Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1678 Yizhimei

"Still trying to run!"

Zhang Yu flicked his hand, and the Yuxu rope in his cuffs flew out.

The child is fast, but Yuxu Sheng is not as fast. With a "swipe" of the ground, the child's legs were tied up. Because he was running too fast, the child fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the whole person was tied tightly with Yuxu rope.

Zhang Yu and the other three immediately followed. At this stall, the Yuxu rope that originally bound the child suddenly came loose.

Zhang Yu knew that this boy could also spell, so he quickly recited the spell too.

This jade-like rope has a spell to bind people and a spell to loosen it. The child recited the Loose Rope Curse, and Zhang Yu recited the Binding Mantra. If they were recited together, it would depend on whose cultivation level was higher.

The child's cultivation was not comparable to that of Zhang Yu, so the rope tied him tightly.

"You, how can you do this?" The child looked stupid and asked stammeringly.

"I know a lot of things, please be honest." Zhang Yu walked up to the child, kicked the child directly, and then said: "You kid, my family saw that you were pitiful, so they kindly rescued you. You care about your food, but you actually take advantage of their kindness! Damn it, you are worse than a pig or a dog!"

"You bad guy! We have been so good to you, but you are so ungrateful that you arrested us." Fang Tong was also angry and kicked the child twice.

"Shi Ke cannot be killed! You kill me!" Unexpectedly, the child said this.

At this moment, his attitude suddenly became very tough.

Zhang Yu knelt down and turned him over, making him face up.

The child closed his eyes, as if he would die if he closed his eyes.

Zhang Yu chuckled lightly and said: "Returning soldiers can be killed but not humiliated. I think you are bringing humiliation on yourself!"

"Humph!" The child snorted heavily without saying anything.

"I'm telling you, brat, if I hadn't done it for Luo Chen's sake, I would have killed you! But now I'm really wondering how you can suddenly become so capable at such a young age!" Zhang Yu said angrily. said.

"It has nothing to do with you!" the child said forcefully.

"What do you mean it has nothing to do with me, but it has a lot to do with it!" Zhang Yu curled his lips and said, "You don't want to say it, I have a way to make you say it."

After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he grabbed the child's legs and took off his shoes.

"What are you doing?" the child asked nervously.

"It's none of your business!" Zhang Yu said angrily.

Then, he tightened his nose, shook his head and said, "Why do your feet smell so bad?"

"I haven't washed my feet or changed my socks for more than a week. I've been walking over mountains and ridges every day. How can I feel tired?" The child was quite honest.

"I said it smells so bad." Zhang Yu tightened his nose and took off the child's socks again.

The socks are sticky to the feet and are a bit stiff. Can they not smell too bad?

However, the child's feet are quite white and tender. Zhang Yu then took out a silver needle and inserted it into the Yongquan point on the sole of the child's foot.

"Hahahaha. Hehehehe. Hahahaha you, you, you. Hehehe. That one." The child laughed directly.

His body was tied tightly with jade ropes. Zhang Yu pulled up his feet, and he was almost upside down.

As soon as I started laughing, not to mention how uncomfortable it was, tears soon started to flow out.

Fang Yatou watched from the side, feeling relieved in her heart. She kept clapping her hands and applauding, "Laugh him to death. Let him laugh hard to see if he is still dishonest in the future! Such a bad guy should be repaired properly."

Although the little girl was deceived by a child once, and was held hostage by a child just now, this girl did not even say that she wanted to kill the child, and she did not mean to hate him with all her heart. A good repair is enough. After all, in her opinion, killing is not okay.

"Hahahaha. Hahahahaha. Don't make me laugh again." The child's voice gradually changed and seemed to be pleading.

After just laughing for a while, people can't stand it anymore. This feeling is not something that ordinary people can bear.

"If you tell the truth, I can consider letting you go. If you insist not to tell me, just enjoy it slowly, you stinky feet." Zhang Yu said, putting the child's feet down, and still fanning the child's nose with his hand. Fan.

"Say it, I say it, hahaha. I say it," the child said with a sad face.

"Isn't this right? Don't toast or eat as a penalty." Zhang Yu bent down and pulled out the silver needle.

"Huh. Huh." The child breathed a sigh of relief, gasped a few times, and said in a tearful voice, "I said."

"Then let's talk." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"But I said, don't leak it. And you may not believe it," the child said.

"Where does all this nonsense come from? You tell me first. After you finish speaking, I will do my own research to see if it is true." Zhang Yu said in a deep voice.

"How should I put it? I. I really don't know the woman named Luo Chen. I just feel a little familiar and a little kind. Plus she is very good to me. I have never felt maternal love in my previous life, so I am very moved unconsciously. ." The child stammered.

"In your last life." Zhang Yu was stunned.

He couldn't help but Fang Tong and Ye Fenghuang were also puzzled.

"I told you, you may not believe it. My real name is Chai Yixiao. I was born during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. I also have a nickname in the world, called Yizhimei." The child said.

"Weird Hero Yizhimei!" Ye Fenghuang couldn't help but say.

"You've heard of me," the child said in surprise.

"I've seen it on TV, and the drama I followed two days ago is called The Stranger Iljimae." Ye Fenghuang said.

"It turns out I still have a roll call." The child curled his lips.

"You said you were from the Ming Dynasty" Zhang Yu was the first to react.

"Yes." said the child.

"Is there any evidence? It's not just nonsense." Zhang Yu asked seriously.

"I told you, you might not believe it." The child said.

"Okay, then tell me, how did you get here? And how did you collude with the Haidao people?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Speaking of it, this is even more weird. In my mind, I died in the Taihang Mountains. As a result, when I opened my eyes, I turned into this child for no reason. I couldn't adapt to this body, and I was so hungry that I couldn't get up. Fortunately, the Haidao people passed by, picked me up, gave me food, and saved my life. After recuperating for a few days, I managed to recover some of my skills, but compared to those years ago, I am definitely not as good as the Haidao people thought. Send me home because he saved my life, so I didn’t hide it from him. He taught me some Taoist methods to help me recover as soon as possible. So I promised him to help him get the treasure here, so I can repay him. Thanks to the life-saving grace, we will go our separate ways from now on," the child said truthfully.

"I became this child inexplicably." Zhang Yu scratched his head after listening to the child's story. The other person claimed to be Yizhimei from the Ming Dynasty. Such words sounded like fantasy, but when the child said this, , really has eyebrows and eyes.

There is another point that cannot be disbelieved. That is the strength shown by this child. Such light skills are obviously only possessed by the Snitch.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu thought of one thing, and that was whether Luo Chen's son drank that amnesia drug.

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