Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1663 Kirin Smoke

In the courtyard of Tangniutun.

The colonel and others were all staring at the surveillance camera in the wing room. On the screen, three people wearing white robes and white king masks appeared.

As soon as he saw this, the man immediately pointed at the screen and shouted: "Colonel, why did three Jade Kings appear this time?"

The colonel's face looked very solemn. When the man finished speaking, he paused for three seconds and then walked directly outside.

As he walked, he waved forward and said seriously: "Let's go!"

"Yes!" Everyone in the room agreed almost at the same time.

They immediately followed the colonel and walked out together. At this moment, their faces showed a look of solemnity, and it was not difficult to see the importance of this task in their hearts. Especially the location of this battle is also unusual.

In the main hall of the ancient tomb, time passed little by little, and the four Jade Heavenly Kings and others standing at the door of the cave had been waiting.


The middle-aged Jade King suddenly took out a whistle and blew three times.

After the voice settled down, the rats in the hall seemed to be infected by something, especially there were more than 20 extremely large rats among them, which seemed to be half a meter long. They quickly gathered towards the middle-aged Jade King, and the other rats followed the more than twenty big rats in an orderly manner, like a guard.

It's just this formation that makes most people tremble when they see it. If there are so many rats rushing towards something, no one can stop them.


After a minute, the rats in the palace gathered neatly, but none of the rats that had just gone down came up.

The middle-aged Jade King blew his whistle twice, and the gathered rats began to disperse in an instant. Under the leadership of the more than 20 big rats, they each found a place to rest.

"They didn't even come up. I'm afraid they are in danger." The middle-aged Jade King said.

It turned out that the reason he blew the whistle to gather the mice just now was to order all the mice who had gone down before to come up. The result made him very disappointed, not even a single mouse came back.

"What is it like down here? Why can't even a mouse come back?" the female Jade King said in astonishment.

You must know that rats are very vigilant. If they see their companion die, they will not attack in a group and help him take revenge. Instead, they will run away.

After all, a mouse is a mouse, not a wolf.

The middle-aged Jade King took a deep breath, hesitated, and said, "Let's go down and have a look!"

After saying that, he walked down first.

The other three Jade Heavenly Kings and children followed closely behind, but the men were obviously a little timid.

The middle-aged Jade King turned his head and glanced at them, and the men all looked panicked.

"What's there to be afraid of? I'll go down in person. Leave five people to guard the top, and the others will go down with me. After completing this vote, each person will get at least five million!" The middle-aged Jade King Said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" "Yes!" Seeing him say this, the men didn't dare to say anything, and they all nodded.

In fact, there are not many of them, only a dozen in total. Five of them are left on top, and the rest go down. In comparison, in the eyes of many people, it seems that it is more dangerous to stay up there.

You know, if you continue to follow, at least you will have the King of Heaven to support you. If they stay here, they will be surrounded by rats. God knows if these rats will attack them when the King of Heaven is not around.

For a time, people who asked to go down were rushing to get there. The middle-aged Jade King randomly selected five people to stay and led the others downstairs.

They used strong flashlights and walked down the steps, seeing everything very clearly.

As far as the eye can see, there is not a single mouse that came down before, nor the bodies of the two men who came down before.

Gradually, there were only a few steps left, and with the help of a strong flashlight, I could see the outline below.

Looking at the nine pillars, in addition to that, you can see rat corpses scattered everywhere, and I don't know how they died. Under a pillar, two bodies lay.

"It's Awang and Ade!" A man pointed at the corpses and said.

"How did they die?" the middle-aged Jade King muttered, even more cautiously.

Everyone went down very slowly, and when they finished walking up the steps, they suddenly smelled the fragrance of talking.

The scent was very strange, because they didn't smell it when they were on the steps before, and they didn't smell it until they came down the steps.

"What does it smell like? It smells so good." The female Jade King whispered.

"The fragrance of sulfur and chlorine." The middle-aged Jade King muttered softly, as if he could smell something contained in this fragrance.

"No!" He shouted suddenly, "It's Qilin Yan, go back quickly."

After saying this, he immediately stepped back.

However, after he finally finished speaking, the four men standing next to him swayed and fell to the ground.

Everyone seemed not to care about them at all, and hurriedly fled up the steps. Once they returned to the steps, they could no longer smell the fragrance. It was really evil.

Even so, the man following behind continued to run up. Ye Fenghuang, who was being held in custody, was okay. Even though he was shackled and handcuffed, he could still walk. Girl Fang was a little miserable. In panic, she was pushed back by the fleeing man, staggered and fell on the steps.

Of course, even if he escapes, he can't leave her as a hostage now.

Qiu Jianyue came over, pulled her up, and said coldly: "Hurry up and go up."

Everyone hurried up the stairs, and the five men waiting above couldn't help but feel a little puzzled when they saw the bosses coming back so soon. But they soon discovered that there seemed to be four missing, and their hearts were pounding.

The four Jade Heavenly Kings stood firm, and the female Jade Heavenly King said, "You just said it was Qilin Smoke, what is that?"

"Kirin smoke is a poisonous smoke used in ancient wars. It contains chlorine and sulfur. When these two things are combined, they are highly toxic. In addition, the incense is a bit weird." The middle-aged Jade King said.

Qiu Jianyue rubbed his head and said: "This smoke is so powerful. I smell a little bit and my head becomes blurry. I'm afraid Zhang Yu and the others may have been poisoned to death because they don't understand. What should we do now? This Is there any antidote for Kirin Smoke?"

"Yes! And it's very simple!" The middle-aged Jade King said firmly: "It's just urine."

"Huh?" Everyone was shocked.

"Ah what? Isn't it just a matter of peeing? You should take care of it yourself and then go down." Jade Heavenly King said seriously.

"Yes Yes.".

Although everyone agreed, they still felt quite embarrassed. After thinking about it, it was actually not a big deal.

The only frustration was that there was no urine for the time being. Fortunately, they brought water. They drank more water and finally suppressed the urine, and then solved the problem on their own.

Girl Fang is too embarrassed to do this, she would rather die. Fortunately, in the opinion of King Jade and others, Zhang Yu would most likely die down there, and it would be useless to take her and Ye Fenghuang as hostages down there. So he left the two girls above, under the care of five men.

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