't tell me I won't give you a chance. If you don't tell me now, don't blame me for lighting a fire for you!" Zhang Yu said harshly.

"I said, I said. I, I am actually a Yin spirit. I was originally attached to a peach tree and was going to be made into lightning-splitting wood. In the end, it was Hai Zhenren who saved me. So, I will work for him. Yes." Jade Heavenly King said truthfully.

"How did he save you, and how did he turn you into a human being? To be honest." Zhang Yu said sharply.

He was very curious about this. He had never seen anything like this before.

Of course, I have heard of it. Just like the rumored third prince Nezha, he is the Lotus Root Man. Taiyi Zhenren made a body out of lotus roots and then sent Nezha's soul into it. However, this should be regarded as an immortal skill. What kind of cultivation is Master Taiyi? This real person is simply not on the same level as the real person we call him now.

In the human world, there is no such magic. Even if there were, it would not be something that a player of Kaidojin's level could use. Zhang Yu had already mastered the skills of the Haidao people, relying on some unknown tricks. But this kind of magic is definitely not a trick, it requires great skill.

"I don't know exactly how he did it, but it seems that he used some kind of fairy dew." King Jade Heaven said.

"Xianlu." Zhang Yu muttered, there is such a thing in the world, Zhang Yu asked: "Where is the fairy dew? Where did the Haidao people get it?"

"I really don't know this. I'm not lying," said King Jade.

"Assuming you're not lying, just lie down and don't try any tricks. I'll deal with you when the matter is over," Zhang Yu said.

"I'm honest," Jade Heavenly King said quickly.

Zhang Yu was not in a hurry to kill him, he had to deal with it slowly. Just now I wanted to dig out the colonel, but I ended up digging out the wrong one.

Ye Fenghuang continued to attack again, and this time he finally dug out the colonel.

The colonel was unconscious, with blood on his forehead and legs. Zhang Yu checked his pulse and found that his life was not in danger, and there were no problems with his bones. He was just knocked unconscious.

It is estimated that people will be able to recover after resting for a while. Putting the people aside, they continued to search and found five special forces soldiers one after another, all of whom were dead. In fact, it is definitely a miracle to survive under these rocks. After all, people like Zhang Yu who have strong luck are not just born. Of course, Zhang Yu had a divine talisman to protect his body, so those big rocks might not be able to kill him all at once.

After moving a few more stones, Zhang Yu and the others saw a man in a white robe. Needless to say, he must have belonged to the Haidao people. This man was pinned under a rock, and his face could not be seen clearly, but it was estimated that no one except the wooden man would be safe.

"Move the stone and see who this is." Zhang Yu said.

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