Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1676 The strongest blow

"This" and "he".

The three special operations team members were so frightened that their faces were pale, their bodies were trembling, and their teeth were chattering.

It can be said that they are all the best warriors. Everyone has seen blood and killed people. Even if he is not like the colonel, who crawled out from the dead, he has experienced life and death.

Seeing this scene now, I collapsed immediately. They have never seen this kind of scene.

The armored man raised his hand again and pointed it at a special operations team member.

At this moment, there was a "whoosh" sound, and a rope was shot at the armored man from behind.

Before the armored man could react, the rope was tied around his ankles and wound upwards.

The rope wound quickly, and it reached the armored man's waist in a blink of an eye. When it continued to wind up, the armored man's left hand hurriedly grabbed the rope that was winding up.

If this person were on the other side, it would be impossible to stop the rope from continuing to wind. But the armored man was not an ordinary person after all. He pulled the rope hard with his claws to prevent the Yuxu rope from continuing to wrap up. Not to mention, the Yuxu rope was stretched so tightly by him that he couldn't continue to wrap it upwards.

From this, it is not difficult to see how powerful the armored man must be. In fact, if you think about it, Ye Fenghuang is quite powerful. Even Zhang Yu is not sure of killing Ye Fenghuang. Especially in close combat, Zhang Yu suffered a lot, relying entirely on his divine talismans.

But the armored man's claws were able to penetrate Ye Fenghuang's palm. What kind of power was this?


The armored man cursed, but his right hand reached out to the special forces member first.

The special operations team member seemed to be sucked by a suction cup, and his body involuntarily came to the armored man, and the armored man put his hand on his head.

In less than ten seconds, the special forces member was sucked down to nothing but bones.

The remaining two special forces members hurriedly ran away, but they couldn't escape. The armored man stretched out one hand to one of the special forces members, then opened his mouth and pointed it at the other special forces member.

The two special forces members were sucked in front of him.

"Ah, no."

The tragedy that happened to their two companions just now made the two of them extremely frightened. Thinking that they would soon become like that, they had no choice but to scream in panic.

Zhang Yu was not far behind the armored man. Just now he hugged Fang Tong and hid far away. When he saw that the armored man stopped chasing him, he stopped.

Immediately, he thought of the Yuxu Rope. He was tied tightly, and it was estimated that this armored man was similar.

Sure enough, the Yuxu rope really worked, and he flew out directly and tied up the armored man. But Zhang Yu didn't expect that the armored man had the ability to grab the rope and pull it up.

This made Zhang Yu a little worried. If the armored man kills the two special forces members later, he will definitely try his best to pull the rope open. With the armored man's strength, he might actually be able to pull the rope apart. In this case, he might be able to run out with Fang Tong in his arms, but after that, the people pressed here, whether they died before or not, will definitely die in the future.

Not only that, if the armored man leaves here, it will cause immense chaos, and no one knows how many people will die in his hands.

Zhang Yu was responsible for half of this mess. If he hadn't been curious, he probably wouldn't have been able to get in here even with Ebido's ability.

Zhang Yu frowned and thought about a solution.

If my own lightning methods don't work, what else can I use? The money sword must be in vain, and the fire charm seems unreliable.

There was a "crash", and while Zhang Yu was thinking about it, another special operations team member turned into bones.

The armored man set his target on the last special soldier. In less than ten seconds, there was another "crash" and the special soldier also turned into bones. The armored man did not hesitate and began to pull the rope vigorously, really trying to forcefully pull the Yuxu rope off his leg.

Zhang Yu had been tied up by the Yuxu rope before, and he knew how powerful the rope was. Under this rope, he had almost no power to fight back. Even the black scissors could not cut the Yuxu rope.

Now there is someone who can forcefully pull Yuxu's rope away. What kind of strength does that have? Zhang Yu knew that the armored man had just absorbed the flesh, blood and yang energy of the four special forces members, and his strength must have increased. He must come up with a solution as soon as possible without any delay.


For a moment, Zhang Yu finally thought of an idea.

Without further ado, Zhang Yu quickly took out a blue fire charm from his arms, then picked up the money sword, bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed a mouthful of blood onto the money sword. When the blue fire talisman was drawn upward, the money sword immediately emitted a faint blue light, with a hint of red in the blue light.


Zhang Yu pointed forward with his right hand, and the money sword shot out from his hand, piercing the armored man's back heart.

With a "dang" sound, the money sword pressed against the armored man's back.

"Ahhh." A shrill scream sounded instantly.

The armored man's body kept shaking. The golden armor gradually turned blue, and the blue flames were extremely powerful, belonging to the earth fire in the Samadhi True Fire. Used in conjunction with the Money Sword and the blood spurted out by Zhang Yu, its power can be even more unleashed.

The armored man was obviously in pain. He no longer cared about the rope in his hand and hurriedly grabbed the money sword at his back. But as soon as the claw touched the money sword, it immediately bounced away, and the armored man screamed, "Ah"

At the same time, the loosened Yuxu rope immediately began to wrap around, tying the armored man tightly.

Once his arms were entangled, the armored man couldn't use them no matter how strong he was. A clove of garlic fell under his feet and his whole body fell to the ground.


Blue flames rose up, and the armored man struggled, but couldn't get away. Even rolling on the ground is very difficult.

And this kind of flame cannot be easily extinguished. It was his. If it were an ordinary person, it would probably have been burned to ashes.

"No! Why is this happening? Why is this happening? I am not willing to accept it. I am not willing to accept it."

The armored man kept shouting, his voice was extremely shrill and getting smaller and smaller.


Finally, the armored man was completely burned to the ground.


Zhang Yu took back the jade rope and the money sword.

The money sword did not change much, but the jade rope was obviously damaged under the fire. There were cracks in many places, which made Zhang Yu feel a little distressed.

"Huh?" Suddenly, he suddenly heard something coming from the other side of the coffin, and hurriedly turned his head to look.

However, not even a shadow was seen.

The people in the stone chamber were either dead or buried under rocks. How could there be anyone there?

Zhang Yu looked at Ye Fenghuang, gave her a look, pointed to the coffin, and signaled Ye Fenghuang to go to the left, while he walked to the right, outflanking her twice.

Ye Fenghuang understood immediately, nodded, and the two of them walked towards the coffin together.

The little girl Fang Tong followed Zhang Yu closely, although she was very scared, she also took courage. In his opinion, it is safest to stay with Zhang Yu. With this man here, nothing will happen to me.

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